this image contains text
lsts first picture
dox!productions information form of 05/06 pack
the lhleam is dead, a moment of silence.
well, I must say this months urban chaos pack was very big well, .. as far
as ANSI goes that is.. flood chef was the main contributor this pack.
i would like to welcome him to doxs senior spot this guy got skills!
also aja! added some really nice vgas and tank guest member did some really
nice rip. Overall, the pack came off great.
web site! rules. http://dox.home.ml.org
in invite everyone to check out the new dox homepage. written by tuna it
is quite possibly one of the best things I have ever seen on the net
send all questions/comments about that page direct to tuna@geocities.com
new email address
if any of you have requested ansi of me and didnt great a reply within
the last month, I am sorry. my mail server Shangri-La has gown under.
please direct all mail to soultrader@geocities.com thanks.
new members!@
dox!productions packs have always been small due to a lack of members.
ox is currently looking for 1-2 new coders, that can help write the doxapp
its current coder lynx left dox last month. dox is also ALWAYES
looking for ansi/ascii/vga/lit and rip members. so feel free to apply.
chat log?. ap . aphasic st . soul trader
why is that all the groups have like 100 pages of chat.log?.. well FUCK
we can do that also!. ahhaha
------------------------------------------start chat.log------------------------st ,...
ap hey
st hey.
ap Haha..I hit a instead of z for validation level...SO it said you had like
ap -3483458345 time ..and hung up...anana
st how did you hex that last message line?
ap the message header thing?
st yes. when eading messages
ap yah..Im phat I know
st hehe..
ap uhmm...It took a lot of hexing/trial and error
ap It didnt take a lot of adding shit..More like a lot of taking out
st holodon
st . nah man, .. its ok.. i am not really in the mood to do much of anything
st right now, i am having a black day.
ap agh,,,,whaddayamean?
st shitt.y. d
st dono.. its just been a bad day over here.. i just wanna draw untill my mom
st comes and gets me.
ap haha..yah..
ap anyway..Too bad you didnt get to see the file menu..I made a phat lightbar
ap new filescan thingy...
ap and I have like 200+ files art/mods
st thats great man.. your board can be like a sister board to uc.
ap haha...yah..I gues
st alrigh man,.. take it easy.
ap Thats sorta like my motto..
ap yesterday I was thinking..I need A motto..and this is my motto:
ap Mellow...Be mellow hahah
st i also use its all good..
ap yup...It sortof like...
ap I dunoo..
st hhe.... yeah!...
ap its all good...Its like..hey!
ap Dont woory..its all okay..youknow?
ap Its allgood!
st .. i tend to think like that.. wheni am in a good mood.. but man,. things
st are so bad.. the world is going to hell man.. i have but 1 1/2 more years inst it.. and thats it.. but thinks keep getting worse.. i dont know what to do.
ap hmm....Yesterdayor was it today? I was in 1st period...and my english
ap teacher was being a Major bitch!
ap she said like dont get an attitude w/ me or you can go to the office and
ap then straight home I was about to just get up and leave..and never come
ap back...But...you knwo..I dont have the balls for that shit
st .. . humm. i never get in trouble at school. i hardly ever talk Ha! .. my
ap worries are about the people that leave with me / the society in general.
ap thats why i am in such a bad mood now.
ap the people that leave with you?
st .. family
ap ohh...okay..yah...You watch the simpsons?
st today?
ap no anytime
st yes... i am a phyco simpsons watcher
ap hehe..you know ned flanders?
st hi-d-le-ho neighbor
ap yup..thats my dad..To a mother fucking T..thats my dad!
st .. hehe..
ap the rest of my family too...God...I must be the only guy in the world with
ap OVERfunctional family..It sucks dick!
st .. wow. i gotcha man.. that is crazy. ..
ap but Hey..Its all good right?
st .. right now?.. i guess its all good. .. ehhe.. ask me tomorrow, i say its
st all good.
ap haha...Thats why I do ritalin...
st . ah!.. i heard that shit fuckes you up
ap really?
st donnat know.. i heard it makes you jittery as hell,.. .
ap awww yeah!
ap Its like super sonic time!
ap hahha..No but when Im on ritalin...its like..Im soo fucking happy about
ap everything!
ap You know that Lit I wrote? coming down?
st yes
ap I wrote that when I was at phobs house coming off of ritalin..Cause Its so
ap shitty...feelling so depressed after being so fucking happy
ap man.. thats what i hate about drugs.. its.. they give you a good high ..
ap but its the comming down, and the wanting of more.. .. humm.. i dont mess
ap with that shit.
ap yah..you done smack?
st define smack new slang term
ap heroien
st no
ap agh...
st .. humm, i havent done shit. just pot
ap yah...I just take anything now..Just for like..if I want to feel this
ap way..today..I do this..If I want to feel that way I do this..I take a lot
ap of shit..to alter my mood
st the one power a human smart one should have is the power to control his
st moods. i might take drugs in the future,. . but i will never take them to
st excape reality. i can do that myself.
ap haha...yah..I know what youre saying..
ap do you meditate?
st no
ap I used to....
st thats cool. my mom does that shit,.. she isnt human.
ap ahahha...Neither are my parents..
st neither am i
ap ah...none of us are..
ap define a human/normal human...
ap you cant...there isnt one..were all fucked in the head
st can i use this in the lhleam pack?
ap what this chat log?
st yes
ap I dont give a shit
st .. haha.. ok.. .. umm.. hah.
st better not ask me to define a human. . because i can. my sister is a human.
ap yah..hey..You know fruit?
st .. yes, .. but not personally
ap I know..haha..He wrote this story..its funny as shit..
ap agh..I got to type iit up so you can read it for yourself...agh..Its funny
ap a mug on a ..I dunno..Its funny
st .. iet man,.. .. its time for me to jet, .. my mom will be hear soon.. and
st need to great ready
ap yah..Me too..I got school tommorowugh!
st hehe.. alright man,.. later
ap later
st /q
------------------------------------end chat.log--------------------------------
end dox!productions information pack. wow. didnt that suck?
i77 lines right here baby!.
dox!productions information form of 05/06 pack
the lhleam is dead, a moment of silence.
well, I must say this months urban chaos pack was very big well, .. as far
as ANSI goes that is.. flood chef was the main contributor this pack.
i would like to welcome him to doxs senior spot this guy got skills!
also aja! added some really nice vgas and tank guest member did some really
nice rip. Overall, the pack came off great.
web site! rules. http://dox.home.ml.org
in invite everyone to check out the new dox homepage. written by tuna it
is quite possibly one of the best things I have ever seen on the net
send all questions/comments about that page direct to tuna@geocities.com
new email address
if any of you have requested ansi of me and didnt great a reply within
the last month, I am sorry. my mail server Shangri-La has gown under.
please direct all mail to soultrader@geocities.com thanks.
new members!@
dox!productions packs have always been small due to a lack of members.
ox is currently looking for 1-2 new coders, that can help write the doxapp
its current coder lynx left dox last month. dox is also ALWAYES
looking for ansi/ascii/vga/lit and rip members. so feel free to apply.
chat log?. ap . aphasic st . soul trader
why is that all the groups have like 100 pages of chat.log?.. well FUCK
we can do that also!. ahhaha
------------------------------------------start chat.log------------------------st ,...
ap hey
st hey.
ap Haha..I hit a instead of z for validation level...SO it said you had like
ap -3483458345 time ..and hung up...anana
st how did you hex that last message line?
ap the message header thing?
st yes. when eading messages
ap yah..Im phat I know
st hehe..
ap uhmm...It took a lot of hexing/trial and error
ap It didnt take a lot of adding shit..More like a lot of taking out
st holodon
st . nah man, .. its ok.. i am not really in the mood to do much of anything
st right now, i am having a black day.
ap agh,,,,whaddayamean?
st shitt.y. d
st dono.. its just been a bad day over here.. i just wanna draw untill my mom
st comes and gets me.
ap haha..yah..
ap anyway..Too bad you didnt get to see the file menu..I made a phat lightbar
ap new filescan thingy...
ap and I have like 200+ files art/mods
st thats great man.. your board can be like a sister board to uc.
ap haha...yah..I gues
st alrigh man,.. take it easy.
ap Thats sorta like my motto..
ap yesterday I was thinking..I need A motto..and this is my motto:
ap Mellow...Be mellow hahah
st i also use its all good..
ap yup...It sortof like...
ap I dunoo..
st hhe.... yeah!...
ap its all good...Its like..hey!
ap Dont woory..its all okay..youknow?
ap Its allgood!
st .. i tend to think like that.. wheni am in a good mood.. but man,. things
st are so bad.. the world is going to hell man.. i have but 1 1/2 more years inst it.. and thats it.. but thinks keep getting worse.. i dont know what to do.
ap hmm....Yesterdayor was it today? I was in 1st period...and my english
ap teacher was being a Major bitch!
ap she said like dont get an attitude w/ me or you can go to the office and
ap then straight home I was about to just get up and leave..and never come
ap back...But...you knwo..I dont have the balls for that shit
st .. . humm. i never get in trouble at school. i hardly ever talk Ha! .. my
ap worries are about the people that leave with me / the society in general.
ap thats why i am in such a bad mood now.
ap the people that leave with you?
st .. family
ap ohh...okay..yah...You watch the simpsons?
st today?
ap no anytime
st yes... i am a phyco simpsons watcher
ap hehe..you know ned flanders?
st hi-d-le-ho neighbor
ap yup..thats my dad..To a mother fucking T..thats my dad!
st .. hehe..
ap the rest of my family too...God...I must be the only guy in the world with
ap OVERfunctional family..It sucks dick!
st .. wow. i gotcha man.. that is crazy. ..
ap but Hey..Its all good right?
st .. right now?.. i guess its all good. .. ehhe.. ask me tomorrow, i say its
st all good.
ap haha...Thats why I do ritalin...
st . ah!.. i heard that shit fuckes you up
ap really?
st donnat know.. i heard it makes you jittery as hell,.. .
ap awww yeah!
ap Its like super sonic time!
ap hahha..No but when Im on ritalin...its like..Im soo fucking happy about
ap everything!
ap You know that Lit I wrote? coming down?
st yes
ap I wrote that when I was at phobs house coming off of ritalin..Cause Its so
ap shitty...feelling so depressed after being so fucking happy
ap man.. thats what i hate about drugs.. its.. they give you a good high ..
ap but its the comming down, and the wanting of more.. .. humm.. i dont mess
ap with that shit.
ap yah..you done smack?
st define smack new slang term
ap heroien
st no
ap agh...
st .. humm, i havent done shit. just pot
ap yah...I just take anything now..Just for like..if I want to feel this
ap way..today..I do this..If I want to feel that way I do this..I take a lot
ap of shit..to alter my mood
st the one power a human smart one should have is the power to control his
st moods. i might take drugs in the future,. . but i will never take them to
st excape reality. i can do that myself.
ap haha...yah..I know what youre saying..
ap do you meditate?
st no
ap I used to....
st thats cool. my mom does that shit,.. she isnt human.
ap ahahha...Neither are my parents..
st neither am i
ap ah...none of us are..
ap define a human/normal human...
ap you cant...there isnt one..were all fucked in the head
st can i use this in the lhleam pack?
ap what this chat log?
st yes
ap I dont give a shit
st .. haha.. ok.. .. umm.. hah.
st better not ask me to define a human. . because i can. my sister is a human.
ap yah..hey..You know fruit?
st .. yes, .. but not personally
ap I know..haha..He wrote this story..its funny as shit..
ap agh..I got to type iit up so you can read it for yourself...agh..Its funny
ap a mug on a ..I dunno..Its funny
st .. iet man,.. .. its time for me to jet, .. my mom will be hear soon.. and
st need to great ready
ap yah..Me too..I got school tommorowugh!
st hehe.. alright man,.. later
ap later
st /q
------------------------------------end chat.log--------------------------------
end dox!productions information pack. wow. didnt that suck?
i77 lines right here baby!.
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