![[none] by war](/pack/dox_07/x1/WR-THINK.ANS.png)
this image contains text
MY theory, This is what I have to say about
is Microsoft...
below! REAL programmers dont use windows.
REAL programmers do not create operating
read systems that will suck up ALL available
it! memory, slow down operations, and
screw up your system simply to make it
look pretty... The one
OS I warship, was BOUGHT by
Microsoft, not created.
There is no need for war
animated icons, face it.
NOTE: This is MY opinions, thoughts, etc. Anything in this article may be
completely wrong, and may kill you, and Im not responsible...
Acording to my thoughts, the ONLY good aspect of windows is multitasking,
but just think of how much more powerful a multitasking DOS would have been.
If you want to get fancy, make a better DOSSHELL...keep it in textmode.
some thoughts:
1. memory
The way I figure it, is that lets say youre running windows with a
640x480x256 graphics mode. Each time a new window pops up, it saves the
area below it. Lets assume you maximized it so its the entire screen.
640 * 480 307200 Thats 307,200 307+ KBs that windows has to some how
store. now, if you ask me, swapping to disk would be a better idea, or
at least at the time, since memory was rare and expensive. Lets say you
opened 50 windows... 15,360,000 over 15MBs??? Now lets look at the text
mode version. Lets assume its in 80x25 textmode note: each char takes 1
word 2 bytes because it stores character attribute 80 * 25 * 2 4000.
4000 bytes is just under 4KBs. 50 of these windows would make 200,000 or
just under 200KBs...compared to 15MBs I think my point is made. see 4
about storage for that mem...its probably in that swap file!
2. compatability
If Win 3.x ran FROM DOS, why did they make DOS run from Win 95? ...bad idea.
In this age, most programmers are skilled at DOS programming. For example
minipulating video modes, etc. will screw up while windows is running... WHY?? What the h*** did they do to make it like that? ...and why? As I hear,
DOS programs that are written to get the most out of your hardware simply
dont work under Windows... hmmm... is it a plot against DOS programmers?
The point is: WHY ISNT DOS WINDOWS COMPATABLE???? What the f*** were
they thinking? Windows is like an operating system for dumb people, you
know to get more people using them, but why would *I* want to use windows?
3. mouse
Why use the mouse? I can type WAY faster than I can grab ahold of this
obscure thing and double click.
4. uninstall
What could you possibly need a 20 meg permanent swap file for? And why do
they hide it from you??? This just makes it so when you pull a DELTREE
WINDOWS they get revenge by still hogging your hd space. Why hide it?
Why make it permanent??? Which brings me to my point...WHY ISNT THERE
AN UNINSTALL option? I have seen an uninstaller for Windows sold in
stores... its logo: The ONLY safe way to uninstall Windows ...whats
that tell you?
5. 2 mixed gripes about win95
Installing Windows 95? ...well, why not reformat your hard drive well your
at it? ...why? --because they dont like you.
longfilenamesinwindows95? no point... as if you couldnt get enough
filenames out of the old 1211 characters... again, this goes back to
the compatability
6. extended chars
What is with the character set??? No block-type chars, or those line
ones.. , etc PERFECT for screwing up Windows based terminals
with ANSI.
7. games?
Why is it that great games for DOS require poor 486s, but the SAME type of
game no better for Windows requires Pent 166s w/ 64Meg???
other thoughts:
1. why multitask anyway?
If thou must multitask, get multiple computers. If you are doing 2 things
at once, do you often mess up? ...do you go slower than if you did one and
then the other? ...YES, YES, YES! The same holds true for multitasking
or at least the speed part
2. memory costs
I beleive that the reason memory is getting cheaper is because Miscrosoft
made their programs suck up memory, and you need more memory to run them.
Rather than realizing they suck, the general public will dopay anything
for their easy to use clicky clicky user interface. BUT no one could
really aford 64megs at over 250 bucks for 1 4meg simm... So companies got
together and lowered prices to make it so you CAN buy more mem. but it
would still be cheaper to TOTALLY forget about those special programs...
3. Windows for Dummies
Yes, youre right, ALL 100 microsoft apps ARE FOR DUMMIES...
4. new kind of windows... yeah, right!
Ok, this is the 90s... operating systems should be in a virtual reality
envionment... I mean, Id love to just walk up to a big window and jump
through the glass ...do you realize that if you have a VR OS like that,
it would suck WAY MORE THAN WIN??? Its not for me......
other other thoughts
not concerning microsoft or wins
1. quicken?
If you need a program for your business, try quicken... h**l no, if you need
an app. for your use, PROGRAM IT YOURSELF.
2. borland
Ok, I can understand their release of TP7 for DOS have just 286 instructions
for the inline asm, but take note: its been well over 5 years since that
release... do they think EVERYONE switched to C++ or is it that DOS no
longer exists?
3. no, i dont care
Wondering why I am trashing a ton of big companies for your entertainment?
...its fun! Besides, maybe someday someone will hear my words and try
to make a difference.
4. demo scene..
The best demo group ever, the Future Crew, are too good for the public now...
No more demos for us to see... But tell me, what have they really done
after they stopped making demos? ...vowed to make a game at least 10 times?
5. art scene..
Ok, different styles are good, but oldschool has to be my favorite... and
when it comes to making fonts, f***ing with the outline may make it look
better, but lets try something that really takes artistic talent..
6. shareware?
The way I figure it, if youre going to release a shareware version, your
program BETTER be the absolute BEST... if there is even 1 a little better,
forget about people ording the full ver. ...besides, if one person orders,
realize that the whole country will have the full version...
7. copyrights..
Ok, just to let you know... a c in parentheses like: c does NOT mean
anything at all. It would NOT stand in court unless it had a complete circle
around the c, or was accompanied by Copyright or Copyr....
8. my carreer
Im going to be a comp. programmer when I grow up... what do I need to
learn Shackspear for... or spelling for that matter... the way I figure
it, I can spell the biggest words I need: procedure, function, assembler,
and implementation.. And what about history? Does it really repeat
its self...yes...and you CANT STOP IT...so forget it!
Well, this concludes my pointless rambling, so pass my knowledge along!
is Microsoft...
below! REAL programmers dont use windows.
REAL programmers do not create operating
read systems that will suck up ALL available
it! memory, slow down operations, and
screw up your system simply to make it
look pretty... The one
OS I warship, was BOUGHT by
Microsoft, not created.
There is no need for war
animated icons, face it.
NOTE: This is MY opinions, thoughts, etc. Anything in this article may be
completely wrong, and may kill you, and Im not responsible...
Acording to my thoughts, the ONLY good aspect of windows is multitasking,
but just think of how much more powerful a multitasking DOS would have been.
If you want to get fancy, make a better DOSSHELL...keep it in textmode.
some thoughts:
1. memory
The way I figure it, is that lets say youre running windows with a
640x480x256 graphics mode. Each time a new window pops up, it saves the
area below it. Lets assume you maximized it so its the entire screen.
640 * 480 307200 Thats 307,200 307+ KBs that windows has to some how
store. now, if you ask me, swapping to disk would be a better idea, or
at least at the time, since memory was rare and expensive. Lets say you
opened 50 windows... 15,360,000 over 15MBs??? Now lets look at the text
mode version. Lets assume its in 80x25 textmode note: each char takes 1
word 2 bytes because it stores character attribute 80 * 25 * 2 4000.
4000 bytes is just under 4KBs. 50 of these windows would make 200,000 or
just under 200KBs...compared to 15MBs I think my point is made. see 4
about storage for that mem...its probably in that swap file!
2. compatability
If Win 3.x ran FROM DOS, why did they make DOS run from Win 95? ...bad idea.
In this age, most programmers are skilled at DOS programming. For example
minipulating video modes, etc. will screw up while windows is running... WHY?? What the h*** did they do to make it like that? ...and why? As I hear,
DOS programs that are written to get the most out of your hardware simply
dont work under Windows... hmmm... is it a plot against DOS programmers?
The point is: WHY ISNT DOS WINDOWS COMPATABLE???? What the f*** were
they thinking? Windows is like an operating system for dumb people, you
know to get more people using them, but why would *I* want to use windows?
3. mouse
Why use the mouse? I can type WAY faster than I can grab ahold of this
obscure thing and double click.
4. uninstall
What could you possibly need a 20 meg permanent swap file for? And why do
they hide it from you??? This just makes it so when you pull a DELTREE
WINDOWS they get revenge by still hogging your hd space. Why hide it?
Why make it permanent??? Which brings me to my point...WHY ISNT THERE
AN UNINSTALL option? I have seen an uninstaller for Windows sold in
stores... its logo: The ONLY safe way to uninstall Windows ...whats
that tell you?
5. 2 mixed gripes about win95
Installing Windows 95? ...well, why not reformat your hard drive well your
at it? ...why? --because they dont like you.
longfilenamesinwindows95? no point... as if you couldnt get enough
filenames out of the old 1211 characters... again, this goes back to
the compatability
6. extended chars
What is with the character set??? No block-type chars, or those line
ones.. , etc PERFECT for screwing up Windows based terminals
with ANSI.
7. games?
Why is it that great games for DOS require poor 486s, but the SAME type of
game no better for Windows requires Pent 166s w/ 64Meg???
other thoughts:
1. why multitask anyway?
If thou must multitask, get multiple computers. If you are doing 2 things
at once, do you often mess up? ...do you go slower than if you did one and
then the other? ...YES, YES, YES! The same holds true for multitasking
or at least the speed part
2. memory costs
I beleive that the reason memory is getting cheaper is because Miscrosoft
made their programs suck up memory, and you need more memory to run them.
Rather than realizing they suck, the general public will dopay anything
for their easy to use clicky clicky user interface. BUT no one could
really aford 64megs at over 250 bucks for 1 4meg simm... So companies got
together and lowered prices to make it so you CAN buy more mem. but it
would still be cheaper to TOTALLY forget about those special programs...
3. Windows for Dummies
Yes, youre right, ALL 100 microsoft apps ARE FOR DUMMIES...
4. new kind of windows... yeah, right!
Ok, this is the 90s... operating systems should be in a virtual reality
envionment... I mean, Id love to just walk up to a big window and jump
through the glass ...do you realize that if you have a VR OS like that,
it would suck WAY MORE THAN WIN??? Its not for me......
other other thoughts
not concerning microsoft or wins
1. quicken?
If you need a program for your business, try quicken... h**l no, if you need
an app. for your use, PROGRAM IT YOURSELF.
2. borland
Ok, I can understand their release of TP7 for DOS have just 286 instructions
for the inline asm, but take note: its been well over 5 years since that
release... do they think EVERYONE switched to C++ or is it that DOS no
longer exists?
3. no, i dont care
Wondering why I am trashing a ton of big companies for your entertainment?
...its fun! Besides, maybe someday someone will hear my words and try
to make a difference.
4. demo scene..
The best demo group ever, the Future Crew, are too good for the public now...
No more demos for us to see... But tell me, what have they really done
after they stopped making demos? ...vowed to make a game at least 10 times?
5. art scene..
Ok, different styles are good, but oldschool has to be my favorite... and
when it comes to making fonts, f***ing with the outline may make it look
better, but lets try something that really takes artistic talent..
6. shareware?
The way I figure it, if youre going to release a shareware version, your
program BETTER be the absolute BEST... if there is even 1 a little better,
forget about people ording the full ver. ...besides, if one person orders,
realize that the whole country will have the full version...
7. copyrights..
Ok, just to let you know... a c in parentheses like: c does NOT mean
anything at all. It would NOT stand in court unless it had a complete circle
around the c, or was accompanied by Copyright or Copyr....
8. my carreer
Im going to be a comp. programmer when I grow up... what do I need to
learn Shackspear for... or spelling for that matter... the way I figure
it, I can spell the biggest words I need: procedure, function, assembler,
and implementation.. And what about history? Does it really repeat
its self...yes...and you CANT STOP IT...so forget it!
Well, this concludes my pointless rambling, so pass my knowledge along!
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