this image contains text
hmm.nice font.but you try one in
two seconds yah monkey cracker!!
wOw! This is the latest and unique new file that dOx! will include with our packa list of fun words which have been or just recenly entered the so- called scenesome words are suggestions,others are great for board names , some are offensiveand some are extremely elite :.
what yOu can dO.
if you dont see an elite whord on the list please email narcoman@tough.com orany other member of dOx! for that matter, and tell us about your word and how itis used. We would apreciate suggestions and gladly add any one of them.
eliteness meter.
the eliteness : meter is rather simple. We grade the whord! on the scale of oneto ten. Where one is very UNelite and ten being the superdupahelite word. If youcan come up with better idea e-mail me.
pecalia - a very brown substance which usually occurs inside of a
digestive sys, and then while passing through your rectum
slowly crawls out of uranus
elite meter give it- 8 elite points , sweet
example: please eat my fecalia!
poop - absolutely the same as above,except it has stronger effect since
most twelve year old warez dudes comprehend it :
elite meter says- 6 eliteness points, its okay
eat poop looserface!
poopieface - a person who posses a facial grimace of a turd . Rather unpleasant
elite meter shows- 7 eliteness points, its smart
you are trully a poopieface bastard...
shyt - a very stupid word made up by a poopieface person which is suppose
to stand for shit but in fact as you may have realized already
means nothing.it only shows your .0004 iq average.dont use it.
elite meter gives- 0 points, its gay,very,very,gay
nEgrOe - note the spelling,if the correct procedure for spelling is followed this word can be used to describe a very awesome and cool black guy or even a white dude for that matter.
elite boy says- 9 points on horizon, great achievement
nEgrOe, your asciis are skilled like shit!
whittee - a really nerdish white person who acts like a complete dork and a
faggot.white people can use this word freely too.njoy:.
elitenes measure- 6 points, its fine with us
shut up whitee!
haze - a name tag you give too a person who doesnt know what the fuck he
is doing and acts as if he knows his stuff.claims to be elite and
be very good at ansi drawing.Hides withing his fake personallity
and enjoys his gayness ones NO CARRIER appears on the screen.
elitenes meter throws up- 10 points, superelite
you know what?you are a Haze!
duMb sHit.
d00d - hacker lingo!. they use this to show how k-rad they were
i kill these people. thanks.
elitenes meter dies- 0 points, idiot
thats a lot of cash d00d
k-rad - another one of these words created by a gay-overlord with a
.03 iq level.
elitenes meter is dead- 1 point, just kill me now
shut up, your not k-rad
kewl - this word is another one of those old words. it comes from a time
when trading warez was a big thing. and stupid warezjunkkies
that it cool to replace cool with kewl
elitenes meter bites the big one- 0 points, dumbfuck
i am a kewl guy
lamer - this word is really old and cheezy.most people who use this word
are usually really old, rather dumb, fake and retarded.Lamer stands for a person who is haze and doesnt prove his claimed elite
eliteness meter says- 0 points, please dont use it
you stupid,perverted,malnuntritioned,homosexual lamer!
elite - used in the context of this file, a really stupid word! i hate it started by 10 year old warez junkies and passed along through
the dumb h/p/a/c/c croud. everyone who uses this word. is gay
eliteness meter r.i.p- -1 points, god damn! your gay
shut up, your not elite!
please deposit more words by contacting narcoman@tough.com
..please verb noun you adj noun...
great template for finishing the message
elite meter - 7
example: please buy dildos you unelite faggot
..obtain a noun and proceed to verb as soon as possible...
great template to tell a person to do something elite :
elite meter - 8
example: obtain a vaginamatic and proceed to use as soon as possible
..haha your noun is of a size of a noun...
super smart template 2000 for putting loosers down
elite meter - 4
example: your organ is of a size of a pinky finger!
..you poses an noun of a noun...
good template to tell a looser what he truly is
elite meter - 2
example:you poses an IQ of a communist
please deposit more words by contacting dOx! members
bOard names.
u.486 - great for a small medicine related bbs abortion pill
enisina - ultimate name for adult board
obot - smart name for a bbs which has internet connection
litoris - the name for bbs with good and pleasurable users
irty negroe factory - bbs relted to ansi and other art forms
resh prince - must be a ghetto bbs
ickle - great for art/messages/misc files
he rear - multinode board with warez
ania - you think of this one :
ltrafever - arcade, video games board
ank - superawesome art and message board with druggee users
elemate Mini-Host Ver 2.4 - g-a-y
CC Jewish Community Center - community related bbs name
ixed Class - multinational chat bbs
verflow - overdose, warez... more warez
arezmania - great choice for warez begginers, try it for 30 days
ubricate - no comment
l hospic - el espanol name for bato loco boards
weat shop - must be located somewhere in Latin America
eastiality - sysops and users must love animals
suggest more, email dOx! or directly me at narcoman@tough.com
cOol aliaSes.
ord of masturbation lobotronic na-usea
eukoplakia dr.mengele carson
ar doctor of biology african american
abaz mr.belvidier caucasian jap
c.900 will smith peniclit
ins-nip prisOner bOy leeps
ipp piggirl lord of intervention
lask snutous siemen19
iosko kielbasa playa01
obo ze club pendejo
obo pornotros los dickOs
guess this is it, but if you want more please contact us. -narcomanicus
two seconds yah monkey cracker!!
wOw! This is the latest and unique new file that dOx! will include with our packa list of fun words which have been or just recenly entered the so- called scenesome words are suggestions,others are great for board names , some are offensiveand some are extremely elite :.
what yOu can dO.
if you dont see an elite whord on the list please email narcoman@tough.com orany other member of dOx! for that matter, and tell us about your word and how itis used. We would apreciate suggestions and gladly add any one of them.
eliteness meter.
the eliteness : meter is rather simple. We grade the whord! on the scale of oneto ten. Where one is very UNelite and ten being the superdupahelite word. If youcan come up with better idea e-mail me.
pecalia - a very brown substance which usually occurs inside of a
digestive sys, and then while passing through your rectum
slowly crawls out of uranus
elite meter give it- 8 elite points , sweet
example: please eat my fecalia!
poop - absolutely the same as above,except it has stronger effect since
most twelve year old warez dudes comprehend it :
elite meter says- 6 eliteness points, its okay
eat poop looserface!
poopieface - a person who posses a facial grimace of a turd . Rather unpleasant
elite meter shows- 7 eliteness points, its smart
you are trully a poopieface bastard...
shyt - a very stupid word made up by a poopieface person which is suppose
to stand for shit but in fact as you may have realized already
means nothing.it only shows your .0004 iq average.dont use it.
elite meter gives- 0 points, its gay,very,very,gay
nEgrOe - note the spelling,if the correct procedure for spelling is followed this word can be used to describe a very awesome and cool black guy or even a white dude for that matter.
elite boy says- 9 points on horizon, great achievement
nEgrOe, your asciis are skilled like shit!
whittee - a really nerdish white person who acts like a complete dork and a
faggot.white people can use this word freely too.njoy:.
elitenes measure- 6 points, its fine with us
shut up whitee!
haze - a name tag you give too a person who doesnt know what the fuck he
is doing and acts as if he knows his stuff.claims to be elite and
be very good at ansi drawing.Hides withing his fake personallity
and enjoys his gayness ones NO CARRIER appears on the screen.
elitenes meter throws up- 10 points, superelite
you know what?you are a Haze!
duMb sHit.
d00d - hacker lingo!. they use this to show how k-rad they were
i kill these people. thanks.
elitenes meter dies- 0 points, idiot
thats a lot of cash d00d
k-rad - another one of these words created by a gay-overlord with a
.03 iq level.
elitenes meter is dead- 1 point, just kill me now
shut up, your not k-rad
kewl - this word is another one of those old words. it comes from a time
when trading warez was a big thing. and stupid warezjunkkies
that it cool to replace cool with kewl
elitenes meter bites the big one- 0 points, dumbfuck
i am a kewl guy
lamer - this word is really old and cheezy.most people who use this word
are usually really old, rather dumb, fake and retarded.Lamer stands for a person who is haze and doesnt prove his claimed elite
eliteness meter says- 0 points, please dont use it
you stupid,perverted,malnuntritioned,homosexual lamer!
elite - used in the context of this file, a really stupid word! i hate it started by 10 year old warez junkies and passed along through
the dumb h/p/a/c/c croud. everyone who uses this word. is gay
eliteness meter r.i.p- -1 points, god damn! your gay
shut up, your not elite!
please deposit more words by contacting narcoman@tough.com
..please verb noun you adj noun...
great template for finishing the message
elite meter - 7
example: please buy dildos you unelite faggot
..obtain a noun and proceed to verb as soon as possible...
great template to tell a person to do something elite :
elite meter - 8
example: obtain a vaginamatic and proceed to use as soon as possible
..haha your noun is of a size of a noun...
super smart template 2000 for putting loosers down
elite meter - 4
example: your organ is of a size of a pinky finger!
..you poses an noun of a noun...
good template to tell a looser what he truly is
elite meter - 2
example:you poses an IQ of a communist
please deposit more words by contacting dOx! members
bOard names.
u.486 - great for a small medicine related bbs abortion pill
enisina - ultimate name for adult board
obot - smart name for a bbs which has internet connection
litoris - the name for bbs with good and pleasurable users
irty negroe factory - bbs relted to ansi and other art forms
resh prince - must be a ghetto bbs
ickle - great for art/messages/misc files
he rear - multinode board with warez
ania - you think of this one :
ltrafever - arcade, video games board
ank - superawesome art and message board with druggee users
elemate Mini-Host Ver 2.4 - g-a-y
CC Jewish Community Center - community related bbs name
ixed Class - multinational chat bbs
verflow - overdose, warez... more warez
arezmania - great choice for warez begginers, try it for 30 days
ubricate - no comment
l hospic - el espanol name for bato loco boards
weat shop - must be located somewhere in Latin America
eastiality - sysops and users must love animals
suggest more, email dOx! or directly me at narcoman@tough.com
cOol aliaSes.
ord of masturbation lobotronic na-usea
eukoplakia dr.mengele carson
ar doctor of biology african american
abaz mr.belvidier caucasian jap
c.900 will smith peniclit
ins-nip prisOner bOy leeps
ipp piggirl lord of intervention
lask snutous siemen19
iosko kielbasa playa01
obo ze club pendejo
obo pornotros los dickOs
guess this is it, but if you want more please contact us. -narcomanicus
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