this image contains text
We at DORE are not responsible for any damage that may happen due to our
modes. You accept the fact by using the mods, that the authrs of this bad ass
MODS are not respnsible. Use at your own descresion. You are resonsible if you
remove any authors sig on any mod. One more thing. At this time Illusion, and
Genocide have left DORE. Due to schedual problems.
We at DORE are not responsible for any damage that may happen due to our
modes. You accept the fact by using the mods, that the authrs of this bad ass
MODS are not respnsible. Use at your own descresion. You are resonsible if you
remove any authors sig on any mod. One more thing. At this time Illusion, and
Genocide have left DORE. Due to schedual problems.
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