this image contains text
0 0 7 - A g e n t D o m i n i o , I p r e s u m e ?
eside speaking....
People who actually seen most of our packs, might see that its me, and
not anomite whos writing this infofile.
I am responsible for releasing this pack. My goal is to make our packs
better, as we and probably most artgroups wants to improve.
We have been INACTIVE lately. This pack should have been released nearly
a month ago, but due to little time and intrest from both the leaders
been to busy with real life and the members, we didnt release then.
SO, to make things short: WERE back!
Since the last pack, we have lost/kicked quite a few members,but we did
gain another member also.
prothesis, photek mobee, guma quitted the group, while serone was kicked
due to inactivity. Vader and Spitfire: Until you guys contact us, youre
both not anymore in Dominio.
dyingsoul joined us. Welcome our swedish mate Hope you will be happy
at dominio, and produce fine art here.
Thanks to Arlequin and Appel for guesting.
Choz Dominio founder speaking....
HI folks...
Long time since I were active in the scene, to much work in real life, but
Im now trying to get a bit more active in Dominio.
I started last pack, with 2 joints with anomite, and got two vgas in this
ANYWAY.... we need some vga for the new webpage, so contact me at:
thhauk@online.no ... for details.
eside speaking.... again?
Latetly I got in a stupid argument with one of our former members.
Im not going to use this text to apologize for that incident, but make
a point that Dominio is not the group that tolerates members with big
egoes, since were not in the artscene for the fame and glory, rather the
fun of creating art, for our own and hopefully others pleasure.
Anyway... Enjoy the pack do give us feedback and have a nice time. And
if you feel like helping us out in any way, thats welcome
Quick and dirty greetings goes to...
glue, phobic, deranged, bamboosh, circe, avenge, woe, devious, black maiden,
boil, legion, Radioactive Boom, Poffelipoff, Force, Aspire, Awe, Lore, Reign
flare, cia, ice and all forgotten.
Written by eside for the seventh Dominio artpack.
0 0 7 - A g e n t D o m i n i o , I p r e s u m e ?
eside speaking....
People who actually seen most of our packs, might see that its me, and
not anomite whos writing this infofile.
I am responsible for releasing this pack. My goal is to make our packs
better, as we and probably most artgroups wants to improve.
We have been INACTIVE lately. This pack should have been released nearly
a month ago, but due to little time and intrest from both the leaders
been to busy with real life and the members, we didnt release then.
SO, to make things short: WERE back!
Since the last pack, we have lost/kicked quite a few members,but we did
gain another member also.
prothesis, photek mobee, guma quitted the group, while serone was kicked
due to inactivity. Vader and Spitfire: Until you guys contact us, youre
both not anymore in Dominio.
dyingsoul joined us. Welcome our swedish mate Hope you will be happy
at dominio, and produce fine art here.
Thanks to Arlequin and Appel for guesting.
Choz Dominio founder speaking....
HI folks...
Long time since I were active in the scene, to much work in real life, but
Im now trying to get a bit more active in Dominio.
I started last pack, with 2 joints with anomite, and got two vgas in this
ANYWAY.... we need some vga for the new webpage, so contact me at:
thhauk@online.no ... for details.
eside speaking.... again?
Latetly I got in a stupid argument with one of our former members.
Im not going to use this text to apologize for that incident, but make
a point that Dominio is not the group that tolerates members with big
egoes, since were not in the artscene for the fame and glory, rather the
fun of creating art, for our own and hopefully others pleasure.
Anyway... Enjoy the pack do give us feedback and have a nice time. And
if you feel like helping us out in any way, thats welcome
Quick and dirty greetings goes to...
glue, phobic, deranged, bamboosh, circe, avenge, woe, devious, black maiden,
boil, legion, Radioactive Boom, Poffelipoff, Force, Aspire, Awe, Lore, Reign
flare, cia, ice and all forgotten.
Written by eside for the seventh Dominio artpack.
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