this image contains text
also known as: eastside/dlite
of s t ol, dO m i nI o, w I re O l dw a r ez an d cir c e
p r e s ent s a V E R Y s m a l l c o l l y
c A L L E D,,,,
eside FIRST ever colly
because he HATES em., /
: vermin and neurotrance :
l i g h t b u l b
rage against the PCB,,..
gfx: esd +--------/ +---- /--- /.------+ c 1998
clean and -------- -----------
SIMPLE,.. -- - A L L T I M E S T A T S
1 says: user alltime stats / req: njet / for : rap dunno if well use it requests: eside@hotmail.com
esd / +----
2 says: chip / req: yepp / for : zauron
requests: eside@hotmail.com
/ .----+ e s d
d-ram productions 1996-97
T H A N K S f o r E V E R Y T H I NG
3 says: d-ram / req: njet / for : none.,,,.
requests: eside@hotmail.com
p l u sh
/ / esd
-// w e lc ome .,,.. n ew u ser -
4 says: nu new user / req: njet / for : eside,,.
requests: eside@hotmail.com
its ALSO a freebie to everyone who want to use it at their board , but do
remember to change plush to your boards name.., and to keep my sig on it,.
U S E R / L I S T -----
name/alias user l.o.s location/group
5 says: plush user list / req: njet / for : myself!
requests: eside@hotmail.com
c 1998 by eside / ALL art is created ME.
of s t ol, dO m i nI o, w I re O l dw a r ez an d cir c e
p r e s ent s a V E R Y s m a l l c o l l y
c A L L E D,,,,
eside FIRST ever colly
because he HATES em., /
: vermin and neurotrance :
l i g h t b u l b
rage against the PCB,,..
gfx: esd +--------/ +---- /--- /.------+ c 1998
clean and -------- -----------
SIMPLE,.. -- - A L L T I M E S T A T S
1 says: user alltime stats / req: njet / for : rap dunno if well use it requests: eside@hotmail.com
esd / +----
2 says: chip / req: yepp / for : zauron
requests: eside@hotmail.com
/ .----+ e s d
d-ram productions 1996-97
T H A N K S f o r E V E R Y T H I NG
3 says: d-ram / req: njet / for : none.,,,.
requests: eside@hotmail.com
p l u sh
/ / esd
-// w e lc ome .,,.. n ew u ser -
4 says: nu new user / req: njet / for : eside,,.
requests: eside@hotmail.com
its ALSO a freebie to everyone who want to use it at their board , but do
remember to change plush to your boards name.., and to keep my sig on it,.
U S E R / L I S T -----
name/alias user l.o.s location/group
5 says: plush user list / req: njet / for : myself!
requests: eside@hotmail.com
c 1998 by eside / ALL art is created ME.
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