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- What the hell is DMA? -
Well.. apart from sum really nasty illness, its a bunch of dudes
trying to have some fun on their PCs, either making ansis, bbs
utilitys, demos, intros, patches, musix etc.
Main goal is creating quality productions at all fronts.
- Can I join DMA? -
Yeb, sure you can. Just make sure you are really talented in what
you are doing. We are always in need of some good artists and coders,
so if you think are really good in one of the things mentioned above,
then dont hasitate to apply at one of our HQs or member sites.
Its nice if you live in The Netherlands, but its not necessary.
We are also in need of foreign HQs. Please apply at WHQs.
- Were can I find the releases? -
Dial any of our sites, there you will find every DMA production ever
released. A list of all official distribution sites can be found
a little further in this info file.
- What is Lawless Software? -
Lawless software is DMAs BBS coding department. All BBS utilitys,
doors, and others will be released under the name of this label.
The name Lawless Software is officially copyrighted, and so are
all productions released under the label.
- How to contact DMA members -
You can call Cyberia and leave a message to a DMA member, or write
an Email for charon@velvet.xs4all.nl
- Other news -
Big plans on the BBS utils front. More info in next releases.
We welcome Valocity and Mad Max to our team.
- ! WANTED ! -
We are planning to release a demo very soon, but we are in urgent
need of one extra ASM coder coding VGA fx. VGA/3d artists are
also highly needed.
Atreides - ANSi, Musician
Ayrez - Courier
BrainRave - Musician
CharoN - Coordinator
Daze - Coder
HardAttack - Coder
Logica - ANSi
Madcat - Coder
Mad Max - Musician
Valocity - ANSi, Coder
CBERi World HQ +31-71-790411 1 CharoN
Neo Tokio European HQ +32-50-625717 2 Tasmaniac
Edge of Honor Dutch HQ +31-2159-37816 3 Xtreeman
Ayres Board Brazil HQ +55-214-392170 1 Ayrez
Marines German HQ +49-6824-8573 1 Marine Fighter
Tales of Mystery MEMB. BOARD +31-private 1 Atreides
The Super Unknown MEMB. BOARD +31-private 1 Madcat
Sunny BBS MEMB. BOARD +31-elite 1 Terminator
DAMN MEMB. BOARD +31-2260-20780 2 Valocity
Napalm Assault DiST. SiTE +31-10-4566030 1 Hard Rhymer
Datura DiST. SiTE +31-77-872195 1 Demoralize
Blue Thunder DiST. SiTE +31-36-5346967 1 Thunderhawk
Delusion DiST. SiTE +31-4749-5627 1 Tragos
The DMA crew greetz the following persons:
not in order of appearance
Marduk Kurios Hard Rhymer Sister Ray Heretic
Dr. Weirdo Thunderhawk Tdd Mr. Fanatic Valos
Splinter Cyclone Devils Eye Tasmaniac Hunter
Thanoz Mental Maniac Tragos Vivian Mr. freeeze
Icy-D Speedy B Sonic The Pharao Unknow Entity
Dark Mind Slackjaw Hermes JoPro Ice Breaker
Viper Ghost Scarface Fire Flood Consieler
The Terminator nXo Crack Boldy The Mod
Satans Fire Vertex Stamina Charly Lownoise
Demoralize Lucifer Xtreeman RTF
GROUPS: CMD, ZodSoft, LSD, Zombies, Solid, Tribal, ACiD,
GBC, TAF, TSF, TKB, Jilted.
- What the hell is DMA? -
Well.. apart from sum really nasty illness, its a bunch of dudes
trying to have some fun on their PCs, either making ansis, bbs
utilitys, demos, intros, patches, musix etc.
Main goal is creating quality productions at all fronts.
- Can I join DMA? -
Yeb, sure you can. Just make sure you are really talented in what
you are doing. We are always in need of some good artists and coders,
so if you think are really good in one of the things mentioned above,
then dont hasitate to apply at one of our HQs or member sites.
Its nice if you live in The Netherlands, but its not necessary.
We are also in need of foreign HQs. Please apply at WHQs.
- Were can I find the releases? -
Dial any of our sites, there you will find every DMA production ever
released. A list of all official distribution sites can be found
a little further in this info file.
- What is Lawless Software? -
Lawless software is DMAs BBS coding department. All BBS utilitys,
doors, and others will be released under the name of this label.
The name Lawless Software is officially copyrighted, and so are
all productions released under the label.
- How to contact DMA members -
You can call Cyberia and leave a message to a DMA member, or write
an Email for charon@velvet.xs4all.nl
- Other news -
Big plans on the BBS utils front. More info in next releases.
We welcome Valocity and Mad Max to our team.
- ! WANTED ! -
We are planning to release a demo very soon, but we are in urgent
need of one extra ASM coder coding VGA fx. VGA/3d artists are
also highly needed.
Atreides - ANSi, Musician
Ayrez - Courier
BrainRave - Musician
CharoN - Coordinator
Daze - Coder
HardAttack - Coder
Logica - ANSi
Madcat - Coder
Mad Max - Musician
Valocity - ANSi, Coder
CBERi World HQ +31-71-790411 1 CharoN
Neo Tokio European HQ +32-50-625717 2 Tasmaniac
Edge of Honor Dutch HQ +31-2159-37816 3 Xtreeman
Ayres Board Brazil HQ +55-214-392170 1 Ayrez
Marines German HQ +49-6824-8573 1 Marine Fighter
Tales of Mystery MEMB. BOARD +31-private 1 Atreides
The Super Unknown MEMB. BOARD +31-private 1 Madcat
Sunny BBS MEMB. BOARD +31-elite 1 Terminator
DAMN MEMB. BOARD +31-2260-20780 2 Valocity
Napalm Assault DiST. SiTE +31-10-4566030 1 Hard Rhymer
Datura DiST. SiTE +31-77-872195 1 Demoralize
Blue Thunder DiST. SiTE +31-36-5346967 1 Thunderhawk
Delusion DiST. SiTE +31-4749-5627 1 Tragos
The DMA crew greetz the following persons:
not in order of appearance
Marduk Kurios Hard Rhymer Sister Ray Heretic
Dr. Weirdo Thunderhawk Tdd Mr. Fanatic Valos
Splinter Cyclone Devils Eye Tasmaniac Hunter
Thanoz Mental Maniac Tragos Vivian Mr. freeeze
Icy-D Speedy B Sonic The Pharao Unknow Entity
Dark Mind Slackjaw Hermes JoPro Ice Breaker
Viper Ghost Scarface Fire Flood Consieler
The Terminator nXo Crack Boldy The Mod
Satans Fire Vertex Stamina Charly Lownoise
Demoralize Lucifer Xtreeman RTF
GROUPS: CMD, ZodSoft, LSD, Zombies, Solid, Tribal, ACiD,
GBC, TAF, TSF, TKB, Jilted.
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