this image contains text
-psy mushrooms- .,j
when you dream there are no rules, 88Ll
people can fly, anything can happen... 88Ll:
,88Ll: ,s,
sometimes theres a moment l ,s
as youre waking and u become .l ,8L,
aware of the real world around you, il ,8Ll,
but ure still dreaming... l ,8Ll.
:l: 8Ll:
u may think u can fly, il ?8Ll:
but u better not try... l 8Ll
:l: ,sP
il ,s
l .,aj
c Astral Projection :l: .,sj
il ,
, hc
when you dream there are no rules, 88Ll
people can fly, anything can happen... 88Ll:
,88Ll: ,s,
sometimes theres a moment l ,s
as youre waking and u become .l ,8L,
aware of the real world around you, il ,8Ll,
but ure still dreaming... l ,8Ll.
:l: 8Ll:
u may think u can fly, il ?8Ll:
but u better not try... l 8Ll
:l: ,sP
il ,s
l .,aj
c Astral Projection :l: .,sj
il ,
, hc
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