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M E M B E R L I S T / N F O F I L E
werd from tha prezs : Ex-Con Synthetic Death
hey, its fun to see that old members that quit dead krew are now back, yes!
im talking about heat wave. he basicaly quit the scene because he was told
that he sucked at doing what he did, and well now hes back and doing wiked
vgas quote by pagan. i ex-con must say that this pack has been delayed
so many times, its just that my computer just blew up on me and currently in
the process of getting my self a new mother board and cpu. for now youll
only see me once a week or so on light show, because i, flare, and lancelot
have to get back into our studies, just to say that synthetic death is back
from france student exchange and he syn will be handleling the group
till i get back! hope to see ya all around when i get back and hope to see
more, great work from the krew .. dead krew! keep it going guys, peace out!
werd from tha ansee dept : Lancelot
hey, its me again, Lancelot. This pack was waaaaaaaaaaaay delayed but
at least we released within the month. About the ansi stuff in this
pack.. I must say, the only let down was the small amount of work flare
submitted, but its okay because his pics are awesome, boy jest keep on
gettin bettah. son of sam is working on a consistent level, good stuf
guy. I think Im finally getting the hang of this crazy shading stuff.
Overall, Im pleased with the quality of these guys work. Keep produc
ing guys, yallre doing great.
werd from tha coding dept : Pulsar
I am very busy with school projects and a bunch of programming projects right
now, but I should be enhancing my musicdisk engine as soon as I find the time
for it. It seems that we will be making that music disk sometime in June, so
dont expect anything too soon. But, get ready for one funky musicdisk!
Also, there has been requests that KrewView be... ..made better, to say the
least. Yeah, the interface was coded in Quick-Basic and the file-reading
routines were those of external libraries, but they wanted something and they
wanted it in no time, so I did what I could. Hopefully with the help of other
coders in Dead Krew, I will make it faster, using more and more assembler
routines so that it runs at a decent speed.There seemed to be a bug or two so
Id fix that, too.. Again, since I am short on time you wont see a better
version of KrewView in this pack, and probably not the next. Hey, Ill have
to do exams in June! I am quite sure your patience will be rewarded.
werd from tha askee dept : BlackRain doesnt have time, too busy.
werd from tha musak dept : Zeromous doesnt have time, too busy with work.
werd from tha vga dept: Pagan doesnt have time, too busy with school.
werd from tha modding dept : Bios doesnt have time, too busy with his bbs.
roomahs rumors :
- macris has resigned from dead krew to concentrate with hes own group
EXCLAMATION! we wish him good luck and hope he continues to make some
funky music.
- there has been rumors that duke, was trying to join dead krew as a
cheap ansi artists. just to clarify those rumors, its not true. he
did submit some sh*t ansis but they were lame and every member in the
group resents him.
Fyootoor projeks future projects :
- a musicdisk coded mainly by pulsar, and others. the musicdisk will be
apearing late june with tons of songs.
- the interface for KrewView will be re-done or re-touched, asap
- dead krew will soon have a KrewDraw done by dark shade, and yes dark
shade is still alive, maily working on a science fair.
membah listin member list :
- new member - not active - active - head of dept.
Ex-Con Prezansi.code.vga EX ex-con-dk@geocities.com
Synthetic Death Co-Presidentvga SD cdaoust@ottawa.net
Amakusa VGA AM ---
Beast Master Coding BM ---
BlackRain Ascii BR castout@concentric.net
Bios Modding/Rip/Ascii BIO ---
Dark Neurosis Ansi DN ---
Dark Shade Coding DS ---
Flare Ansi FL ---
Graham J Music GJ ---
Heat Wave VGA HTW ---
HellHound VGA HH ---
Komodo Dragon Ansi KD ---
Incabus VGA INK incabus@hotmail.com
Incinerate Ansi/Coding INC ---
Lancelot Ansi L7 Lancelot@Netcom.ca
Lazer Ansi/Ascii LZ ---
Macris VGA/Music MA ---
MadNess VGA MAD ---
Mr. Bungle Music MB ---
O.J. VGA OJ ---
Pagan VGA PG pagan-dk@geocitise.com
Phixx Coding PX ---
Pulsar VGA/Music/Coding PUL ---
Rezonance Music REZ ---
Son Of Sam Ansi SOS ---
Zeromous Music ZM Zeromous@Bigfoot.com
boahd listin board listing :
ErrorLevel World Head Quaters 03/97 14.4 613731-6472
Light Show Canadian HQ 09/96 14.4 613841-8289
Kaos BBS Member Board 01/97 28.8 410592-2891
Rising High Inc. Distro Board 10/96 14.4 613742-5168
0 4 / 9 7
M E M B E R L I S T / N F O F I L E
werd from tha prezs : Ex-Con Synthetic Death
hey, its fun to see that old members that quit dead krew are now back, yes!
im talking about heat wave. he basicaly quit the scene because he was told
that he sucked at doing what he did, and well now hes back and doing wiked
vgas quote by pagan. i ex-con must say that this pack has been delayed
so many times, its just that my computer just blew up on me and currently in
the process of getting my self a new mother board and cpu. for now youll
only see me once a week or so on light show, because i, flare, and lancelot
have to get back into our studies, just to say that synthetic death is back
from france student exchange and he syn will be handleling the group
till i get back! hope to see ya all around when i get back and hope to see
more, great work from the krew .. dead krew! keep it going guys, peace out!
werd from tha ansee dept : Lancelot
hey, its me again, Lancelot. This pack was waaaaaaaaaaaay delayed but
at least we released within the month. About the ansi stuff in this
pack.. I must say, the only let down was the small amount of work flare
submitted, but its okay because his pics are awesome, boy jest keep on
gettin bettah. son of sam is working on a consistent level, good stuf
guy. I think Im finally getting the hang of this crazy shading stuff.
Overall, Im pleased with the quality of these guys work. Keep produc
ing guys, yallre doing great.
werd from tha coding dept : Pulsar
I am very busy with school projects and a bunch of programming projects right
now, but I should be enhancing my musicdisk engine as soon as I find the time
for it. It seems that we will be making that music disk sometime in June, so
dont expect anything too soon. But, get ready for one funky musicdisk!
Also, there has been requests that KrewView be... ..made better, to say the
least. Yeah, the interface was coded in Quick-Basic and the file-reading
routines were those of external libraries, but they wanted something and they
wanted it in no time, so I did what I could. Hopefully with the help of other
coders in Dead Krew, I will make it faster, using more and more assembler
routines so that it runs at a decent speed.There seemed to be a bug or two so
Id fix that, too.. Again, since I am short on time you wont see a better
version of KrewView in this pack, and probably not the next. Hey, Ill have
to do exams in June! I am quite sure your patience will be rewarded.
werd from tha askee dept : BlackRain doesnt have time, too busy.
werd from tha musak dept : Zeromous doesnt have time, too busy with work.
werd from tha vga dept: Pagan doesnt have time, too busy with school.
werd from tha modding dept : Bios doesnt have time, too busy with his bbs.
roomahs rumors :
- macris has resigned from dead krew to concentrate with hes own group
EXCLAMATION! we wish him good luck and hope he continues to make some
funky music.
- there has been rumors that duke, was trying to join dead krew as a
cheap ansi artists. just to clarify those rumors, its not true. he
did submit some sh*t ansis but they were lame and every member in the
group resents him.
Fyootoor projeks future projects :
- a musicdisk coded mainly by pulsar, and others. the musicdisk will be
apearing late june with tons of songs.
- the interface for KrewView will be re-done or re-touched, asap
- dead krew will soon have a KrewDraw done by dark shade, and yes dark
shade is still alive, maily working on a science fair.
membah listin member list :
- new member - not active - active - head of dept.
Ex-Con Prezansi.code.vga EX ex-con-dk@geocities.com
Synthetic Death Co-Presidentvga SD cdaoust@ottawa.net
Amakusa VGA AM ---
Beast Master Coding BM ---
BlackRain Ascii BR castout@concentric.net
Bios Modding/Rip/Ascii BIO ---
Dark Neurosis Ansi DN ---
Dark Shade Coding DS ---
Flare Ansi FL ---
Graham J Music GJ ---
Heat Wave VGA HTW ---
HellHound VGA HH ---
Komodo Dragon Ansi KD ---
Incabus VGA INK incabus@hotmail.com
Incinerate Ansi/Coding INC ---
Lancelot Ansi L7 Lancelot@Netcom.ca
Lazer Ansi/Ascii LZ ---
Macris VGA/Music MA ---
MadNess VGA MAD ---
Mr. Bungle Music MB ---
O.J. VGA OJ ---
Pagan VGA PG pagan-dk@geocitise.com
Phixx Coding PX ---
Pulsar VGA/Music/Coding PUL ---
Rezonance Music REZ ---
Son Of Sam Ansi SOS ---
Zeromous Music ZM Zeromous@Bigfoot.com
boahd listin board listing :
ErrorLevel World Head Quaters 03/97 14.4 613731-6472
Light Show Canadian HQ 09/96 14.4 613841-8289
Kaos BBS Member Board 01/97 28.8 410592-2891
Rising High Inc. Distro Board 10/96 14.4 613742-5168
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