this image contains text
:: DISTANT .db. ............ .db. : trance
. .db. . : dst
.d yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .TPTP s. : +
T. .,g? : Psylock
ssyyyyssss.TP**T .dP ss : mmc
.T, .*TT*. sss ssssssss :........... ., g,. yyyy ,, T . ssss .syyyyssssssssssss ,db. yyyysyyyy ./. yyy ssssgssss P.db. T: j.
bd : T* /. ,P.
.T/,.. 4s, ,dP . , .d
/,. . , .,*T
/g,. ,
P* :: NFO
: .. intro .. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
well,.. were back for more as weve
released distant 2. Im not that go
of at this nfo things so ill be sho
rt and brief. tIMe for the nfo so le
cut all this queer stuff and start w
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ... history :
yeah. We were formed in 1998, have s
ucessfully released 1 pack, and are
planning to keep the group alive for
many years and so. I hope to get som
e awesome members that can draw ansi
ascii, or any other medium art of
course into this rapidly expanding
art group.
: .. news ,.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
This month we have had a minor merge
within our ranks. We have brought a
small, but overly qualified, group t
o run our ascii part. The name of th
the old group was savage as you can
probably tell. This month also Ive
been having some troubles with lame
take over people. So if the channels
invite only, dont fear, well have
it back within the hour.. I cant th
ink of anything else that needs to b
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ..joins/parts :
this month weve had a couple people
join, a couple people leave, and Iv
had to kick a few out. well start w
ith the joins. Weve had the whole s
avage crew join us..as well as a gre
at artist by the name of dramycal. F
or leaves we have eternal.. thats ab
out it for leaves. I have kicked out
the brainstew lamer for lameness.
: .. greets-.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
thanks go out to this month to.. all
the artists that contributed work as
well as white trash for doing our ne
member list lay out, and yes he did
really put the text at the bottom hi
mself. Id like to thank image for r
epeatly taking back my channel from
all the lamers that decided they wer
e so cool. also wed like to thank p
sylock for helping design this kick
ass nfo, as well as providing lots o
f the art..hes the coolest guy ever.
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ..zarcastuis :
well... what can i say? .. blah..
: .. greets-.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
distant is accepting people into its
ansi and hirez division this month.
I feel that the ascii division has g
rown way to fast, therfore hampering
the ansi division. All applications
should be sent to :
.distantart@hotmail.com //.
dskwerl in distant on EFnet
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
nfo file written by deceased squirrel : connection reset.. :
distant 98.. :.....................:
. .db. . : dst
.d yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy .TPTP s. : +
T. .,g? : Psylock
ssyyyyssss.TP**T .dP ss : mmc
.T, .*TT*. sss ssssssss :........... ., g,. yyyy ,, T . ssss .syyyyssssssssssss ,db. yyyysyyyy ./. yyy ssssgssss P.db. T: j.
bd : T* /. ,P.
.T/,.. 4s, ,dP . , .d
/,. . , .,*T
/g,. ,
P* :: NFO
: .. intro .. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
well,.. were back for more as weve
released distant 2. Im not that go
of at this nfo things so ill be sho
rt and brief. tIMe for the nfo so le
cut all this queer stuff and start w
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ... history :
yeah. We were formed in 1998, have s
ucessfully released 1 pack, and are
planning to keep the group alive for
many years and so. I hope to get som
e awesome members that can draw ansi
ascii, or any other medium art of
course into this rapidly expanding
art group.
: .. news ,.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
This month we have had a minor merge
within our ranks. We have brought a
small, but overly qualified, group t
o run our ascii part. The name of th
the old group was savage as you can
probably tell. This month also Ive
been having some troubles with lame
take over people. So if the channels
invite only, dont fear, well have
it back within the hour.. I cant th
ink of anything else that needs to b
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ..joins/parts :
this month weve had a couple people
join, a couple people leave, and Iv
had to kick a few out. well start w
ith the joins. Weve had the whole s
avage crew join us..as well as a gre
at artist by the name of dramycal. F
or leaves we have eternal.. thats ab
out it for leaves. I have kicked out
the brainstew lamer for lameness.
: .. greets-.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
thanks go out to this month to.. all
the artists that contributed work as
well as white trash for doing our ne
member list lay out, and yes he did
really put the text at the bottom hi
mself. Id like to thank image for r
epeatly taking back my channel from
all the lamers that decided they wer
e so cool. also wed like to thank p
sylock for helping design this kick
ass nfo, as well as providing lots o
f the art..hes the coolest guy ever.
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP:* *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
: ..zarcastuis :
well... what can i say? .. blah..
: .. greets-.. :
.,. .,: , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. ..d
distant is accepting people into its
ansi and hirez division this month.
I feel that the ascii division has g
rown way to fast, therfore hampering
the ansi division. All applications
should be sent to :
.distantart@hotmail.com //.
dskwerl in distant on EFnet
.,. ., , .gg .,. .dk. g,, .dP.,,. *g. ..gg. TL .b. Tk..g. T Tk.T?g,.dPggd*T /LTk Tk .,T ,/P,T TPTb.*TPTPTPTP.
.TT.*, .dL,** dPdP * *.d
** *. .db,. : ..d : :
nfo file written by deceased squirrel : connection reset.. :
distant 98.. :.....................:
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