this image contains text
-: EinHerJoR :-
DiE Pack 3 o8/1o/93
Filename Artist Description
CP-ENT1.DiECapn Pugwash Entity Advertisement 1
CP-FS1.DiE Capn Pugwash Future Shock Advertisment 1
DiE-PK3.MEM DiE Pack 3 Member/BBS Listing
FK-DiE5.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 5
FK-DiE6.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 6
FK-DiE7.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 7
FK-FE1.DiE FLiCK Fatal Encounter 1
FK-HI1.DiE FLiCK Home Invasion Advertisment 1
FK-MIX1.DiEFLiCK The Mixer Advertisment 1
FK-PB1.DiE FLiCK Pandoras Box Advertisement 1
FK-SB1.DiE FLiCK Starbase Alpha Advertisement 1
FK-TPC1.DiEFLiCK The Programmers Corner Advertisment 1
FK-VC7.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 7
FK-VC8.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 8
FK-VC9.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 9
FILEID.DIZ Justin Sane File id Description
JS-CYBD2.DiEJustin Sane Cyber Dada Advertisment 1
JS-CYBDA.DiEJustin Sane Cyber Dada Advertisment 2
JS-DESCS.DiEJustin Sane Group ASCii Logos 1
JS-TS1.DiE Justin Sane Terminally Sane Advertisement 1
LG-DiE1.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisement 1
LG-DiE1.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisement VGa 1
LG-DiE2.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisement 2
LG-DiE2.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisement VGa 2
LG-DiE3.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisment 3
LG-DiE3.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 3
LG-DiE4.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 4
LG-DiE5.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 5
LG-GN1.DiE Lord Grafix Gooses Nest Advertisment 1
LG-PK1.DiE Lord Grafix Yes DiE Pack 3 Logo 1
LG-SD1.DiE Lord Grafix Sureal Dreams Advertisement 1
LG-SD2.DiE Lord Grafix Sureal Dreams Advertisement 2
LG-VC1.DiE Lord Grafix Violent Crimes Advertisement VGa 1
LG-VC2.DiE Lord Grafix Violent Crimes Advertisement VGa 2
TS-2001.DiE The Shamen 2001 Advertisement 1
TS-BM1.DiE The Shamen Black Magic Advertisement 1
TS-DiE1.DiEThe Shamen/FK DiE Advertisement 1
TS-DiE2.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 2
TS-DiE3.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 3
TS-DiE4.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 4
TS-DiE5.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 5
TS-DiE6.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 6
TS-DiE7.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 7
TS-HI1.DiE The Shamen Home Invasion Advertisement 1
TS-HOJ1.DiEThe Shamen Hall of Justice Advertisement 1
TS-HS1.DiE The Shamen Honoured Society Advertisement 1
TS-INF1.DiEThe Shamen Infinity Advertisement 1
TS-SR1.DiE The Shamen Satans Retreat Advertisement 1
TS-SS1.DiE The Shamen Secret Service Advertisment 1
Total Files: 22
DiE ANSi/Couriering BBS List!
BBS Name SysOp Number Description
Violent Crimes Sudden Death 613.562.1008 DiE Australian HQ
The Rebellion Joystick 6175.326.461 DiE Queensland HQ
Olympus BBS Megalomaniac 613.743.3698 DiE Member Board
Terminally Sane Justin Sane 613.523.7337 DiE Member Board
Magic Mushroom G. Leprechaun 613.560.2574 .+TRiAL Board+.
Welcome to DiE Pack 3
A few greets to our new members...
Justin Sane, Lord Grafix, The Shamen, E-Coli, Capn Pugwash, and
last but definately NOT least Cyco.
Justin Sane is also the SysOp of Terminally Sane : 523-7337, call NOW!
Also give Magic Mushroom a Call! He is looking for a co-sysop!
And look forward to the opening of Home Invasion, should be a kickass board!
I know its a bit late, but its time to clear a few things up, and
explain to everyone just what DiE is.
DiE is a dedicated ART and couriering group, formed solely to assist
the expanding Australian modeming scene. We are trying to be as original
as possible, in all aspects. Seeing this is our ANSi pack,
I will just briefly describe the couriering side of DiE. DiE mainly
imports files via internet. In particular useful utilities, SB/VGA demos,
game demos, BBS Software, ANSi packs and general graphics related Software.
Now for the real stuff, the ANSi/VGA side. The DiE artists are a bunch of
cool dudes, that enjoy creating wicked ANSi, ASCii and VGA. DiE will lend
its artistic talent to any BBSPublic or Private/Person/Net/Utils/Etc. We
are not at all picky by the requests we recieve. The artists enjoy
their Work, thus will do it for anyone. All you have to do is call
Violent Crimes or The Rebellion, and request the ANSi/VGA. DiE will
do any type of ANSi, ie Advertisements, welcome screens, menu sets,
zip comments, and now even VGA screens, and will generally follow
the theme you desire. And yes, our ANSi is 100 free.
We are still considering making an application form. An application form has
advantages and disadvanages. We have found many people see application
forms as hassles, and prefer just to use email.
The Creation of DiE
Well, at the time of its creation, Flick was modemless, and asked me if
I would be able to get some ANSi requests from various BBSes in Melbourne
as he was bored, and overflowing with talent :. That I did, and decided
to make a group out of it, not knowing if it would be successful or not.
Three months down the track the group is still around, so it must be doing
ok! The group initially grew slowly, but now has quite a number of
highly talented and productive artists.
How do you join the WINNING TEAM?
It is quite simple as there is only one requirement you are a kickass
artist! So to apply, just call one of the HQ boards, and upload a folio
of your work at least 2-3 pics. We will suss you out, and get back to
you as soon as possible.
It has been decided to release our pack every 2 months, as when you
d/l an ANSi/VGA pack, you dont want a few little try-hard ANSies. You
want to see a lot of artwork. It is fair to say, this is our best pack.
It actually has a range of artists in it! But most of all, it has heaps
of artwork, not just a few budget screens. Unfortunately we were unable
to get the viewer finished in time. Unfortunately, seeing as Cyco and
E-coli, they were unable to submit an wicked VGAs! These are Ozs best
VGA artists, as they both are professionals at it.
DieNET is also hooning thanks mainly to Joystick. At the moment
its just Vic - QLD, but hopefully we get that damn sysop in
NSW! So post, post, post! This echo can be used to chat with your
favourite DiE members. :
Lastly, DiE is looking for support BBSes in any major city of Australia.
As a member BBS, all you have to do it promote DiE, get requests, and
relay them back to VC. DiE is also looking for a quality coder, and possibly
few more VGA artists.
DiE sends greats to: in no particular order
EPiC, CSG, Genesis Crew, ADFA, Breakdown, Mode 7
Blue Adept, The Shadow, Cascade, iCE-T, Black Eagle,
Overdose, The Blind Assassin, The Wizard, Baud Walker, Tallahassie Tight,
Hellraiser, Preditor, Side Effect, Randers, Casper,
Death Wish, Falafel the Great, Electron Shadow.
and the rest of the modeming community in this screeching country of ours!
The Doodz in DiE
DiE Pack 3 o8/1o/93
Filename Artist Description
CP-ENT1.DiECapn Pugwash Entity Advertisement 1
CP-FS1.DiE Capn Pugwash Future Shock Advertisment 1
DiE-PK3.MEM DiE Pack 3 Member/BBS Listing
FK-DiE5.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 5
FK-DiE6.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 6
FK-DiE7.DiEFLiCK DiE Advertisement 7
FK-FE1.DiE FLiCK Fatal Encounter 1
FK-HI1.DiE FLiCK Home Invasion Advertisment 1
FK-MIX1.DiEFLiCK The Mixer Advertisment 1
FK-PB1.DiE FLiCK Pandoras Box Advertisement 1
FK-SB1.DiE FLiCK Starbase Alpha Advertisement 1
FK-TPC1.DiEFLiCK The Programmers Corner Advertisment 1
FK-VC7.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 7
FK-VC8.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 8
FK-VC9.DiE FLiCK Violent Crimes Advertisement 9
FILEID.DIZ Justin Sane File id Description
JS-CYBD2.DiEJustin Sane Cyber Dada Advertisment 1
JS-CYBDA.DiEJustin Sane Cyber Dada Advertisment 2
JS-DESCS.DiEJustin Sane Group ASCii Logos 1
JS-TS1.DiE Justin Sane Terminally Sane Advertisement 1
LG-DiE1.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisement 1
LG-DiE1.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisement VGa 1
LG-DiE2.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisement 2
LG-DiE2.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisement VGa 2
LG-DiE3.DiELord Grafix DiE Advertisment 3
LG-DiE3.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 3
LG-DiE4.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 4
LG-DiE5.GiFLord Grafix DiE Advertisment VGa 5
LG-GN1.DiE Lord Grafix Gooses Nest Advertisment 1
LG-PK1.DiE Lord Grafix Yes DiE Pack 3 Logo 1
LG-SD1.DiE Lord Grafix Sureal Dreams Advertisement 1
LG-SD2.DiE Lord Grafix Sureal Dreams Advertisement 2
LG-VC1.DiE Lord Grafix Violent Crimes Advertisement VGa 1
LG-VC2.DiE Lord Grafix Violent Crimes Advertisement VGa 2
TS-2001.DiE The Shamen 2001 Advertisement 1
TS-BM1.DiE The Shamen Black Magic Advertisement 1
TS-DiE1.DiEThe Shamen/FK DiE Advertisement 1
TS-DiE2.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 2
TS-DiE3.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 3
TS-DiE4.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 4
TS-DiE5.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 5
TS-DiE6.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 6
TS-DiE7.DiEThe Shamen DiE Advertisement 7
TS-HI1.DiE The Shamen Home Invasion Advertisement 1
TS-HOJ1.DiEThe Shamen Hall of Justice Advertisement 1
TS-HS1.DiE The Shamen Honoured Society Advertisement 1
TS-INF1.DiEThe Shamen Infinity Advertisement 1
TS-SR1.DiE The Shamen Satans Retreat Advertisement 1
TS-SS1.DiE The Shamen Secret Service Advertisment 1
Total Files: 22
DiE ANSi/Couriering BBS List!
BBS Name SysOp Number Description
Violent Crimes Sudden Death 613.562.1008 DiE Australian HQ
The Rebellion Joystick 6175.326.461 DiE Queensland HQ
Olympus BBS Megalomaniac 613.743.3698 DiE Member Board
Terminally Sane Justin Sane 613.523.7337 DiE Member Board
Magic Mushroom G. Leprechaun 613.560.2574 .+TRiAL Board+.
Welcome to DiE Pack 3
A few greets to our new members...
Justin Sane, Lord Grafix, The Shamen, E-Coli, Capn Pugwash, and
last but definately NOT least Cyco.
Justin Sane is also the SysOp of Terminally Sane : 523-7337, call NOW!
Also give Magic Mushroom a Call! He is looking for a co-sysop!
And look forward to the opening of Home Invasion, should be a kickass board!
I know its a bit late, but its time to clear a few things up, and
explain to everyone just what DiE is.
DiE is a dedicated ART and couriering group, formed solely to assist
the expanding Australian modeming scene. We are trying to be as original
as possible, in all aspects. Seeing this is our ANSi pack,
I will just briefly describe the couriering side of DiE. DiE mainly
imports files via internet. In particular useful utilities, SB/VGA demos,
game demos, BBS Software, ANSi packs and general graphics related Software.
Now for the real stuff, the ANSi/VGA side. The DiE artists are a bunch of
cool dudes, that enjoy creating wicked ANSi, ASCii and VGA. DiE will lend
its artistic talent to any BBSPublic or Private/Person/Net/Utils/Etc. We
are not at all picky by the requests we recieve. The artists enjoy
their Work, thus will do it for anyone. All you have to do is call
Violent Crimes or The Rebellion, and request the ANSi/VGA. DiE will
do any type of ANSi, ie Advertisements, welcome screens, menu sets,
zip comments, and now even VGA screens, and will generally follow
the theme you desire. And yes, our ANSi is 100 free.
We are still considering making an application form. An application form has
advantages and disadvanages. We have found many people see application
forms as hassles, and prefer just to use email.
The Creation of DiE
Well, at the time of its creation, Flick was modemless, and asked me if
I would be able to get some ANSi requests from various BBSes in Melbourne
as he was bored, and overflowing with talent :. That I did, and decided
to make a group out of it, not knowing if it would be successful or not.
Three months down the track the group is still around, so it must be doing
ok! The group initially grew slowly, but now has quite a number of
highly talented and productive artists.
How do you join the WINNING TEAM?
It is quite simple as there is only one requirement you are a kickass
artist! So to apply, just call one of the HQ boards, and upload a folio
of your work at least 2-3 pics. We will suss you out, and get back to
you as soon as possible.
It has been decided to release our pack every 2 months, as when you
d/l an ANSi/VGA pack, you dont want a few little try-hard ANSies. You
want to see a lot of artwork. It is fair to say, this is our best pack.
It actually has a range of artists in it! But most of all, it has heaps
of artwork, not just a few budget screens. Unfortunately we were unable
to get the viewer finished in time. Unfortunately, seeing as Cyco and
E-coli, they were unable to submit an wicked VGAs! These are Ozs best
VGA artists, as they both are professionals at it.
DieNET is also hooning thanks mainly to Joystick. At the moment
its just Vic - QLD, but hopefully we get that damn sysop in
NSW! So post, post, post! This echo can be used to chat with your
favourite DiE members. :
Lastly, DiE is looking for support BBSes in any major city of Australia.
As a member BBS, all you have to do it promote DiE, get requests, and
relay them back to VC. DiE is also looking for a quality coder, and possibly
few more VGA artists.
DiE sends greats to: in no particular order
EPiC, CSG, Genesis Crew, ADFA, Breakdown, Mode 7
Blue Adept, The Shadow, Cascade, iCE-T, Black Eagle,
Overdose, The Blind Assassin, The Wizard, Baud Walker, Tallahassie Tight,
Hellraiser, Preditor, Side Effect, Randers, Casper,
Death Wish, Falafel the Great, Electron Shadow.
and the rest of the modeming community in this screeching country of ours!
The Doodz in DiE
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