this image contains text
-xDevil Forces art pack 4 FILEID.DIZx---------------------------------------
:::::DEViL F0RCES:ART PACK 4:::::
b :I l sI
Is. I: S s,
d s
.:I :I s:I
I: I: s I:
:I l:I I,
. I: I: I:
P s d d
:I sssssss
-:We rock, so fear our butts:-
cut this if you want to use it as FILEID-------------------------------------
Yeah, ive made a cool diz for Devil Forces, Argentinas finest group...
at this moment im under influence of about 6 or 7 beers : well, you should
drink Belgian beer, its the best, and the strongest in the whole fuckin world!
cut if you dont want to use this or if you had it 2 late---------------------Venomous, if you get this in time, and if you like it, and want to use it, cut
between the lines,...
:::::DEViL F0RCES:ART PACK 4:::::
b :I l sI
Is. I: S s,
d s
.:I :I s:I
I: I: s I:
:I l:I I,
. I: I: I:
P s d d
:I sssssss
-:We rock, so fear our butts:-
cut this if you want to use it as FILEID-------------------------------------
Yeah, ive made a cool diz for Devil Forces, Argentinas finest group...
at this moment im under influence of about 6 or 7 beers : well, you should
drink Belgian beer, its the best, and the strongest in the whole fuckin world!
cut if you dont want to use this or if you had it 2 late---------------------Venomous, if you get this in time, and if you like it, and want to use it, cut
between the lines,...
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