this image contains text
Kayozz of Mimic / The Element Crew
email address: kayozz@home.com.. ..
Degeneration65, back like bellbottom pants, but still stylin!
/ ozz . .
p a g e d w n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . / / / craig kayozz aka kaboom of mimic and the element crew
/ / email address: kayozz@home.com, efnet: ascii, mimic.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word up, kayozz here, drawing up a storm for my buddy martz and degeneration 65.Ive been drawing for about 2 years now, and in the scene about 2 1/2 years and Ireally love the scene, and martz is the one who actually taught me how to draw
ascii, and inspired me to keep drawing, he gave me a home in spies when i suckedass badly, but he gave me a chance, and look where it put me, and when he asked
me to draw some stuff for the upcoming deg65 cluster, I had to draw some fresh
new asciis for all of you too love, and worship... just kidding, but anyways I
have been kinda lazy lately with school, life, and almost getting charged and
shit, but i do have some great stuff for this little cluster. Hope you enjoy it. ..
Greets fly out to all of my element crew, dezibel, volatile, martz of course,
serial toon, marlon brando, flick, prothesis spelled it right!, mza, disco,
mydknight, black jack, sargon, antik, super88, mankind, haji, hiro protagonist,
whodini, poskgubbe, dartagnan, zANEr, mortimer tee, speed devil, all of the
other miggers i know. Peace and R.i.p to the karmacks.
/ // dEG65!
: element and kayozz present :
: a little cluster for deg65 02 :
:::::: ozz
// // . 65
c l u s t e r b y k a y o z z o f
e l e m e n t p r o d u c t i o n s
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
.: : U
:: / smooth as milk chocolate...
/ / c h o c o l a t e y c l a r e
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
e s e
/ / / ozz
/ + o e m o k !
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
. U
: ozz
: : : ese : :
: : : / / / +o : :
: : : // / // emok : :
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
: /. / ozz
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
, Roman, of Degeneration 65!
/ / / /. ozz/deg65
- ------oOo / oOo------ - PRELUDE JOINT
- @@ - W/ VOLATILE!!
l/ / // . / / . . //
vol // / / / ozz
::::: ::::: l l ::::: :::::
- This colly is dedicated to all the oldschoolers still left in the scene
drawing up a storm, were the real ASCII artists baby. Always keep it real
and dont draw unless you love it. MAD Respects to all the new oldschoolers
trying it out, dont give up.
Kayozz Element/Mimic/Deg65!
email address: kayozz@home.com.. ..
Degeneration65, back like bellbottom pants, but still stylin!
/ ozz . .
p a g e d w n
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------. . . / / / craig kayozz aka kaboom of mimic and the element crew
/ / email address: kayozz@home.com, efnet: ascii, mimic.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word up, kayozz here, drawing up a storm for my buddy martz and degeneration 65.Ive been drawing for about 2 years now, and in the scene about 2 1/2 years and Ireally love the scene, and martz is the one who actually taught me how to draw
ascii, and inspired me to keep drawing, he gave me a home in spies when i suckedass badly, but he gave me a chance, and look where it put me, and when he asked
me to draw some stuff for the upcoming deg65 cluster, I had to draw some fresh
new asciis for all of you too love, and worship... just kidding, but anyways I
have been kinda lazy lately with school, life, and almost getting charged and
shit, but i do have some great stuff for this little cluster. Hope you enjoy it. ..
Greets fly out to all of my element crew, dezibel, volatile, martz of course,
serial toon, marlon brando, flick, prothesis spelled it right!, mza, disco,
mydknight, black jack, sargon, antik, super88, mankind, haji, hiro protagonist,
whodini, poskgubbe, dartagnan, zANEr, mortimer tee, speed devil, all of the
other miggers i know. Peace and R.i.p to the karmacks.
/ // dEG65!
: element and kayozz present :
: a little cluster for deg65 02 :
:::::: ozz
// // . 65
c l u s t e r b y k a y o z z o f
e l e m e n t p r o d u c t i o n s
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
.: : U
:: / smooth as milk chocolate...
/ / c h o c o l a t e y c l a r e
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
e s e
/ / / ozz
/ + o e m o k !
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
. U
: ozz
: : : ese : :
: : : / / / +o : :
: : : // / // emok : :
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
: /. / ozz
- ------oOo / oOo------ -
- @@ -
, Roman, of Degeneration 65!
/ / / /. ozz/deg65
- ------oOo / oOo------ - PRELUDE JOINT
- @@ - W/ VOLATILE!!
l/ / // . / / . . //
vol // / / / ozz
::::: ::::: l l ::::: :::::
- This colly is dedicated to all the oldschoolers still left in the scene
drawing up a storm, were the real ASCII artists baby. Always keep it real
and dont draw unless you love it. MAD Respects to all the new oldschoolers
trying it out, dont give up.
Kayozz Element/Mimic/Deg65!
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