this image contains text
.. cyberdata
c y b e r d a t a
issue whogivesacare
its back. and lamer then ever. extra crispy.
yes its back. why? because. yea thats right, i was persuaded to start it back
up again with another dose of what some people that was a cool little textfile
whatever you want to call it. so if you dont like it, dont read it and if
you do right it, go eat a banana split and celebrate a little.
well, i will philly you people in like a cheese steak what has been going on
with me lately before i start slamming a few art scene things that piss me off
or that i find funny.
first on the agenda is the fact that i have decided to leave the group known
as fire. yes, i have quit fire. i dont really know who to tell because i do
not talk to anyone in the group, nor see anyone like halaster around anymore
so if you see this, please remove me from the memberlist. no offense or any-
thing like that, it is just that i did not seem to into it, not to mention
the fact that it does not seem to active. so i needed a jumpstart and have
been persuaded to join decades, the land-o kY jelly and fetal pig robitO -- or
the artist formely known as el-es-dee. so here i am. some things you should
know however is the fact that i am no longer drawing ansi of any kind what-so-
ever. ever since i got this microsoft natural keyboard back in march i have
not been able to draw, which isnt that bad considering i sucked at drawing in
the first place so i could careless.
what am i doing now? mainly hanging out on irc, in ansi and decades if i am
actually not idle. i hang out on alot of irc channels such as www, and some
others like goatherdersex and the like. i work fulltime as a webdeveloper at
a company in my area called teamWIRED http://www.teamwired.com and am also
working on a project with xten of ice called BALLISTIC Imagery, you may find
out more about that in a month or two if we decide to actually let the scene
know what we do for a living.
the artistic scenery of the internet relay chat.
one thing that seems to be cropping up now is an influx of irc freaks who seem
to think they are the GODS of the art scene because they rule ansi. now i do
know this has been going on awhile, starting with maytrickz. luckily it is on
the decline as even i am able to get ops in ansi, it is not as big of a lame
popularity dictpotatorship as it was a few months ago. that is a good thing
that something in the scene is actually improving, albeit very slowly.
but the thing that pisses me off is the influx of new people that think since
they are in the scene and on irc that they know everything about the scene
and they rule the scene. half these people dont know jack shit about the old
days in the scene when groups like grim, dream, etc. were around, let alone
even newer-old groups like gothic, eternity, nation, etc. it is just fucking
pathetic and lame. but then again, so are they so who really gives a damn.
the public entity known as ice
now here is something that is pretty lame, although i will admit i have some
good friends that are members of ice and high members at that such as xten
and massd but i am free to express my opinions and those that are truely my
friends wont give a damn and understand that it is just that, my opinion
and not that of them as individuals.
ice to me is becoming a joke, an art group that thinks it is becoming a big
corporate entity. kicking out members due to conflicts of outlooks, and
segregating the group by having an inner-circle of people that are kept in
close contact and having another group of people that just contribute work
each month and nothing more. this ice family is just getting pretty damn
stupid with its antics, get over it guys, until you start making nice money
and have to worry about a corporate reputation, quit trying to force your
members to view life as you do. this is the art scene, nobody gives a jack
rabbits of an asses view on what you think, so get over it. let the art
speak for itself, in the immortal words of rodney king, cant we all just
get along? no. because ice is the corporate entity therefore they get to be
the ones that beat the shit out of you. dumbasses. have you not figured it
out yet? they rule, you dont, so they get to boss you around.
so i say to my fellow americans, buck the bucking ice bronco and say screw
em. do what you want, this isnt the real world here folks. have some fun
in an environment that wont affect your real life. vent your frustrations
or just do what you want to do to have fun. this is the art scene, this is
not corporate america, this is not american industry, this is a bunch of
teenager-middle 20s occasionally older KIDS that are generally shy, who
have a knack for art. if they want to have some fun and say fuck em, let
so they dont screw up their real life by doing stupid shit.
you have been erased
thats it for this shitty text. it was not funny. it was just my opinions
on some things. dont expect another one next month, if i get around to it
then great, if not then oh well. have fun, and screw em.
w i r e d
btw: anyone remember that game where you were a fireman and you had to save
the bouncing babies from the burning building by bouncing them before they
hit the ground and splattered into baby shit? if you have that find me and
dcc me it, i want it.
c y b e r d a t a
issue whogivesacare
its back. and lamer then ever. extra crispy.
yes its back. why? because. yea thats right, i was persuaded to start it back
up again with another dose of what some people that was a cool little textfile
whatever you want to call it. so if you dont like it, dont read it and if
you do right it, go eat a banana split and celebrate a little.
well, i will philly you people in like a cheese steak what has been going on
with me lately before i start slamming a few art scene things that piss me off
or that i find funny.
first on the agenda is the fact that i have decided to leave the group known
as fire. yes, i have quit fire. i dont really know who to tell because i do
not talk to anyone in the group, nor see anyone like halaster around anymore
so if you see this, please remove me from the memberlist. no offense or any-
thing like that, it is just that i did not seem to into it, not to mention
the fact that it does not seem to active. so i needed a jumpstart and have
been persuaded to join decades, the land-o kY jelly and fetal pig robitO -- or
the artist formely known as el-es-dee. so here i am. some things you should
know however is the fact that i am no longer drawing ansi of any kind what-so-
ever. ever since i got this microsoft natural keyboard back in march i have
not been able to draw, which isnt that bad considering i sucked at drawing in
the first place so i could careless.
what am i doing now? mainly hanging out on irc, in ansi and decades if i am
actually not idle. i hang out on alot of irc channels such as www, and some
others like goatherdersex and the like. i work fulltime as a webdeveloper at
a company in my area called teamWIRED http://www.teamwired.com and am also
working on a project with xten of ice called BALLISTIC Imagery, you may find
out more about that in a month or two if we decide to actually let the scene
know what we do for a living.
the artistic scenery of the internet relay chat.
one thing that seems to be cropping up now is an influx of irc freaks who seem
to think they are the GODS of the art scene because they rule ansi. now i do
know this has been going on awhile, starting with maytrickz. luckily it is on
the decline as even i am able to get ops in ansi, it is not as big of a lame
popularity dictpotatorship as it was a few months ago. that is a good thing
that something in the scene is actually improving, albeit very slowly.
but the thing that pisses me off is the influx of new people that think since
they are in the scene and on irc that they know everything about the scene
and they rule the scene. half these people dont know jack shit about the old
days in the scene when groups like grim, dream, etc. were around, let alone
even newer-old groups like gothic, eternity, nation, etc. it is just fucking
pathetic and lame. but then again, so are they so who really gives a damn.
the public entity known as ice
now here is something that is pretty lame, although i will admit i have some
good friends that are members of ice and high members at that such as xten
and massd but i am free to express my opinions and those that are truely my
friends wont give a damn and understand that it is just that, my opinion
and not that of them as individuals.
ice to me is becoming a joke, an art group that thinks it is becoming a big
corporate entity. kicking out members due to conflicts of outlooks, and
segregating the group by having an inner-circle of people that are kept in
close contact and having another group of people that just contribute work
each month and nothing more. this ice family is just getting pretty damn
stupid with its antics, get over it guys, until you start making nice money
and have to worry about a corporate reputation, quit trying to force your
members to view life as you do. this is the art scene, nobody gives a jack
rabbits of an asses view on what you think, so get over it. let the art
speak for itself, in the immortal words of rodney king, cant we all just
get along? no. because ice is the corporate entity therefore they get to be
the ones that beat the shit out of you. dumbasses. have you not figured it
out yet? they rule, you dont, so they get to boss you around.
so i say to my fellow americans, buck the bucking ice bronco and say screw
em. do what you want, this isnt the real world here folks. have some fun
in an environment that wont affect your real life. vent your frustrations
or just do what you want to do to have fun. this is the art scene, this is
not corporate america, this is not american industry, this is a bunch of
teenager-middle 20s occasionally older KIDS that are generally shy, who
have a knack for art. if they want to have some fun and say fuck em, let
so they dont screw up their real life by doing stupid shit.
you have been erased
thats it for this shitty text. it was not funny. it was just my opinions
on some things. dont expect another one next month, if i get around to it
then great, if not then oh well. have fun, and screw em.
w i r e d
btw: anyone remember that game where you were a fireman and you had to save
the bouncing babies from the burning building by bouncing them before they
hit the ground and splattered into baby shit? if you have that find me and
dcc me it, i want it.
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