this image contains text
The Best Of 1995 Dark Illustrated Pack Information File
Dark /da:k/ adj. n. -adj. 1. with little or no light.
2 of a deep or sombre colour. 3. of a person with
deep brown or black hair, complexion, or skin. 4.
gloomy, depressing, dismal dark thoughts. 5 evil,
sinister dark deeds. 6. sullen, angry a dark mood.
7 remote, secret, mysterious, little-known the dark
and distant past keep it dark.
What does Dark mean?
Dark is a modem group. Dark is an art group. Dark is a group that
specializes in ANSI, RIP, MOD/S3M, andVGA work. Dark was founded by
that guy named Black Widow. Dark once meant Digital Artists Of The Rare
Kind. Dark is KRAD. Dark is Canadian based. Dark has a lot veteran
artists. Dark keeps delaying the release of Vortex. Dark has been around
longer than any other art group, aside from CIA, iCE and ACiD. Dark has
a member that owns a glock that is always being polished. Dark has lost
many members to MUD. Dark has a channel on IRC called dark, which is
constantly being raided by French seperatists.Dark is cool. Dark is fun.
Dark is relaxed. Dark is friendship. Dark is Dark.
Over the past year, many things have happened. From the departure
and arrival of The Green Hornet/Nootropic, to the change of world head-
quarters from Shadowdale to The Lethal Aspect. Unquestionably, there
was change. Change for the better, of Dark.
Welcome to the second compilation of Dark Illustrated, The Best Of
1995. This collection highlights and focuses on the artwork over the
past year. Albeit all released dark material is good :, the seniors
picked to what they felt was the artwork that best exemplified and
represented the artist.
Choosing work was difficult, mind you. Using our experienced
aesthetic judgement and university-leveled math skills, we managed to
compile a list after many painstaking hours.
Music was not included. It will be included in the Dark music disk,
Vortex, which will be released in the near future.
Enough of this babbling. Let the artwork itself tell the tale of the
year of Dark.
- The Green Hornet
DARK Features
Internet INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY, for those who arent sick
of that term.
For the latest DARK information, pack, bondage, whatnot, you
can Web on over to http://www.io.org/drasil.
Our FTP site, courtesy of Halaster is atarppegio.res.cmy.edu.
Filenames for THIS pack work like this: DARKXXXX.
represents the date of pack from which the artwork was re-
represents the amount of work selected for that month.
The Lethal Aspect has an online DARK-chive with all past packs
available for download. You can also grab releases from the
FTP sitelisted in here somewhere.
DARKVIEW currently has a few bugs in it. Most annoying of which
is its inability to display .JPGs properly. Were working on a
new edition of the viewer, and this would be a lot easier if the
coder would willingfully donate the source code. : So please
bear with us. Gracias.
Affiliated Bulletin Board System:
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
After months of argument and debate, the matter of sites has been
resolved. Distribution sites for art groups have become a thing of
the past, in our opinion. Thanks to the Internet, getting a pack
from one end of the globe to the other isnt nearly as difficult or
Member boards will no longer be listed, simply because of the
nuisance to keep track of. If the system operator or the co is a
Dark member, then it is a member board.
Greets :Syntax Error
The Corrupted Monk
Space Ace
Cold And Ugly
Sinned Soul
Aphex Twin
Lord Soth
And all the people we like.
* This pack is dedicated to Xypher Matryx, who shows that gays have rights
Dark Illustrated - Tricks Of The Shade
Dark /da:k/ adj. n. -adj. 1. with little or no light.
2 of a deep or sombre colour. 3. of a person with
deep brown or black hair, complexion, or skin. 4.
gloomy, depressing, dismal dark thoughts. 5 evil,
sinister dark deeds. 6. sullen, angry a dark mood.
7 remote, secret, mysterious, little-known the dark
and distant past keep it dark.
What does Dark mean?
Dark is a modem group. Dark is an art group. Dark is a group that
specializes in ANSI, RIP, MOD/S3M, andVGA work. Dark was founded by
that guy named Black Widow. Dark once meant Digital Artists Of The Rare
Kind. Dark is KRAD. Dark is Canadian based. Dark has a lot veteran
artists. Dark keeps delaying the release of Vortex. Dark has been around
longer than any other art group, aside from CIA, iCE and ACiD. Dark has
a member that owns a glock that is always being polished. Dark has lost
many members to MUD. Dark has a channel on IRC called dark, which is
constantly being raided by French seperatists.Dark is cool. Dark is fun.
Dark is relaxed. Dark is friendship. Dark is Dark.
Over the past year, many things have happened. From the departure
and arrival of The Green Hornet/Nootropic, to the change of world head-
quarters from Shadowdale to The Lethal Aspect. Unquestionably, there
was change. Change for the better, of Dark.
Welcome to the second compilation of Dark Illustrated, The Best Of
1995. This collection highlights and focuses on the artwork over the
past year. Albeit all released dark material is good :, the seniors
picked to what they felt was the artwork that best exemplified and
represented the artist.
Choosing work was difficult, mind you. Using our experienced
aesthetic judgement and university-leveled math skills, we managed to
compile a list after many painstaking hours.
Music was not included. It will be included in the Dark music disk,
Vortex, which will be released in the near future.
Enough of this babbling. Let the artwork itself tell the tale of the
year of Dark.
- The Green Hornet
DARK Features
Internet INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY, for those who arent sick
of that term.
For the latest DARK information, pack, bondage, whatnot, you
can Web on over to http://www.io.org/drasil.
Our FTP site, courtesy of Halaster is atarppegio.res.cmy.edu.
Filenames for THIS pack work like this: DARKXXXX.
represents the date of pack from which the artwork was re-
represents the amount of work selected for that month.
The Lethal Aspect has an online DARK-chive with all past packs
available for download. You can also grab releases from the
FTP sitelisted in here somewhere.
DARKVIEW currently has a few bugs in it. Most annoying of which
is its inability to display .JPGs properly. Were working on a
new edition of the viewer, and this would be a lot easier if the
coder would willingfully donate the source code. : So please
bear with us. Gracias.
Affiliated Bulletin Board System:
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
After months of argument and debate, the matter of sites has been
resolved. Distribution sites for art groups have become a thing of
the past, in our opinion. Thanks to the Internet, getting a pack
from one end of the globe to the other isnt nearly as difficult or
Member boards will no longer be listed, simply because of the
nuisance to keep track of. If the system operator or the co is a
Dark member, then it is a member board.
Greets :Syntax Error
The Corrupted Monk
Space Ace
Cold And Ugly
Sinned Soul
Aphex Twin
Lord Soth
And all the people we like.
* This pack is dedicated to Xypher Matryx, who shows that gays have rights
Dark Illustrated - Tricks Of The Shade
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