this image contains text
Putrid ----
--- Carcass
Dark Illustrated!
Infofile 09/97 greets Darkies/Twisties.
..Introduction September 1997
They finally let me corrupt the pack - Anyhow if any of you guys
didnt know this is my first packing job and it really didnt turn out to be
a hassle like everyone says... maybe in a year itll get boring but so far so
good... I should be doing the packing job on until december and someone should
take over in january for me... So maybe ill grow on some of you bastards over
the next couple of months... Anyhow i dont want to sit here and ramble on
about how packing the pack was cool and everything so well just get into the
monthly updates and news...
Carnifex Super Ansi Fob is now in University of Waterloo... I dont
think ansi is his first priority anymore but it has been for the last 8 years
so I guess he deserves a breather... Anyhow we hope to see him back in action
and on irc sometime soon...
sa - mu
Samurai one of our Ansi Pimps left for University of Rochester... We all hope he finds a girlfriend real soon before he settles for his professor Tom Selleck... anyhow we hope yo
u continue your drawing -
As of now Demesne is on hiatus and should be for awhile... I dont have
the time to run around irc looking for articles and reviews so Ill just put
it to rest for now... Maybe me and Oxygene will bring the mag back but not
anytime soon...
..Dark News
Corinthian steps down as our Ansi Head to take a breather... Seraphim
steps up to fill the big shoes... We hope Seraphims knows what hes getting
into -
Acidic Soap our Soapbox Racing Champion wins Blender 42... We hope
he continues to win more so he can become the new Blender Mascot...
On another note, check out Darks webpage at www.darkillustrated.org.
Its been under development for a while and is now presentable. Although
certain areas are still being worked on, you can get loads of information as
well as view packs online, apply to Dark online, and read monthly news and
updates. Leave us some email or local feedback, this site is a killer.
..Dark Member Update
A great Calibre of skill has been added to our Ansi Division. This
Month. These New Faces be: The Silent Killer, Tarot, Jeepee, and Jekyll.
And if that wasnt enough to make your socks wet? SilverspyColour/Shaminize has returned to Dark. VVVelcome all!!
Joining Darks VGA ranks this month are Techbit and Darkmoon.
Both promise to blossom with increasing skill as their time in Dark goes by.
Look forward to seeing their art in our future collections.
This month we say goodbye to Holocaust who left Dark to start his own
group. We wish him luck. Garroter also left Dark Illustrated finding it too
busy for school and ansi...
We would like
..Dark Sites
Life Force DARK World Headquarters Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Sight Sound DARK Member Board Drone-Fly
Special Sauce DARK Member Board Samurai
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site Kyo
..Where To Obtain Dark Collections
Via the internet, DARK packs can be obtained from the ACiD Artpacks
Archive at ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/artpacks/1997/.
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses available
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC, in channel
dark. EFnet
On the World Wide Web, youll find support for DARK Illustrated, as
well as the latest pack, via www.darkillustrated.org.
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated, DARKs own F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this archive.
Filename: DARK-FAQ.190
..Filename Conventions
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or less, the entire
alias will be used.
represents the current number of pieces the artist has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executables, data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for ANSI images, JPG/GIF/BMP/
etc... for high resolution graphic images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music
data files.
Guess the packing is done... anyhow I just want to congratulate every
group that released a pack this month... It gets tough after summer with school
starting up and getting artists to draw is even tougher... I just wanted to
congratulate you guys you know who you are...
--- Carcass
Dark Illustrated!
Infofile 09/97 greets Darkies/Twisties.
..Introduction September 1997
They finally let me corrupt the pack - Anyhow if any of you guys
didnt know this is my first packing job and it really didnt turn out to be
a hassle like everyone says... maybe in a year itll get boring but so far so
good... I should be doing the packing job on until december and someone should
take over in january for me... So maybe ill grow on some of you bastards over
the next couple of months... Anyhow i dont want to sit here and ramble on
about how packing the pack was cool and everything so well just get into the
monthly updates and news...
Carnifex Super Ansi Fob is now in University of Waterloo... I dont
think ansi is his first priority anymore but it has been for the last 8 years
so I guess he deserves a breather... Anyhow we hope to see him back in action
and on irc sometime soon...
sa - mu
Samurai one of our Ansi Pimps left for University of Rochester... We all hope he finds a girlfriend real soon before he settles for his professor Tom Selleck... anyhow we hope yo
u continue your drawing -
As of now Demesne is on hiatus and should be for awhile... I dont have
the time to run around irc looking for articles and reviews so Ill just put
it to rest for now... Maybe me and Oxygene will bring the mag back but not
anytime soon...
..Dark News
Corinthian steps down as our Ansi Head to take a breather... Seraphim
steps up to fill the big shoes... We hope Seraphims knows what hes getting
into -
Acidic Soap our Soapbox Racing Champion wins Blender 42... We hope
he continues to win more so he can become the new Blender Mascot...
On another note, check out Darks webpage at www.darkillustrated.org.
Its been under development for a while and is now presentable. Although
certain areas are still being worked on, you can get loads of information as
well as view packs online, apply to Dark online, and read monthly news and
updates. Leave us some email or local feedback, this site is a killer.
..Dark Member Update
A great Calibre of skill has been added to our Ansi Division. This
Month. These New Faces be: The Silent Killer, Tarot, Jeepee, and Jekyll.
And if that wasnt enough to make your socks wet? SilverspyColour/Shaminize has returned to Dark. VVVelcome all!!
Joining Darks VGA ranks this month are Techbit and Darkmoon.
Both promise to blossom with increasing skill as their time in Dark goes by.
Look forward to seeing their art in our future collections.
This month we say goodbye to Holocaust who left Dark to start his own
group. We wish him luck. Garroter also left Dark Illustrated finding it too
busy for school and ansi...
We would like
..Dark Sites
Life Force DARK World Headquarters Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Sight Sound DARK Member Board Drone-Fly
Special Sauce DARK Member Board Samurai
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site Kyo
..Where To Obtain Dark Collections
Via the internet, DARK packs can be obtained from the ACiD Artpacks
Archive at ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/artpacks/1997/.
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses available
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC, in channel
dark. EFnet
On the World Wide Web, youll find support for DARK Illustrated, as
well as the latest pack, via www.darkillustrated.org.
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated, DARKs own F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this archive.
Filename: DARK-FAQ.190
..Filename Conventions
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or less, the entire
alias will be used.
represents the current number of pieces the artist has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executables, data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for ANSI images, JPG/GIF/BMP/
etc... for high resolution graphic images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music
data files.
Guess the packing is done... anyhow I just want to congratulate every
group that released a pack this month... It gets tough after summer with school
starting up and getting artists to draw is even tougher... I just wanted to
congratulate you guys you know who you are...
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