this image contains text
I speak my mind
. I question theirs.
It seems to me li
ke no one really
cares. Peripherall
y blind. Intel-
lectually numb. Igno
rance by choice?
Or just plain fucking d
the september 1995 information
I always used to say that its not enough to question
the things that
you hate, or dislike, but youve got to take the bitc
h by the tail and
shape it to what you want it to be - your own perfect
vision. This month,
Dark has compiled a Collection that aims to perfect and d
isplay this ideal.
The release of many September packs usually signifies the
end of summer,
the end of that large, gracious amount of free time.. the
parties, the
friends, maybe work or even school, if you went that rout
e. Even with all
these so called distractions, there are some who choose t
o be leaders the
ones who usually end up with a large caffeine addiction b
ecause they knew
they could not only tow the line, but rip it out and shak
e it.
This September 1995 release brings the fruits of many caf
feine addictions
to light art from new artists, from old, from some just
passing by. Along
with the usual collection of stellar work, the various Da
rk side-projects
are moving headlong towards completion - Vortex,
the Dark/Anasthasia music
disc, is due to be released. The Official Dark Homep
age has finally been
set up, and promises easy and immediate access to everyth
ing Dark. The top
secret project known only as TIP is seeing more t
han fetal longings well
build up the anticipation and say that 3D Studio
is at the heart of this
work. And last, but not least, the impending release of
everything Dark
to the real world is about to become a reality
- no, were not talking
T-Shirts, mugs, or trinkets here - this is the real thing
Long is the night that never finds the day the Dark cons
umes all...
All Dark files are still named as follows:
XXXXX represents five characters for an artist na
me. is a hexadecimal
number representing the number of releases that artist ha
s made to date.
This file naming system is working out just fine for us a
nd hopefully
other groups may find this new method useful with getting
rid of the
multiple alias conflicts. All are encouraged to use it.
Viewer Inc
Several pieces of artwork produced this month are not c
ompatible, or
do not work properly with DARKVIEW - the second
Logo-BIN, and the VGAs
in .JPG format drawn by desalvo. Although the vi
ewer will display the
Logo-BIN, the full length will not be displayed. The VGA
s drawn in .JPG
format are in drawn in 24 bit color, limiting display to
programs. Our excellent team of coders is working on cor
recting these
minor details for future Collections.
The Dark I
llustrated TOP TEN
Top 10 Fun Things To Do In HELL
10. Pull the fire alarm
0. Run around with your hair on fire
8. Toast marshmallows
7. Do the pull my finger trick on Satan
6. Put ice down Satans back
5. Yank Satans tail
4. Set fire to Satan
3. Roll Jeffrey Dahmer for some spare parts yo
u never know when
your arm will fall off, always be prepared
2. Prepare Paul Bernardo/O.J. Simpsons living
quarters dont
forget the chocolate under the pillow
1. After a football game, pull the Gatorade on
the coach trick
thing on Satan
New Member
This month has proven to be yet another productive month,
both on the
art side and in the gaining of new members. To our ANSI
we welcome three new members, Argon, The Nigh
t Angel, and Spirit of
Illusion. We welcome Argon from his stay in iCE,
Night Angel from his
senior staff position in GRIP, and Spirit of Illusion fro
the VGA side, were proud to have David Tym,
Myth, and Wolf join our
ranks. David is a semi-professional artist whose 3D Stud
io works will
be featured prominently in future Collections. Myth, bro
ther of Dark
ANSI artist Tribe, brings his unique bitmap style. Wolf
joins us from
GRIP also, being the sole dedicated RIP artist in the gro
up, along with
doing the odd bit of ANSI. A great big welcome to all.
Holy fuck, school starts TODAY?!?!?!?!
Youd think theyd come up with a vowel just for the numb
er 6..
Excuse me sir, do you have any grey poupon?
Dammit Jim, this sickbay isnt for animals! Go play som
ewhere else!
Dark Illustrated has been sued by Supra Modems for libel
and slander.
We bring this to you through the exclusive Internet, wher
e thzf
The Lands
of Dark
Shadowdale 416 World Fortress
Ravage Bias
The Twisted Tower 905 Northern Fortress Elmin
Sanctuary 305 Southern Fortress Tempus Thale
Harvest Moon 216 Central Fortress QuRan
Rebel Studios 905 Recruiters Guild Incesticyde
Black Ice 805 Armoury Inertia/Argon
Dungeon 2 808 Armoury Smooth
Ground Zero +972 Armoury Sharp Edge
Project-X +972 Armoury Nyc-Kid
Suicidal Shrimp 514 Armoury Red Leader
Sushi Bar Z 619 Armoury Asylum
Eternal Insanity 908 Armoury Mindcrime
Evil Intentions 408 Armoury Betrayer
The Mourning After2 817 Member Keep Neurops
The Tenement 905 Member Keep Genesis POrridge
Forceworks 416 Member Keep The Green Hornet
Toons Town 905 Member Keep Wator
Day Glo Fungus 905 Member Keep Entropy
Virtual Extacy 905 Member Keep Moby
Silicon Sphinx ??? Member Keep Maelstrom
An extra note on sites: When inquiring about becoming
an armoury,
please do not assume that because one has the only bo
ard in the
area code, state, country, etc., that one wi
ll receive the site.
Please do not inquire solely for that reason.
Groups: ACiD iCE An
asthasia Blade Legend
Individuals: Aphex Twin Mass Delusio
n Juice
Lord Carnuss Magnetic M Nailz
Rad Man
Sinned Soul Smooth Somms
Syntax Error
Tempus and all the guys we forgot
The Green Hornet and
Rainmaker we forgot
the dedication last
month, but well
never forget your
dedication to the
..fade into the dark..
. I question theirs.
It seems to me li
ke no one really
cares. Peripherall
y blind. Intel-
lectually numb. Igno
rance by choice?
Or just plain fucking d
the september 1995 information
I always used to say that its not enough to question
the things that
you hate, or dislike, but youve got to take the bitc
h by the tail and
shape it to what you want it to be - your own perfect
vision. This month,
Dark has compiled a Collection that aims to perfect and d
isplay this ideal.
The release of many September packs usually signifies the
end of summer,
the end of that large, gracious amount of free time.. the
parties, the
friends, maybe work or even school, if you went that rout
e. Even with all
these so called distractions, there are some who choose t
o be leaders the
ones who usually end up with a large caffeine addiction b
ecause they knew
they could not only tow the line, but rip it out and shak
e it.
This September 1995 release brings the fruits of many caf
feine addictions
to light art from new artists, from old, from some just
passing by. Along
with the usual collection of stellar work, the various Da
rk side-projects
are moving headlong towards completion - Vortex,
the Dark/Anasthasia music
disc, is due to be released. The Official Dark Homep
age has finally been
set up, and promises easy and immediate access to everyth
ing Dark. The top
secret project known only as TIP is seeing more t
han fetal longings well
build up the anticipation and say that 3D Studio
is at the heart of this
work. And last, but not least, the impending release of
everything Dark
to the real world is about to become a reality
- no, were not talking
T-Shirts, mugs, or trinkets here - this is the real thing
Long is the night that never finds the day the Dark cons
umes all...
All Dark files are still named as follows:
XXXXX represents five characters for an artist na
me. is a hexadecimal
number representing the number of releases that artist ha
s made to date.
This file naming system is working out just fine for us a
nd hopefully
other groups may find this new method useful with getting
rid of the
multiple alias conflicts. All are encouraged to use it.
Viewer Inc
Several pieces of artwork produced this month are not c
ompatible, or
do not work properly with DARKVIEW - the second
Logo-BIN, and the VGAs
in .JPG format drawn by desalvo. Although the vi
ewer will display the
Logo-BIN, the full length will not be displayed. The VGA
s drawn in .JPG
format are in drawn in 24 bit color, limiting display to
programs. Our excellent team of coders is working on cor
recting these
minor details for future Collections.
The Dark I
llustrated TOP TEN
Top 10 Fun Things To Do In HELL
10. Pull the fire alarm
0. Run around with your hair on fire
8. Toast marshmallows
7. Do the pull my finger trick on Satan
6. Put ice down Satans back
5. Yank Satans tail
4. Set fire to Satan
3. Roll Jeffrey Dahmer for some spare parts yo
u never know when
your arm will fall off, always be prepared
2. Prepare Paul Bernardo/O.J. Simpsons living
quarters dont
forget the chocolate under the pillow
1. After a football game, pull the Gatorade on
the coach trick
thing on Satan
New Member
This month has proven to be yet another productive month,
both on the
art side and in the gaining of new members. To our ANSI
we welcome three new members, Argon, The Nigh
t Angel, and Spirit of
Illusion. We welcome Argon from his stay in iCE,
Night Angel from his
senior staff position in GRIP, and Spirit of Illusion fro
the VGA side, were proud to have David Tym,
Myth, and Wolf join our
ranks. David is a semi-professional artist whose 3D Stud
io works will
be featured prominently in future Collections. Myth, bro
ther of Dark
ANSI artist Tribe, brings his unique bitmap style. Wolf
joins us from
GRIP also, being the sole dedicated RIP artist in the gro
up, along with
doing the odd bit of ANSI. A great big welcome to all.
Holy fuck, school starts TODAY?!?!?!?!
Youd think theyd come up with a vowel just for the numb
er 6..
Excuse me sir, do you have any grey poupon?
Dammit Jim, this sickbay isnt for animals! Go play som
ewhere else!
Dark Illustrated has been sued by Supra Modems for libel
and slander.
We bring this to you through the exclusive Internet, wher
e thzf
The Lands
of Dark
Shadowdale 416 World Fortress
Ravage Bias
The Twisted Tower 905 Northern Fortress Elmin
Sanctuary 305 Southern Fortress Tempus Thale
Harvest Moon 216 Central Fortress QuRan
Rebel Studios 905 Recruiters Guild Incesticyde
Black Ice 805 Armoury Inertia/Argon
Dungeon 2 808 Armoury Smooth
Ground Zero +972 Armoury Sharp Edge
Project-X +972 Armoury Nyc-Kid
Suicidal Shrimp 514 Armoury Red Leader
Sushi Bar Z 619 Armoury Asylum
Eternal Insanity 908 Armoury Mindcrime
Evil Intentions 408 Armoury Betrayer
The Mourning After2 817 Member Keep Neurops
The Tenement 905 Member Keep Genesis POrridge
Forceworks 416 Member Keep The Green Hornet
Toons Town 905 Member Keep Wator
Day Glo Fungus 905 Member Keep Entropy
Virtual Extacy 905 Member Keep Moby
Silicon Sphinx ??? Member Keep Maelstrom
An extra note on sites: When inquiring about becoming
an armoury,
please do not assume that because one has the only bo
ard in the
area code, state, country, etc., that one wi
ll receive the site.
Please do not inquire solely for that reason.
Groups: ACiD iCE An
asthasia Blade Legend
Individuals: Aphex Twin Mass Delusio
n Juice
Lord Carnuss Magnetic M Nailz
Rad Man
Sinned Soul Smooth Somms
Syntax Error
Tempus and all the guys we forgot
The Green Hornet and
Rainmaker we forgot
the dedication last
month, but well
never forget your
dedication to the
..fade into the dark..
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