this image contains text
Dark Illustrated 1996
Take hold of what you fear and whisper our name
Dark Illustrated: April Collection
sdht4 4thds
Wow, another month almost passes us, and with it many changes.
Its 3 AM right now, when I write this and if it doesnt make sense
blame Zach De La Rocha of Rage Against The Machine... Damn, theyre
good. Possibly the only thing keeping me up right now. Right from
the get go, Id like to thank the guys from Wyld Studios, more news
on that later on in this info file.
Im rollin down Rodeo with a shotgun, people aint seen a brown
man since their grandparents bought one. RATM: Rodeo
Sorry, I love that part. I think I now know what Xypher Matryx was
getting at about the writing of the info file. Damn, I hate it when
hes right.
Dark Illustrated: Group News
sdht4 4thds
New Members
This month Dark experienced many firsts. One of those was our very
first merger. Wyld Studios has been an established group in the 905
a/c for a couple of years now. This month the two groups became one
keeping the mantle of Dark Illustrated. These new guys show great
talent and we hope that they will enjoy their time in Dark. Were
all extatic about this merger and hope that a new chapter in the
group will now begin. From Wyld Studios come:
Arzach - He has been around dark for a while now. His excellent
VGA skills continue to excite us all. Hes one of the
nicest people to talk to as well, so it only gets better!
Cosmic - A coder who joins our busy department. This guy does
Catalyst some great stuff! Keep an eye on him in the very near
Daddy - The last Wyld pack I d/led featured alot of great work from
Mac this guy. Impressive doesnt do him justice. He has shown
that he has the talent and the drive to be one of the greats.
Grail - Grail is a powerhouse when it comes to ansi. Ive followed
his ansi progression for about a year now and I must say
he is very impressive.
Hektic - A musician, Hektic comes over to Dark in a period where
our musical production has been somewhat low in the past
few months. Maybe hell be the spark we need!
Purple - Another musician, Purple Dye. Hes got some great talent
Dye when it comes to tracking and composing. Hope to see
something from this guy in the near future.
Though the merger brought us many artists we also gained alot of
talent through the application process. This month were proud to
announce the arrivals of:
Cyber - Ex-Acid, Ex-Ice, Ex-Tribe. It looks like a dream list doesnt
X it? Well, now Cyber X comes to Dark Illustrated. His work
with us so far has been exceptional! We proudly open up an
Internet Division this month thanks to him.
Skypager! This guy is just wicked! Small scales, logos and pics. He
can do it all. He truly fits into the family atmosphere of
the group. Great to have you aboard man!
Phantom - This guy joins us as a VGA artist with alot of potential!
Lord He has shown us what hes capable of but you can tell that
hes got something about him.
Internal Structure
This month Dark Illustrated continued its internal structuring. Our
new Co-Ordinator position is filled with Tribal Siege who will also
be running the USHQ Tundra. As well our Internet Division opens up
with Cyber X as the premier member of it. Grail becomes our Ansi head
and with his experience running Wyld Studios we know he has the ability
to do a tremendous job.
USHQ: Tundra
Tribal Sieges Tundra becomes Dark Illustrateds USHQ this month.
Its a great board and as a Co-Ordinator his work can be done easier
from the HQ. He did a great job while TLA was undergoing some work,
and showed that Tundra can handle us! :
Dark Illustrated: Whatcha saying?
sdht4 4thds
To every Yin there is a Yang. A balance must be maintained.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he
didnt exist.
So what WOULD you blow him for?
Hehe... yep, us dark folk migrate together in groups... sort of like girls to
the bathroom...
All we need is a little energon, and a lot of luck.
Let the Dark Illustrated Summer of Hate World Tour begin.
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
sdht4 4thds
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasils homepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: Filenames
sdht4 4thds
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist has had
since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
sdht4 4thds
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
sdht4 4thds
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Tundra United States HQ Tribal Siege
East 1999 Member Board Skypager!
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Components Member Board David Tym
The Way Station Member Board Grail
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
sdht4 4thds
Group Greets: Acid Basic Blade Cia Dread Fire Ice Plain
Individual Greets: Godless Space Ace Arc Angel Equinox
Sinned Soul Misfit Halaster Rainmaker
Cataclysm WatOr Xeryrus Master of Darkness
Dark Illustrated: Dedication
sdht4 4thds
This month we dedicate the Dark Illustrated Collection to a member
who has shown, time and time again that loyalty and dedication does
exist. Forlorn Extender aka Desalvo has shown the integrity and the
push that every artist strives for. For that we thank you.
Dark Illustrated 05/96
expect the impossible.
Dark Illustrated 1996
Take hold of what you fear and whisper our name
Dark Illustrated: April Collection
sdht4 4thds
Wow, another month almost passes us, and with it many changes.
Its 3 AM right now, when I write this and if it doesnt make sense
blame Zach De La Rocha of Rage Against The Machine... Damn, theyre
good. Possibly the only thing keeping me up right now. Right from
the get go, Id like to thank the guys from Wyld Studios, more news
on that later on in this info file.
Im rollin down Rodeo with a shotgun, people aint seen a brown
man since their grandparents bought one. RATM: Rodeo
Sorry, I love that part. I think I now know what Xypher Matryx was
getting at about the writing of the info file. Damn, I hate it when
hes right.
Dark Illustrated: Group News
sdht4 4thds
New Members
This month Dark experienced many firsts. One of those was our very
first merger. Wyld Studios has been an established group in the 905
a/c for a couple of years now. This month the two groups became one
keeping the mantle of Dark Illustrated. These new guys show great
talent and we hope that they will enjoy their time in Dark. Were
all extatic about this merger and hope that a new chapter in the
group will now begin. From Wyld Studios come:
Arzach - He has been around dark for a while now. His excellent
VGA skills continue to excite us all. Hes one of the
nicest people to talk to as well, so it only gets better!
Cosmic - A coder who joins our busy department. This guy does
Catalyst some great stuff! Keep an eye on him in the very near
Daddy - The last Wyld pack I d/led featured alot of great work from
Mac this guy. Impressive doesnt do him justice. He has shown
that he has the talent and the drive to be one of the greats.
Grail - Grail is a powerhouse when it comes to ansi. Ive followed
his ansi progression for about a year now and I must say
he is very impressive.
Hektic - A musician, Hektic comes over to Dark in a period where
our musical production has been somewhat low in the past
few months. Maybe hell be the spark we need!
Purple - Another musician, Purple Dye. Hes got some great talent
Dye when it comes to tracking and composing. Hope to see
something from this guy in the near future.
Though the merger brought us many artists we also gained alot of
talent through the application process. This month were proud to
announce the arrivals of:
Cyber - Ex-Acid, Ex-Ice, Ex-Tribe. It looks like a dream list doesnt
X it? Well, now Cyber X comes to Dark Illustrated. His work
with us so far has been exceptional! We proudly open up an
Internet Division this month thanks to him.
Skypager! This guy is just wicked! Small scales, logos and pics. He
can do it all. He truly fits into the family atmosphere of
the group. Great to have you aboard man!
Phantom - This guy joins us as a VGA artist with alot of potential!
Lord He has shown us what hes capable of but you can tell that
hes got something about him.
Internal Structure
This month Dark Illustrated continued its internal structuring. Our
new Co-Ordinator position is filled with Tribal Siege who will also
be running the USHQ Tundra. As well our Internet Division opens up
with Cyber X as the premier member of it. Grail becomes our Ansi head
and with his experience running Wyld Studios we know he has the ability
to do a tremendous job.
USHQ: Tundra
Tribal Sieges Tundra becomes Dark Illustrateds USHQ this month.
Its a great board and as a Co-Ordinator his work can be done easier
from the HQ. He did a great job while TLA was undergoing some work,
and showed that Tundra can handle us! :
Dark Illustrated: Whatcha saying?
sdht4 4thds
To every Yin there is a Yang. A balance must be maintained.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he
didnt exist.
So what WOULD you blow him for?
Hehe... yep, us dark folk migrate together in groups... sort of like girls to
the bathroom...
All we need is a little energon, and a lot of luck.
Let the Dark Illustrated Summer of Hate World Tour begin.
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
sdht4 4thds
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasils homepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: Filenames
sdht4 4thds
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist has had
since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
sdht4 4thds
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
sdht4 4thds
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Tundra United States HQ Tribal Siege
East 1999 Member Board Skypager!
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Components Member Board David Tym
The Way Station Member Board Grail
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
sdht4 4thds
Group Greets: Acid Basic Blade Cia Dread Fire Ice Plain
Individual Greets: Godless Space Ace Arc Angel Equinox
Sinned Soul Misfit Halaster Rainmaker
Cataclysm WatOr Xeryrus Master of Darkness
Dark Illustrated: Dedication
sdht4 4thds
This month we dedicate the Dark Illustrated Collection to a member
who has shown, time and time again that loyalty and dedication does
exist. Forlorn Extender aka Desalvo has shown the integrity and the
push that every artist strives for. For that we thank you.
Dark Illustrated 05/96
expect the impossible.
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