this image contains text
Dark Illustrated 1996
Take hold of what you fear and whisper our name
Dark Illustrated: April Collection
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Welcome to Darks April Collection. She engulfs our very being, our very
light of life. She springs from our nightmares, creeping up on us as if
stalking our every move. She is Dark. Among us walk the fearless and the
deranged. We are Dark Illustrated, we are what you could never fathom.
Once every month we escape from the shadows to show to the world what we
are, and what our actions may mean. There are others like us, but none so
mysterious. Now go young meat and feed on the energy that eminates from
us. Go, and hope that you may never again meet this thing called Dark.
Well, a little different? A little weird? Xypher Matryx takes a leave of
this section of the release, a much needed rest if you ask me. Tis me,
The 4Th Disciple bringing my total wretchedness to the release. Either
youll like it, or youll want to hang me. Hopefully youll all get used
to my rambling and maybe, just maybe Xypher will beat Wing Commander.
Or hell may freeze over, whatever comes first.
Dark has been holding its series of Dark Meets of late, and though I
wasnt able to attend Ive heard of their success. Note: The Green Hornet
did not die last month. Between the movies, alcohol and jokes a few of
the members were able to work together on some peices of work. These will
be featured in upcoming releases from Dark. Maybe next time some of you
guys will remember to ask before borrowing a certain Wizard magazine? :
As with all groups out there, it seems as if one of our older members has
returned for an unknown period of time. This month Hannibal The Cannibal
returns to release some of his infamous VGA work. Its always good to see
alumnus working side by side with newer members. Welcome back to the Dark
Dark Illustrated: Group News
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New Members
This month we gained a logoist and a pic artist. Stile, an oldschooler has
joined the ranks of Dark Illustrated to showcase his talents. As well, Id
like to apologize for leaving Samurai out of last months memberlisting and
information file. This was my responsibility, and so please dont take it
personal. Samurai, an excellent pic artist comes to Dark. This guy has
talent, watch for it in future Dark packs. Viral Overlord, a musician also
joins our ranks. This guys music is just plain cool, take a listen.
Envious One
This month we discovered that one of our members has developed Penis envy.
Now, we wont divulge his name coughCARNIFEXcough however we will state
that this is not a serious case. It seems that anything over 2 cm will
piss him off, and basically make him uncomfortable. More on this at a
later date. In the ansi scene today, with all the half naked girly pics
its kind of unawkward for our little friend and his little friend. :
LORD IGM Contest
The due date for entries in Dark Illustrateds LORD IGM contest is fast
approaching. Which group will win this? Remember to enter. Please
get in touch with Xypher Matryx if interested.
Internal Restructuring
After months of hard work and complete dedication Xypher Matryx moves from
Senior Staff to our Coding dept. The 4Th Disciple moves up to fill the
space left. Nootropic also moves up to Ansi Head. Xypher will now be in
charge of the Dark Illustrated Homepage which will be revamped in the months
to come.
Dark Illustrated: Whatcha saying?
sdht4 4thds
I wouldnt suggest doing it... it might cause permanent retinal damage
An artists thoughts after breaking out of prison
Just take it with a grain of salt Our very own envious one
Nootropics in Dark? A logoists observation after getting in
Just what the heck is a wonderwall, anyways? Carniverous Faximus
Why do we need to rotate our car tires? They already rotate by themselves.
Whos dah man? Whos dah man? Rons dah man!
But if we let him in well have to let his whole family in....
1, 2, 3, 4th Disciple
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
sdht4 4thds
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasils homepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: Filenames
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Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist has had
since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
sdht4 4thds
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
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The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Demesne Member Board Deaccession
Realm of Darkness Member Board Master of Darkness
Components Member Board David Tym
Tundra Member Board Tribal Siege
Xenocide Member Board Nootropic
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
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Group Greets: Acid Basic Blade Cia Dread Fire Ice Plain
Individual Greets: Godless Space Ace Arc Angel Equinox
Dark Illustrated: Dedication
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This months release is dedicated to Xypher Matryx for the exceptional work
that he has put in, since returning to Dark Illustrated. You have shown us
what true determination is, and we can only hope to follow your lead. We
thank you. You have shown to us what the true meaning of Dark Illustrated is.
the originators of originals
d a r k i 1 1 u s t r a t e d pk
The Dark Collection
April 1996
File Id: Pooka
Dark Illustrated 1996
Take hold of what you fear and whisper our name
Dark Illustrated: April Collection
sdht4 4thds
Welcome to Darks April Collection. She engulfs our very being, our very
light of life. She springs from our nightmares, creeping up on us as if
stalking our every move. She is Dark. Among us walk the fearless and the
deranged. We are Dark Illustrated, we are what you could never fathom.
Once every month we escape from the shadows to show to the world what we
are, and what our actions may mean. There are others like us, but none so
mysterious. Now go young meat and feed on the energy that eminates from
us. Go, and hope that you may never again meet this thing called Dark.
Well, a little different? A little weird? Xypher Matryx takes a leave of
this section of the release, a much needed rest if you ask me. Tis me,
The 4Th Disciple bringing my total wretchedness to the release. Either
youll like it, or youll want to hang me. Hopefully youll all get used
to my rambling and maybe, just maybe Xypher will beat Wing Commander.
Or hell may freeze over, whatever comes first.
Dark has been holding its series of Dark Meets of late, and though I
wasnt able to attend Ive heard of their success. Note: The Green Hornet
did not die last month. Between the movies, alcohol and jokes a few of
the members were able to work together on some peices of work. These will
be featured in upcoming releases from Dark. Maybe next time some of you
guys will remember to ask before borrowing a certain Wizard magazine? :
As with all groups out there, it seems as if one of our older members has
returned for an unknown period of time. This month Hannibal The Cannibal
returns to release some of his infamous VGA work. Its always good to see
alumnus working side by side with newer members. Welcome back to the Dark
Dark Illustrated: Group News
sdht4 4thds
New Members
This month we gained a logoist and a pic artist. Stile, an oldschooler has
joined the ranks of Dark Illustrated to showcase his talents. As well, Id
like to apologize for leaving Samurai out of last months memberlisting and
information file. This was my responsibility, and so please dont take it
personal. Samurai, an excellent pic artist comes to Dark. This guy has
talent, watch for it in future Dark packs. Viral Overlord, a musician also
joins our ranks. This guys music is just plain cool, take a listen.
Envious One
This month we discovered that one of our members has developed Penis envy.
Now, we wont divulge his name coughCARNIFEXcough however we will state
that this is not a serious case. It seems that anything over 2 cm will
piss him off, and basically make him uncomfortable. More on this at a
later date. In the ansi scene today, with all the half naked girly pics
its kind of unawkward for our little friend and his little friend. :
LORD IGM Contest
The due date for entries in Dark Illustrateds LORD IGM contest is fast
approaching. Which group will win this? Remember to enter. Please
get in touch with Xypher Matryx if interested.
Internal Restructuring
After months of hard work and complete dedication Xypher Matryx moves from
Senior Staff to our Coding dept. The 4Th Disciple moves up to fill the
space left. Nootropic also moves up to Ansi Head. Xypher will now be in
charge of the Dark Illustrated Homepage which will be revamped in the months
to come.
Dark Illustrated: Whatcha saying?
sdht4 4thds
I wouldnt suggest doing it... it might cause permanent retinal damage
An artists thoughts after breaking out of prison
Just take it with a grain of salt Our very own envious one
Nootropics in Dark? A logoists observation after getting in
Just what the heck is a wonderwall, anyways? Carniverous Faximus
Why do we need to rotate our car tires? They already rotate by themselves.
Whos dah man? Whos dah man? Rons dah man!
But if we let him in well have to let his whole family in....
1, 2, 3, 4th Disciple
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
sdht4 4thds
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasils homepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: Filenames
sdht4 4thds
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist has had
since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
sdht4 4thds
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
sdht4 4thds
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Demesne Member Board Deaccession
Realm of Darkness Member Board Master of Darkness
Components Member Board David Tym
Tundra Member Board Tribal Siege
Xenocide Member Board Nootropic
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
sdht4 4thds
Group Greets: Acid Basic Blade Cia Dread Fire Ice Plain
Individual Greets: Godless Space Ace Arc Angel Equinox
Dark Illustrated: Dedication
sdht4 4thds
This months release is dedicated to Xypher Matryx for the exceptional work
that he has put in, since returning to Dark Illustrated. You have shown us
what true determination is, and we can only hope to follow your lead. We
thank you. You have shown to us what the true meaning of Dark Illustrated is.
the originators of originals
d a r k i 1 1 u s t r a t e d pk
The Dark Collection
April 1996
File Id: Pooka
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