this image contains text
Once again, the monthly Dark Collection is chock full
of vitamins, great
art, and this time around, an extremely large amount o
f dark quotes,
including the Ultimate Fatty Compilation. Yes, perhap
s it is an attempt
to make up for the otherwise substanceless infofile.
We all have our bad
months. Please dont bother us. Leave us alone.
dark news-------------------------------------------
More changes in the Dark infrastructure have taken pla
ce this past month.
Prison Breaker, long time senior staff member has deci
ded to step down and
remain with the team as a VGA artist.
The 4th Disciple has also made the decision to leave t
he Senior Staff
department. He will join the Advisory Council.
Oxygene skuttles up the ladder to join Corinthian, who
was starting to feel
a little lonesome.
A wave of melancholy swept across the planet when word
got around that our
Anti-Tax Hero had vanished without a trace.
In unrelated news, Xypher Matryx has resurfaced. Some
say that he has joined
the Senior Staff once again, but no one knows for sure
. Youre welcome to
interrogate if you spot him, but dont be surprised if
you get pegged by a
soiled Pez dispenser.
Musical chairs.. musical chairs.. turn off the music,
and you end up.. where?
member updates--------------------------------------
On behalf of the entire group, Id like to make a few
apologies this month.
First, we welcome Bare Bonez to Dark. He was actually
accepted last month,
but due to a couple bad gaffs, he was left off the mem
berlist, and his ansi
submission was not included. We also neglected to inc
lude a logo colly by
Alla Xul and in Hive, Lord Reapers ascii was left out
. Again, we apologize
for our follies, and will make ammends in the form of
complimentary perogies.
We bid farewell to Bizzarro, who is believed to be att
empting a Nerp revival.
Best of luck to thee.
dark site list--------------------------------------
To Be Announced DARK World Headquarters
Neosporin DARK Western HQ
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board
Night Stalker
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site
Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site
DARK filenames--------------------------------------
Filename Conventions...
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the a
rtists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or
less, the
entire alias will be used.
represents the current number of pieces t
he artist has
produced the year of release.
* can be any valid extension for images, exe
cutables, data
files, or musical compositions. The most common
are DRK for
ansi images including JPG/GIF/BMP/etc for high r
esolution graphic
images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music data fil
miscellaneous banter and thoughts-------------------
kt0x the ppl that know me in real life know im coo
megaman time travel is very interesting
Chavez So are tea bags.
burnou7 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
burnou7 I cant find my remote to turn off jewel!!!
godless o2 is in the other room.
godless Wearing the Austin Powers wig.
godless I want to torture your miniscule nipples with
my extensive collection of needlenose pliers.
godless I want to slap your ass and hear you roar.
godless I want to play co-ed naked hide the zinderfi
in an empty room with you.
falsehope I want to bound you nude to the hood of my
4wd and drive through a grove of hushberry trees durin
g autumn
PBreaker I want to take a core sample out of your
asshole with a hollowed-out telephone pole.
tekn1k jeriko d00d i think you need to take your
paranoia medicin right about now
cornDEAD I like pounding jeriko
jeriko motherfucker has tits down to his knees
jeriko ill put that fat bitch out of his fucking mis
kt0x hehehe
kt0x word
kt0x jeriko is just jellous
kt0x heheeh
kt0x word
kt0x GINO DJS are eliete
kt0x are elite
jeriko he calls himself dJ eXtRaVaGaNzA
FLaMeGiRL hi everyone!!!
Corinth flamewhore
Corinth I called you flamegirl.
FLaMeGiRL no u dint
godless Yes he did.
godless Whats wrong with you?
Corinth gd: whats wrong with her?
kt0x okaie dokie
kt0x hey
kt0x hey creator, im serious
kt0x check out those pics man
kt0x and fuck her on the air
kt0x i wnat to hear her man
kt0x she has the best fucking voice in the world
PBreaker Ive had some very intimate moments
with the photocopier at my work.
PBreaker boh: Did you ever get a hard-on while watchi
ng Danger Bay?
reddwarf pb: yesh
Bohner pb: Only when I saw the room with all the fish
PBreaker Didnt everybody?
PBreaker How about that sea otter they had.. they nam
ed it Danger?
reddwarf pb: how about fulll house., get a boner.
PBreaker red: Is that the one with that John Stamos f
PBreaker Somebody like Stile should be hosting Americ
as Funniest
Home Videos. Id rather have him narrating those stupi
d videos,
with babies getting dropped on their heads.
megaman ZKiwi2 !dv megaman THis is Bible, you
are not god, be quiet
megaman *** Nahm2 sets mode: -v megaman
megaman :
godless- Boh - Yeah, prison breaker does kind of remi
nd me of my grandmother. PBreaker gd: Your grandmot
her beats up fat people and has a goatee?
Corinth You probably dont believe that I can shower
in 5. Well, its hours. cause Im fat.
PBreaker Fatty idiots.
Corinth gd: shes fat. Well always be able to see h
mimes I AM FAT!?@
mimes :
godless you are bloated
godless obese
Corinth quite fat.
kt0x heheh e: fatgeekyassfuckhead
SilverSpy eyem fatty
Rainmaker fatboy
oxygene FATTY CORN
*** atHero xmtrx@ip213-158.cc.interlog.com has joined
velkro athero
oxygene anti fat chico
oxygene other similar fatties
Unicron I want to malke fun of your fatness!
*** Corinth changes topic to I dont like Oxygene. He
s too fat.
oxygene pb/ resending your fatness.
Snarffff I smell sex and candy! fat fucking bastard
equinox shes fat now greg
/whois info for: PBreaker
Address: pbreaker@thing14.slip.yorku.ca
Realname: fatter sloppier less productive
Server: irc.passport.ca
Channels: dark
End of /whois for: PBreaker
asoap !seen mcfatty
DarkVader asoap: I dont know who mcfatty is.
Silverspy I hope you dream about some fatty cop eatin
leslie im gonna be allspice
Corinth leslie can be fatty spice.
leslie cannot.
leslie YOU can be fatty spice..
burnou7 Did anyone happen to catch tonights episode
of Two Fat Ladies??
Epitaph Squarepusher - Fat Controller.mp3
bohner corn: Is it tuned to Fat-Fuck-oh-9?
bohner All fatty sex music, all the time!
bohner good
bohner night
bohner fatties
* jeriko rolls fatty tekn1k down a hill in a garbage ca
mimes corn is a fatty box!
Silverspy Why are all girls name Sarah have to be fat
zarkon silverspy: i know a non-fat sarah...
zarkon but shes flat
mimes say you are some fat ass, you cant go on for
very long right?
mimes during sex?
zarkon mimes: i wouldnt know im a skinny bastard
warpus :
warpus mimes: i dont know, wanna find out?
warpus wait, im not fat!
warpus nevermind.
megaman How about both of you eat a big fat cock.
burnou7 No.. It doesnt matter though. Im not going
into that area anyways.
he sketches and digital work matters the most for me.
And some photography
if I get around to it.
Corinth burnout: youll never get around it. Youre
too fat.
Corinth Fat lot of help you guys are. No pun intende
d, of course.
PBreaker Fat fucking beast.
*** Tgh grhornet@ttyB0c.king.igs.net has joined dar
PBreaker Heres another fatty.
rmakeriCE bizzarro: hes politely telling you to shut
your fat ass.
bizzarro fat ass?
bizzarro I HATE YOU
bizzarro DAMN I HATE YOU
rmakeriCE bizzarro: youre swedish.. arent all swedi
sh fat?
jeriko and female comedians make me hard.
jeriko unless theyre fat or old
* pbsleep is idle in the fat folds of Sleep
PyroChmst WTF is w/ warpus and eating?
PyroChmst He is the FATTY GOD!
DarkVader Corinth ...falling off the fatty tree and
hitting every branch
on the way down.
* Johnny twangs on his guitar
Johnny Im a rock n roll fatty!
PBreaker o2: How many people, would you guess, are tr
apped between your
fat folds, and how much do they weigh in total?
PBreaker o2: I have satellite photos of you in Iraq d
uring the Gulf War,
wiping out an entire batallion with the fatness of you
r index finger.
However, one of your chins was in the way, so I couldn
t really see much.
Once again, the truth evades me.
o2e pb/ Excellent. However in a few years the truth
will be
de-classified. Until then, youre plans of harnessing
my raw fatness are
placed on hold. I work for no one now.
PBreaker xm: o2 is a different kind of a fatty. Hes
more like The Blob
than anything else, and can actually absorb people thr
ough his skin for
nutritional intake - his face is so swollen with fat t
hat its impossible
for him to find his mouth anymore.
o2e pb/ you know too much!
PBreaker Well, you seem to be a peaceful fatty.
* o2e thinks that PBreaker is trying to learn as much a
bout as much about me
so he can turn into something even more hideous and fa
t that I am
* PBreaker intravenously hooks up oxygene to a cement m
ixer filled with
SlimFast, hoping to get his weight down.
PBreaker I want to be a counsellor at fat camp so I c
an beat up the
fatties and put them down.
PBreaker hahah
*** o2e oxygene@port108.hm.interlynx.net has left da
Bohner you scared oxy away with your fat camp propagh
anda :
PsychEp do i look fat in this?
PsychEp im sure i look fat in this..
PsychEp ACK
PsychEp i hate women like that.
megaman yeah
megaman women suck
megaman fat fat fat
Corinthmq You look fat in anything. So hurry up and
dressed, bitch.
Fatty 18:54 *** Now talking in fat
Fatty Fatty Is this a support group channel for the
obese who face
constant abuse and harrassment?
The March 1998 pack is dedicated to anyone who actuall
y knows what stool
tastes like. Feel free to come to dark and tell us.
Wed be thrilled to
end of info file------------------------------------
Once again, the monthly Dark Collection is chock full
of vitamins, great
art, and this time around, an extremely large amount o
f dark quotes,
including the Ultimate Fatty Compilation. Yes, perhap
s it is an attempt
to make up for the otherwise substanceless infofile.
We all have our bad
months. Please dont bother us. Leave us alone.
dark news-------------------------------------------
More changes in the Dark infrastructure have taken pla
ce this past month.
Prison Breaker, long time senior staff member has deci
ded to step down and
remain with the team as a VGA artist.
The 4th Disciple has also made the decision to leave t
he Senior Staff
department. He will join the Advisory Council.
Oxygene skuttles up the ladder to join Corinthian, who
was starting to feel
a little lonesome.
A wave of melancholy swept across the planet when word
got around that our
Anti-Tax Hero had vanished without a trace.
In unrelated news, Xypher Matryx has resurfaced. Some
say that he has joined
the Senior Staff once again, but no one knows for sure
. Youre welcome to
interrogate if you spot him, but dont be surprised if
you get pegged by a
soiled Pez dispenser.
Musical chairs.. musical chairs.. turn off the music,
and you end up.. where?
member updates--------------------------------------
On behalf of the entire group, Id like to make a few
apologies this month.
First, we welcome Bare Bonez to Dark. He was actually
accepted last month,
but due to a couple bad gaffs, he was left off the mem
berlist, and his ansi
submission was not included. We also neglected to inc
lude a logo colly by
Alla Xul and in Hive, Lord Reapers ascii was left out
. Again, we apologize
for our follies, and will make ammends in the form of
complimentary perogies.
We bid farewell to Bizzarro, who is believed to be att
empting a Nerp revival.
Best of luck to thee.
dark site list--------------------------------------
To Be Announced DARK World Headquarters
Neosporin DARK Western HQ
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board
Night Stalker
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site
Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site
DARK filenames--------------------------------------
Filename Conventions...
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the a
rtists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or
less, the
entire alias will be used.
represents the current number of pieces t
he artist has
produced the year of release.
* can be any valid extension for images, exe
cutables, data
files, or musical compositions. The most common
are DRK for
ansi images including JPG/GIF/BMP/etc for high r
esolution graphic
images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music data fil
miscellaneous banter and thoughts-------------------
kt0x the ppl that know me in real life know im coo
megaman time travel is very interesting
Chavez So are tea bags.
burnou7 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
burnou7 I cant find my remote to turn off jewel!!!
godless o2 is in the other room.
godless Wearing the Austin Powers wig.
godless I want to torture your miniscule nipples with
my extensive collection of needlenose pliers.
godless I want to slap your ass and hear you roar.
godless I want to play co-ed naked hide the zinderfi
in an empty room with you.
falsehope I want to bound you nude to the hood of my
4wd and drive through a grove of hushberry trees durin
g autumn
PBreaker I want to take a core sample out of your
asshole with a hollowed-out telephone pole.
tekn1k jeriko d00d i think you need to take your
paranoia medicin right about now
cornDEAD I like pounding jeriko
jeriko motherfucker has tits down to his knees
jeriko ill put that fat bitch out of his fucking mis
kt0x hehehe
kt0x word
kt0x jeriko is just jellous
kt0x heheeh
kt0x word
kt0x GINO DJS are eliete
kt0x are elite
jeriko he calls himself dJ eXtRaVaGaNzA
FLaMeGiRL hi everyone!!!
Corinth flamewhore
Corinth I called you flamegirl.
FLaMeGiRL no u dint
godless Yes he did.
godless Whats wrong with you?
Corinth gd: whats wrong with her?
kt0x okaie dokie
kt0x hey
kt0x hey creator, im serious
kt0x check out those pics man
kt0x and fuck her on the air
kt0x i wnat to hear her man
kt0x she has the best fucking voice in the world
PBreaker Ive had some very intimate moments
with the photocopier at my work.
PBreaker boh: Did you ever get a hard-on while watchi
ng Danger Bay?
reddwarf pb: yesh
Bohner pb: Only when I saw the room with all the fish
PBreaker Didnt everybody?
PBreaker How about that sea otter they had.. they nam
ed it Danger?
reddwarf pb: how about fulll house., get a boner.
PBreaker red: Is that the one with that John Stamos f
PBreaker Somebody like Stile should be hosting Americ
as Funniest
Home Videos. Id rather have him narrating those stupi
d videos,
with babies getting dropped on their heads.
megaman ZKiwi2 !dv megaman THis is Bible, you
are not god, be quiet
megaman *** Nahm2 sets mode: -v megaman
megaman :
godless- Boh - Yeah, prison breaker does kind of remi
nd me of my grandmother. PBreaker gd: Your grandmot
her beats up fat people and has a goatee?
Corinth You probably dont believe that I can shower
in 5. Well, its hours. cause Im fat.
PBreaker Fatty idiots.
Corinth gd: shes fat. Well always be able to see h
mimes I AM FAT!?@
mimes :
godless you are bloated
godless obese
Corinth quite fat.
kt0x heheh e: fatgeekyassfuckhead
SilverSpy eyem fatty
Rainmaker fatboy
oxygene FATTY CORN
*** atHero xmtrx@ip213-158.cc.interlog.com has joined
velkro athero
oxygene anti fat chico
oxygene other similar fatties
Unicron I want to malke fun of your fatness!
*** Corinth changes topic to I dont like Oxygene. He
s too fat.
oxygene pb/ resending your fatness.
Snarffff I smell sex and candy! fat fucking bastard
equinox shes fat now greg
/whois info for: PBreaker
Address: pbreaker@thing14.slip.yorku.ca
Realname: fatter sloppier less productive
Server: irc.passport.ca
Channels: dark
End of /whois for: PBreaker
asoap !seen mcfatty
DarkVader asoap: I dont know who mcfatty is.
Silverspy I hope you dream about some fatty cop eatin
leslie im gonna be allspice
Corinth leslie can be fatty spice.
leslie cannot.
leslie YOU can be fatty spice..
burnou7 Did anyone happen to catch tonights episode
of Two Fat Ladies??
Epitaph Squarepusher - Fat Controller.mp3
bohner corn: Is it tuned to Fat-Fuck-oh-9?
bohner All fatty sex music, all the time!
bohner good
bohner night
bohner fatties
* jeriko rolls fatty tekn1k down a hill in a garbage ca
mimes corn is a fatty box!
Silverspy Why are all girls name Sarah have to be fat
zarkon silverspy: i know a non-fat sarah...
zarkon but shes flat
mimes say you are some fat ass, you cant go on for
very long right?
mimes during sex?
zarkon mimes: i wouldnt know im a skinny bastard
warpus :
warpus mimes: i dont know, wanna find out?
warpus wait, im not fat!
warpus nevermind.
megaman How about both of you eat a big fat cock.
burnou7 No.. It doesnt matter though. Im not going
into that area anyways.
he sketches and digital work matters the most for me.
And some photography
if I get around to it.
Corinth burnout: youll never get around it. Youre
too fat.
Corinth Fat lot of help you guys are. No pun intende
d, of course.
PBreaker Fat fucking beast.
*** Tgh grhornet@ttyB0c.king.igs.net has joined dar
PBreaker Heres another fatty.
rmakeriCE bizzarro: hes politely telling you to shut
your fat ass.
bizzarro fat ass?
bizzarro I HATE YOU
bizzarro DAMN I HATE YOU
rmakeriCE bizzarro: youre swedish.. arent all swedi
sh fat?
jeriko and female comedians make me hard.
jeriko unless theyre fat or old
* pbsleep is idle in the fat folds of Sleep
PyroChmst WTF is w/ warpus and eating?
PyroChmst He is the FATTY GOD!
DarkVader Corinth ...falling off the fatty tree and
hitting every branch
on the way down.
* Johnny twangs on his guitar
Johnny Im a rock n roll fatty!
PBreaker o2: How many people, would you guess, are tr
apped between your
fat folds, and how much do they weigh in total?
PBreaker o2: I have satellite photos of you in Iraq d
uring the Gulf War,
wiping out an entire batallion with the fatness of you
r index finger.
However, one of your chins was in the way, so I couldn
t really see much.
Once again, the truth evades me.
o2e pb/ Excellent. However in a few years the truth
will be
de-classified. Until then, youre plans of harnessing
my raw fatness are
placed on hold. I work for no one now.
PBreaker xm: o2 is a different kind of a fatty. Hes
more like The Blob
than anything else, and can actually absorb people thr
ough his skin for
nutritional intake - his face is so swollen with fat t
hat its impossible
for him to find his mouth anymore.
o2e pb/ you know too much!
PBreaker Well, you seem to be a peaceful fatty.
* o2e thinks that PBreaker is trying to learn as much a
bout as much about me
so he can turn into something even more hideous and fa
t that I am
* PBreaker intravenously hooks up oxygene to a cement m
ixer filled with
SlimFast, hoping to get his weight down.
PBreaker I want to be a counsellor at fat camp so I c
an beat up the
fatties and put them down.
PBreaker hahah
*** o2e oxygene@port108.hm.interlynx.net has left da
Bohner you scared oxy away with your fat camp propagh
anda :
PsychEp do i look fat in this?
PsychEp im sure i look fat in this..
PsychEp ACK
PsychEp i hate women like that.
megaman yeah
megaman women suck
megaman fat fat fat
Corinthmq You look fat in anything. So hurry up and
dressed, bitch.
Fatty 18:54 *** Now talking in fat
Fatty Fatty Is this a support group channel for the
obese who face
constant abuse and harrassment?
The March 1998 pack is dedicated to anyone who actuall
y knows what stool
tastes like. Feel free to come to dark and tell us.
Wed be thrilled to
end of info file------------------------------------
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