this image contains text
--- DARKs March 96 Collection ---
Welcome to the March 96 DARK Collection. Its me again, that dweeboid from
the last pack, Xypher Matryx. Ive kicked my Wing Commander habit, drawn a
few new pieces, and generally made myself look semi-useful to the group. :
Im also abusive as hell, so if any of you get on my case about those little
crosses Ive been putting everywhere, ILL RIP YOUR GODDAMNED THROATS OUT!
And now a word from our sponsors : STOIKE!
Thats quite the word. But enough of that. As this is my last time in the
supervisors chair for a while a *long* while if I can help it Ill get to
the good stuff quick-fast.
Recently, a DARK meet was held. Despite the promise of a large turnout,
only a brave few five weathered the cold winter climate of the Great North
to face off in various activities. First off was a Street Fighter 2 match-
up between Xypher Matryx and The Green Hornet. More details on that further
into this text.
Then came the terrible brain-drainer. All five courageous individuals hit
the movies to watch Heavy Metal in one sitting. It was close, with Prison
Breaker approaching a deep coma, but all survived. Deaccession and Raize,
having suffered no ill effects from the film due, most likely, to the heavy
groping they shared engaged in heated battles of Marvel Superheroes. There
was no real winner, as third-party contestants kept enterring the contest to
whup their asses.
Finally came the Shuffle-Puck Showdown. Though each player put up a valiant
effort, Prison Breaker took home the title by nearly decapitating his enemy,
Xypher Matryx. The puck still hasnt been recovered from the arcade wall.
All five members then returned to Xyphers appartment for pizza, pop, beer
and celebration. The whereabouts of each individual is at this time...
--- Group News ---
A terrible tragedy struck DARK this month,
as one of its most prominent members was
killed in a street fight.
Sources say the body was found lying in a
pile of debris, behind a gutted pool hall.
Visibly shaken coroners testified that the
body had been horribly beaten, mangled,
and mutilated while he was still alive .
Dental records were nearly useless, as the
lower jaw had been knocked off, and most
of the upper teeth were missing. A search
is still in progress for the jawbone.
Though no witnesses stepped forward, many suspect the infamous Xypher Matryx
is responsible for this massacre. Matryx, rumoured to be the most brutal of
fighters in the world, was nowhere to be found. One member of DARK, who knew
both men well, said Ill just have to take this with a grain of salt.
Oddly, this member was later found dead, beaten in a similar manner.
Why is Xypher Matryx turning on his fellow DARK members? And will this wake
of bloodied corpses continue? Only time will tell.
A rumour is circulating that DARKs very own Shamanize may be doing a little
time. Reasons are as yet, unclear. However, we *will* get to the bottom of
this, and inform the appropriate anarchists on which detention centres they
might want to bomb next. Hell, with the OPSEU strike, we could walk right
in and haul him out.
Member activity has been prepare quiet this month, but we recently found the
infamous Stone the Crowlurking in our midst. We gave serious thought about
giving him back to the owner, but damn it, we like him so much we wanna keep
the little guy. A luxury cage has been provided. heh
McGONADS sez Hi!
Thpptptpt! -xm See you at the next Nectar compo, Hamburger.
A reminder that the deadline is slowly approaching. Lets see if any of you
can match the pure creative loony-ness of DARK Illustrated. We doubt it.
...or something. Hell be busy working on the LORD IGM, and a few other new
projects for DARKs coding division. Requests are no longer taken. But you
*will* be seeing some interesting new shtuff from that goof.
--- Say what?!?---
...hes mofo mofo puffball. -- Pooka, on Stone the Crow.
Youre not Xypher.--Carnifex, during a chat with Xy... Tyler Chung.
I like to catch things with my head.--Unknown.
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.--Topic on dark
set by Screaming Mute.
Lets see here.. U-God, Raekwon, Masterface Killer,... uh.--Carnifex
ACiD slong: We fake our own scene. heh--Tyler sed it!
--- Finding DARKCollections. ---
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasilshomepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listedwithin.
--- Filenames ---
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX -five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
-2-digit number representing the number of releases this artisthas had
since 01/96.
--- DARKVIEW. ---
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
--- Member Boards ---
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Demesne Member Board Deaccession
Realm of Darkness Member Board Master of Darkness
Components Member Board David Tym
Free Coke Member Board Grindstone
Tundra Member Board Tribal Siege
Xenocide Member Board Nootropic
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
--- Dedications ---
DARK would like to thank Nootropic, Pooka, and Prison Breakerfor putting in
so much work in supporting the group. Hugs all around, courtesy of your pal
Teddy Ruxpin.
--- Correction. ---
A terrible mistake was made in the Group News report. The Green Hornet is
*not* dead. He *was* beaten within an inch of his life, but miraculously he
survived. He vows vengeance, though a wild, raucous laughter was heard when
he said this.
His jaw is still missin tho.
Youre a victim of our imaginations.
--- DARKs March 96 Collection ---
Welcome to the March 96 DARK Collection. Its me again, that dweeboid from
the last pack, Xypher Matryx. Ive kicked my Wing Commander habit, drawn a
few new pieces, and generally made myself look semi-useful to the group. :
Im also abusive as hell, so if any of you get on my case about those little
crosses Ive been putting everywhere, ILL RIP YOUR GODDAMNED THROATS OUT!
And now a word from our sponsors : STOIKE!
Thats quite the word. But enough of that. As this is my last time in the
supervisors chair for a while a *long* while if I can help it Ill get to
the good stuff quick-fast.
Recently, a DARK meet was held. Despite the promise of a large turnout,
only a brave few five weathered the cold winter climate of the Great North
to face off in various activities. First off was a Street Fighter 2 match-
up between Xypher Matryx and The Green Hornet. More details on that further
into this text.
Then came the terrible brain-drainer. All five courageous individuals hit
the movies to watch Heavy Metal in one sitting. It was close, with Prison
Breaker approaching a deep coma, but all survived. Deaccession and Raize,
having suffered no ill effects from the film due, most likely, to the heavy
groping they shared engaged in heated battles of Marvel Superheroes. There
was no real winner, as third-party contestants kept enterring the contest to
whup their asses.
Finally came the Shuffle-Puck Showdown. Though each player put up a valiant
effort, Prison Breaker took home the title by nearly decapitating his enemy,
Xypher Matryx. The puck still hasnt been recovered from the arcade wall.
All five members then returned to Xyphers appartment for pizza, pop, beer
and celebration. The whereabouts of each individual is at this time...
--- Group News ---
A terrible tragedy struck DARK this month,
as one of its most prominent members was
killed in a street fight.
Sources say the body was found lying in a
pile of debris, behind a gutted pool hall.
Visibly shaken coroners testified that the
body had been horribly beaten, mangled,
and mutilated while he was still alive .
Dental records were nearly useless, as the
lower jaw had been knocked off, and most
of the upper teeth were missing. A search
is still in progress for the jawbone.
Though no witnesses stepped forward, many suspect the infamous Xypher Matryx
is responsible for this massacre. Matryx, rumoured to be the most brutal of
fighters in the world, was nowhere to be found. One member of DARK, who knew
both men well, said Ill just have to take this with a grain of salt.
Oddly, this member was later found dead, beaten in a similar manner.
Why is Xypher Matryx turning on his fellow DARK members? And will this wake
of bloodied corpses continue? Only time will tell.
A rumour is circulating that DARKs very own Shamanize may be doing a little
time. Reasons are as yet, unclear. However, we *will* get to the bottom of
this, and inform the appropriate anarchists on which detention centres they
might want to bomb next. Hell, with the OPSEU strike, we could walk right
in and haul him out.
Member activity has been prepare quiet this month, but we recently found the
infamous Stone the Crowlurking in our midst. We gave serious thought about
giving him back to the owner, but damn it, we like him so much we wanna keep
the little guy. A luxury cage has been provided. heh
McGONADS sez Hi!
Thpptptpt! -xm See you at the next Nectar compo, Hamburger.
A reminder that the deadline is slowly approaching. Lets see if any of you
can match the pure creative loony-ness of DARK Illustrated. We doubt it.
...or something. Hell be busy working on the LORD IGM, and a few other new
projects for DARKs coding division. Requests are no longer taken. But you
*will* be seeing some interesting new shtuff from that goof.
--- Say what?!?---
...hes mofo mofo puffball. -- Pooka, on Stone the Crow.
Youre not Xypher.--Carnifex, during a chat with Xy... Tyler Chung.
I like to catch things with my head.--Unknown.
Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.--Topic on dark
set by Screaming Mute.
Lets see here.. U-God, Raekwon, Masterface Killer,... uh.--Carnifex
ACiD slong: We fake our own scene. heh--Tyler sed it!
--- Finding DARKCollections. ---
For the latest available DARK Collection, check out Yggdrasilshomepage at:
If you havent already heard, arpeggio.res.cmu.edu I got it right for once
is down. Halasters Regency still has DARK packs online though, and theres
the wuarchive, so all is not lost.
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listedwithin.
--- Filenames ---
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX -five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
-2-digit number representing the number of releases this artisthas had
since 01/96.
--- DARKVIEW. ---
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so consider
yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
--- Member Boards ---
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
Demesne Member Board Deaccession
Realm of Darkness Member Board Master of Darkness
Components Member Board David Tym
Free Coke Member Board Grindstone
Tundra Member Board Tribal Siege
Xenocide Member Board Nootropic
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
DARK does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please cease
requesting them, or sending applications.
--- Dedications ---
DARK would like to thank Nootropic, Pooka, and Prison Breakerfor putting in
so much work in supporting the group. Hugs all around, courtesy of your pal
Teddy Ruxpin.
--- Correction. ---
A terrible mistake was made in the Group News report. The Green Hornet is
*not* dead. He *was* beaten within an inch of his life, but miraculously he
survived. He vows vengeance, though a wild, raucous laughter was heard when
he said this.
His jaw is still missin tho.
Youre a victim of our imaginations.
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