this image contains text
Were not late. Youre early.
88888888888888,,. . !
888888+8 4@ 88888888888888888
88888888888888! +a, ,aa. .,a,aa.
,a 88888888888888888888888888888@ ,@888888,!,
, ! ,!a@ 88888888888888888888888
888888: 888888888@@ @! @!
@ +@88888888888888888888888 ! 88888
8888 8888888a @ !888888888888888888
8888 , ,!, 88888888 88888888 !
@. .a@ @
.88888@ : @8888888
taa@ ,+ 8888888 .,, .
@ DARK 1999
--- ! .,+@
Well be there.
.. iLLuStRAted .. - j
Will you? -
In February of 94, the first ever DARK Colle
ction was released into the
art scene. Considered a talented crew of up and coming artis
ts, DARK was
seen as the source of new blood for groups like ACiD and iCE.
In some
respects, this was true. But...
This is February, 1997, and were going all Dracula on your a
Welcome to the DARK New Year.
Recent Happenings
Joining DARK Illustrated this month are Blackmage, a
promising new VGA
artist, and Fractal, a well-known ANSI artist
with great skill and a fair
sense of adventure when it comes to trying different styles.
Also, wed like to officially welcome Holocaust into
our folds. As most
locals have known for months, Holocaust has been itching to j
oin DARK. The
only thing preventing this was a disagreement among Seniors a
bout ASCII
artists within the group. Well, hOs won his war. : And a
s you can see
by the memberlist, .NFO, FAQ, and logo colly, hes been keepi
ng busy.
Samurai has informed us that hell be taking a leave
of abscence for an
unknown length of time, in order to sort a few personal issue
s out. All
of us hope him the best of luck and swiftest of resolutions.
This year, well finally be retiring the faithful ol DAR
KViewer. Its
been a real pleasure, but Mist of Deaths work of an
d for art is in need
of an overhaul. What will replace it, you ask? Something we
re proudly
naming Nightvision. Stock up on your carrots...
DARKs Best of 96 Re-Collection pack will be out t
his month, barring
any sort of malfunction within group motivation.
As you mayve read a few months ago, EclipseNet, D
ARKs official mail
network, shut down to be replaced eventually with Depth
Xypher Matryx is pleased to announce that Depth is finally up
and running
after a series of delays. Though not an official DARK system
, most members
can be reached through any of the networks nodes. The infor
mation packet
has been included with this archive for anyone interested.
The Lethal Aspect Online
Another long-awaited project, TLA Online is now available at:
This web site will feature many DARK-related links, as well a
s support
for groups and functions the original BBS has to offer.
Les Huh?!
- The 4th Disciple is bringing back his Aphrodite
Zine, for homosexual
zoo keepers who enjoy stroking their eCHO members.
- This trick works for any and all games!
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL, then flip the switch labeled Power. E
nter the
strange mode called reality, laden with 3D graphics, surro
und sound, and
beautiful texturing. Although the campaign seems extensive,
were not so
sure about the flight modeling, and many of the character in
seem pointless.
-- Computer Gaming World, Issue 151
- The new entry-level position for struggling ANSI rippers:
running around
spewing ACiD propaganda. What better way to get back at al
l those artists
who flamed them, than to praise the non-ANSI route ACiD seems
to have
- eCHO, our favorite soundbwois.
- DARK Illustrated : Wiping out your echo-sytem!
- Submission for the 02/97 pack due Feb 25th-30th. -- eCH
O Bot Message
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artists al
ias. Should the
alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias wi
ll be used.
represents the current number of pieces the artist
has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executables,
data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for
ANSI images, JPG/GIF/
BMP/etc... for high-resolution graphic images, and
MOD/S3M/XM/etc... for
music data files.
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters
Xypher Matryx
The Regency Internet Headquarters
Clockwork London DARK Member Board Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Savage Exile DARK Member Board Acidic Soap
Sight Sound DARK Member Board Drone-Fly
Special Sauce DARK Member Board Samurai
The Way Station DARK Member Board The Anarchist
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site Megga Hertz
Via the Internet, DARK packs can be obtained from The Regency
site, at tregency.res.cmu.edu, or from the ACiD Artpac
ks Archive at
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC,
in channel
dark. EFnet
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated, DARKs own
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this arc
Filename: DARK-FAQ.182
Tune in next month an exclusive recipe for eCHO Waffles! As
well, well
bring you an exclusive interview with Colnel Wreck, who repor
ts on the raid
of the notorious Camp eCHO.
---- aaaaayyyy - -- - -
,+@a yyyy+@a.
a88 !88@ 88 !8,
! 88 hO aa
@@mmmmmmmmmma@@ i
aaaaaayyyyy i888i
i!@88i .8@
:@88. :8@ @88!@+,
@8. ,88@ ! 88a
@8@8+@aa --- a
DARK Collection 02/97 7
In the dark, good guys are finished first.
88888888888888,,. . !
888888+8 4@ 88888888888888888
88888888888888! +a, ,aa. .,a,aa.
,a 88888888888888888888888888888@ ,@888888,!,
, ! ,!a@ 88888888888888888888888
888888: 888888888@@ @! @!
@ +@88888888888888888888888 ! 88888
8888 8888888a @ !888888888888888888
8888 , ,!, 88888888 88888888 !
@. .a@ @
.88888@ : @8888888
taa@ ,+ 8888888 .,, .
@ DARK 1999
--- ! .,+@
Well be there.
.. iLLuStRAted .. - j
Will you? -
In February of 94, the first ever DARK Colle
ction was released into the
art scene. Considered a talented crew of up and coming artis
ts, DARK was
seen as the source of new blood for groups like ACiD and iCE.
In some
respects, this was true. But...
This is February, 1997, and were going all Dracula on your a
Welcome to the DARK New Year.
Recent Happenings
Joining DARK Illustrated this month are Blackmage, a
promising new VGA
artist, and Fractal, a well-known ANSI artist
with great skill and a fair
sense of adventure when it comes to trying different styles.
Also, wed like to officially welcome Holocaust into
our folds. As most
locals have known for months, Holocaust has been itching to j
oin DARK. The
only thing preventing this was a disagreement among Seniors a
bout ASCII
artists within the group. Well, hOs won his war. : And a
s you can see
by the memberlist, .NFO, FAQ, and logo colly, hes been keepi
ng busy.
Samurai has informed us that hell be taking a leave
of abscence for an
unknown length of time, in order to sort a few personal issue
s out. All
of us hope him the best of luck and swiftest of resolutions.
This year, well finally be retiring the faithful ol DAR
KViewer. Its
been a real pleasure, but Mist of Deaths work of an
d for art is in need
of an overhaul. What will replace it, you ask? Something we
re proudly
naming Nightvision. Stock up on your carrots...
DARKs Best of 96 Re-Collection pack will be out t
his month, barring
any sort of malfunction within group motivation.
As you mayve read a few months ago, EclipseNet, D
ARKs official mail
network, shut down to be replaced eventually with Depth
Xypher Matryx is pleased to announce that Depth is finally up
and running
after a series of delays. Though not an official DARK system
, most members
can be reached through any of the networks nodes. The infor
mation packet
has been included with this archive for anyone interested.
The Lethal Aspect Online
Another long-awaited project, TLA Online is now available at:
This web site will feature many DARK-related links, as well a
s support
for groups and functions the original BBS has to offer.
Les Huh?!
- The 4th Disciple is bringing back his Aphrodite
Zine, for homosexual
zoo keepers who enjoy stroking their eCHO members.
- This trick works for any and all games!
Press CTRL-ALT-DEL, then flip the switch labeled Power. E
nter the
strange mode called reality, laden with 3D graphics, surro
und sound, and
beautiful texturing. Although the campaign seems extensive,
were not so
sure about the flight modeling, and many of the character in
seem pointless.
-- Computer Gaming World, Issue 151
- The new entry-level position for struggling ANSI rippers:
running around
spewing ACiD propaganda. What better way to get back at al
l those artists
who flamed them, than to praise the non-ANSI route ACiD seems
to have
- eCHO, our favorite soundbwois.
- DARK Illustrated : Wiping out your echo-sytem!
- Submission for the 02/97 pack due Feb 25th-30th. -- eCH
O Bot Message
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artists al
ias. Should the
alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias wi
ll be used.
represents the current number of pieces the artist
has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executables,
data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for
ANSI images, JPG/GIF/
BMP/etc... for high-resolution graphic images, and
MOD/S3M/XM/etc... for
music data files.
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters
Xypher Matryx
The Regency Internet Headquarters
Clockwork London DARK Member Board Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Savage Exile DARK Member Board Acidic Soap
Sight Sound DARK Member Board Drone-Fly
Special Sauce DARK Member Board Samurai
The Way Station DARK Member Board The Anarchist
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US Support Site Megga Hertz
Via the Internet, DARK packs can be obtained from The Regency
site, at tregency.res.cmu.edu, or from the ACiD Artpac
ks Archive at
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/incoming/artpacks/
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC,
in channel
dark. EFnet
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated, DARKs own
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this arc
Filename: DARK-FAQ.182
Tune in next month an exclusive recipe for eCHO Waffles! As
well, well
bring you an exclusive interview with Colnel Wreck, who repor
ts on the raid
of the notorious Camp eCHO.
---- aaaaayyyy - -- - -
,+@a yyyy+@a.
a88 !88@ 88 !8,
! 88 hO aa
@@mmmmmmmmmma@@ i
aaaaaayyyyy i888i
i!@88i .8@
:@88. :8@ @88!@+,
@8. ,88@ ! 88a
@8@8+@aa --- a
DARK Collection 02/97 7
In the dark, good guys are finished first.
log in to add a comment.