this image contains text
Har dee FUCKING Har, 4th. Nice work in the first eC
HO pack though.
I only yawned twice.
ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH! I got stuck doing the .NFO again.
That was me, around this time last year.
ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH! I got stuck doing the .NFO again.
Thats me about an hour before this release. Some things n
ever change.
This is, of course, the January 1997 DARK Collection. Welc
Outside my window it is currently nighttime, and bitterly cold
. A
fitting weather condition for our pack. Canadian weather doe
s *not*
suck. It blows. It blows snow, to be exact.
1996. 12 regular releases. OK, so one was irregular. I
never to use that retarded naming convention again. 13 if yo
u count
the Best of 95. To most of you, this doesnt seem like any
feat. Other groups have been doing it for years. I must poin
t out,
however, that DARK began as a bi-monthly release group, and de
several jerky attempts to change the flow, monthly was somet
hing us
cynical DARK members smirked at when it came to our own Collec
But we broke with our tradition and found a rhythm we could
with. Hurray. Twice as much packaging for me each year. Twi
ce as many
.NFOs. A mercy killing would be greatly appreciated right ab
out now.
I promise, Ill make it quick and painful... err, painless!
Putting my personal misery aside, I can honestly say Im lo
forward to this year! Theres just something in the air... ap
art from
frozen water molecules.
This has been a boring introduction. Im sick of it. Its
me to sleep. If this .NFO were in HTML format, thered be an
beneath this paragraph with Punch It enscribed upon it. Onc
e clicked,
a .WAV file would blare a recording of Supreme Terrorist Priso
n Breaker
But thatd mean a lot more work on this .NFO, and I cant h
andle that.
Turn out your lights, and welcome to the DARK...
Xypher Matryx
PS. This introduction was nothing more tha
n an excuse to further
irradiate your skull and impair your vision. Now read on
Though he was accepted a few months ago, Neon Horse
only recently
returned from an urban riot control seminar to learn of his D
ARK member-
ship. When asked how he felt about this development, he repl
ied This is
terrific! Now Ive got plenty of dummies to kick to crap out
Carnifex, DARK Senior Sinecure in charge of all
things mundane, spent
many long hours re-vamping the DARK FAQ. He invites you to r
ead through
it carefully, and kick the shit out of him for each and every
mistake. This does not apply to the author of the .NFO, who
is under
tremendous pressure to release the Collection.
Oxygene and Xypher Matryx, working in f
everish tandemn, managed to
correct many of the errors in the updated version of DARKGen/
2, DARKs
incredible Application Generator. This does not, however, me
an to say
that everythings fine and dandy. We encourage you to report
any bugs or
mistakes remaining in the program.
The eCHO Conspiracy
Im sure youre all familiar now with the upstart group by th
e name of
eCHO, founded by a renegade DARK Senior
. Now, this ex-Senior well call
him The Last Drop-out made many slanderous rema
rks about the fine DARK
establishment. Though we hardly believe in stooping to their
base level,
it is important that the truth come out!
How did we come about this truth? Our agents-in-the-field/Te
rror Troopers in the VGA Department, Bu
rnout and Prison Breaker, caught one of
the traitorous bastards in a carefully planned strike! Locke
d in a sound-
proof chamber, and tied to the DARK Shred-o-Rama Rackc, it
took very
little time to crack this fiend. Heres where it gets intere
The Last Drop-out was actually brainwashed into betraying his
colleagues! The infamous Snowhat was apparently
responsible for this
heinous crime! Yet together, they masterminded the marshalli
ng of a
force unequalled in recent history, using their devastating
Clout Ray
and the promise of eCHO-ality for one and all. For that pu
n alone they
deserve a swift death!
But thats not all! Snowhat and The Last Dropout plan to sac
each and every one of their loyal followers in the hopes of p
leasing their
evil god ChanANZEE! This will no doubt open a Te
le-Flood-Gate from the
nefarious realm of LayMarZ, and the final invasi
on will begin!
The only way we may combat this horrible event is if all dedi
artists band with us to beat back the eCHO plague! Quickly,
while you
still can! Load up DARKGEN/2 and send us your portfolio! We
can win
this war!
PPS. If any of you meatheads took this serio
usly, you really dont
have any business reading this .NFO file, or even partak
ing in the scene.
Get a sense of humour already.
PPPS. I warned you Nav, I was gonna get you
back. Gday, boss.
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artist
s alias. Should the
alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias w
ill be used.
represents the current number of pieces the art
ist has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executabl
es, data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for
ANSI images, JPG/GIF/
BMP/etc... for high-resolution graphic images, and
MOD/S3M/XM/etc... for
music data files.
PPPPS. Our web page problems
are finally being resolved. If you buy
any of that, you may want to consider becoming a DA
RK member.
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarter
s Xypher Matryx
The Regency Internet Headquarters H
Clockwork London DARK Member Board Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Savage Exile DARK Member Board Acidic Soap
Sight Sound DARK Member Board
Special Sauce DARK Member Board
The Way Station DARK Member Boar
d The Anarchist
Via the Internet, DARK packs can be obtained from
The Regencys FTP site, at treg
ency.res.cmu.edu, or from the ACiD Artpacks Archive at
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/incoming/a
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC,
in channel
dark. EFnet
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated
, DARKs own F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this arc
Filename: DARK-FAQ.180
A few final words for this poor shmuck -- Id like to thank
a few
for their efforts both within DARK and outside of it:
The Green Hornet You will never cease to amaze
me. But you still owe
me twenty bucks.
Prison Breaker Christ, havent they jailed you
for an Apocalypse
yet? You dirty Liptonite.
Epitaph You nagged me back into action. If ev
er we meet, I
swear to kill you quickly. With a wristwatch, no
Carnifex As much as Id like to throttle you f
or each deadpan
remark and monotonous drone, youve always been a
reliable ally over the past four years. Historical
revisions notwithstanding.
The High-Strung A valuable asset to our ongoing
efforts. Danke.
Net/Web-Teams Now get your shit together.
And of course to every single DARK member whos had to put up
with my
abuse and evasion in whatever forms they took. Id have you
all executed
for putting me in this position, but the door out of the thro
ne room seems
to be locked from the outside. Hrmm....
P5s. Much respect to The 4th Disciple and w
atOr for sticking to their
guns and bringing eCHO to life. I witnessed a lot of PR
problems you guys
suffered before the first release, and its a
relief to see eCHO didnt
crumble at the first signs of trouble. Hope it gets eas
ier for you down
road, though speaking from experience, youre in for a r
ough ride. Good
Coming up...
Next month marks the 4th Anniversary of DARK Illustrated rele
ases. So
whats in it for you? A DARK Collection Extravaganza, of cou
rse! As is
tradition, we wheel out the big guns to blanket you with a sp
array of visual explosions! Dont miss out! DARK0297
.ZIP is the pack
to watch out for.
HO pack though.
I only yawned twice.
ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH! I got stuck doing the .NFO again.
That was me, around this time last year.
ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGHHHH! I got stuck doing the .NFO again.
Thats me about an hour before this release. Some things n
ever change.
This is, of course, the January 1997 DARK Collection. Welc
Outside my window it is currently nighttime, and bitterly cold
. A
fitting weather condition for our pack. Canadian weather doe
s *not*
suck. It blows. It blows snow, to be exact.
1996. 12 regular releases. OK, so one was irregular. I
never to use that retarded naming convention again. 13 if yo
u count
the Best of 95. To most of you, this doesnt seem like any
feat. Other groups have been doing it for years. I must poin
t out,
however, that DARK began as a bi-monthly release group, and de
several jerky attempts to change the flow, monthly was somet
hing us
cynical DARK members smirked at when it came to our own Collec
But we broke with our tradition and found a rhythm we could
with. Hurray. Twice as much packaging for me each year. Twi
ce as many
.NFOs. A mercy killing would be greatly appreciated right ab
out now.
I promise, Ill make it quick and painful... err, painless!
Putting my personal misery aside, I can honestly say Im lo
forward to this year! Theres just something in the air... ap
art from
frozen water molecules.
This has been a boring introduction. Im sick of it. Its
me to sleep. If this .NFO were in HTML format, thered be an
beneath this paragraph with Punch It enscribed upon it. Onc
e clicked,
a .WAV file would blare a recording of Supreme Terrorist Priso
n Breaker
But thatd mean a lot more work on this .NFO, and I cant h
andle that.
Turn out your lights, and welcome to the DARK...
Xypher Matryx
PS. This introduction was nothing more tha
n an excuse to further
irradiate your skull and impair your vision. Now read on
Though he was accepted a few months ago, Neon Horse
only recently
returned from an urban riot control seminar to learn of his D
ARK member-
ship. When asked how he felt about this development, he repl
ied This is
terrific! Now Ive got plenty of dummies to kick to crap out
Carnifex, DARK Senior Sinecure in charge of all
things mundane, spent
many long hours re-vamping the DARK FAQ. He invites you to r
ead through
it carefully, and kick the shit out of him for each and every
mistake. This does not apply to the author of the .NFO, who
is under
tremendous pressure to release the Collection.
Oxygene and Xypher Matryx, working in f
everish tandemn, managed to
correct many of the errors in the updated version of DARKGen/
2, DARKs
incredible Application Generator. This does not, however, me
an to say
that everythings fine and dandy. We encourage you to report
any bugs or
mistakes remaining in the program.
The eCHO Conspiracy
Im sure youre all familiar now with the upstart group by th
e name of
eCHO, founded by a renegade DARK Senior
. Now, this ex-Senior well call
him The Last Drop-out made many slanderous rema
rks about the fine DARK
establishment. Though we hardly believe in stooping to their
base level,
it is important that the truth come out!
How did we come about this truth? Our agents-in-the-field/Te
rror Troopers in the VGA Department, Bu
rnout and Prison Breaker, caught one of
the traitorous bastards in a carefully planned strike! Locke
d in a sound-
proof chamber, and tied to the DARK Shred-o-Rama Rackc, it
took very
little time to crack this fiend. Heres where it gets intere
The Last Drop-out was actually brainwashed into betraying his
colleagues! The infamous Snowhat was apparently
responsible for this
heinous crime! Yet together, they masterminded the marshalli
ng of a
force unequalled in recent history, using their devastating
Clout Ray
and the promise of eCHO-ality for one and all. For that pu
n alone they
deserve a swift death!
But thats not all! Snowhat and The Last Dropout plan to sac
each and every one of their loyal followers in the hopes of p
leasing their
evil god ChanANZEE! This will no doubt open a Te
le-Flood-Gate from the
nefarious realm of LayMarZ, and the final invasi
on will begin!
The only way we may combat this horrible event is if all dedi
artists band with us to beat back the eCHO plague! Quickly,
while you
still can! Load up DARKGEN/2 and send us your portfolio! We
can win
this war!
PPS. If any of you meatheads took this serio
usly, you really dont
have any business reading this .NFO file, or even partak
ing in the scene.
Get a sense of humour already.
PPPS. I warned you Nav, I was gonna get you
back. Gday, boss.
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abbreviation of the artist
s alias. Should the
alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias w
ill be used.
represents the current number of pieces the art
ist has produced for
the year of 1997.
* can be any valid extension for images, executabl
es, data files, or
musical compositions. The most common are DRK for
ANSI images, JPG/GIF/
BMP/etc... for high-resolution graphic images, and
MOD/S3M/XM/etc... for
music data files.
PPPPS. Our web page problems
are finally being resolved. If you buy
any of that, you may want to consider becoming a DA
RK member.
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarter
s Xypher Matryx
The Regency Internet Headquarters H
Clockwork London DARK Member Board Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK Member Board Night Stalker
Savage Exile DARK Member Board Acidic Soap
Sight Sound DARK Member Board
Special Sauce DARK Member Board
The Way Station DARK Member Boar
d The Anarchist
Via the Internet, DARK packs can be obtained from
The Regencys FTP site, at treg
ency.res.cmu.edu, or from the ACiD Artpacks Archive at
ftp.cdrom.com /pub/artpacks/incoming/a
Most DARK members can be contacted through e-mail addresses
in the memberlist, and some may be found lurking on the IRC,
in channel
dark. EFnet
For more detailed information on DARK Illustrated
, DARKs own F.A.Q.
Frequently Asked Questions text file is included in this arc
Filename: DARK-FAQ.180
A few final words for this poor shmuck -- Id like to thank
a few
for their efforts both within DARK and outside of it:
The Green Hornet You will never cease to amaze
me. But you still owe
me twenty bucks.
Prison Breaker Christ, havent they jailed you
for an Apocalypse
yet? You dirty Liptonite.
Epitaph You nagged me back into action. If ev
er we meet, I
swear to kill you quickly. With a wristwatch, no
Carnifex As much as Id like to throttle you f
or each deadpan
remark and monotonous drone, youve always been a
reliable ally over the past four years. Historical
revisions notwithstanding.
The High-Strung A valuable asset to our ongoing
efforts. Danke.
Net/Web-Teams Now get your shit together.
And of course to every single DARK member whos had to put up
with my
abuse and evasion in whatever forms they took. Id have you
all executed
for putting me in this position, but the door out of the thro
ne room seems
to be locked from the outside. Hrmm....
P5s. Much respect to The 4th Disciple and w
atOr for sticking to their
guns and bringing eCHO to life. I witnessed a lot of PR
problems you guys
suffered before the first release, and its a
relief to see eCHO didnt
crumble at the first signs of trouble. Hope it gets eas
ier for you down
road, though speaking from experience, youre in for a r
ough ride. Good
Coming up...
Next month marks the 4th Anniversary of DARK Illustrated rele
ases. So
whats in it for you? A DARK Collection Extravaganza, of cou
rse! As is
tradition, we wheel out the big guns to blanket you with a sp
array of visual explosions! Dont miss out! DARK0297
.ZIP is the pack
to watch out for.
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