this image contains text
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
Argh, too ... much... IRCing...
pretty piss poor month really...
blah... i have nothing to say to you people this month...
Who joined who left:
7ranziie - he brings some phat amiga stylee askii for yo ass
watch out for him coz hell be killung yo PCs at a theatre near
yUU soon...
Noone left or got the bOot! wow...
actually i do have some stuff to say....
Brane fuck fuel dont like you i think,, :
well.. this sorta disturbed me although i dont know why...
ive seen the D38RIPTK.ZIP or whatever it was in fuel something or rather
concerning a joint i did with dystro where i only did the background mind now, Ive discussed this all up with the knight he knows that i had nothing to do with the rip unless he agreed to get rid of me?
i dont expect a public apologie from the knight or anything that drastic
but i do expect some people in particlular to get the facts before
badmouthing my ass...
Ripper yeh well, it took me an hour and 40 minutes to coma
thought id just stick that in coz rippers a real hardmang :
SORRY ascension, i couldnt find the last colly you did us.. some bastard
thiefed it from my computer probably beastome
shit nearly forgot to say that weve got that phat guy rzareCtor guesting
in this pack from basic!ascii and force so killah props out to him for
giving us some real logos :
----------------------------- iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
Fuck ya i can reuse NFOs iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
--------------------------- iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
What happened to all of our exulted members?
Madcap was arrested for hurling little . .
women around Yyvannes at the Wolf359 Hewewe!. .
gathering... His bail was set at 25 .
but no d38 members could come up with .
that sort of cash in 3 weeks. . . .
PoOr Madcap.... . .
Ascension thought it would be funny to run through Northcoat naked with a gat in his hand. Police authorities didnt see the humourous side of it unfortunatly... Northcoa
tMyth took crack and broke the world is l33trecord of visting the most p0rno sites and hasin 1 hour with an astonishing 469! ph34rsom
e on his dx/33 may I add scenaryAfter his wrist had stopped smoking he
did us a tonne of art.
Crucifer downloaded some porno games was wondering why the Japanise have a bs! weird facination with poo and enemas?
Ascension scares old women with his
The rest of us got arrested at the air- freakish sized penis.
port after our holiday in Cuba
Is there a drug in Aneurysms ascii??? ?
I was given 5 to bang out an original ascii for this guys board called
eViL iNTeNTioN and this is what I ended up with after 2 hours...
:.. // e V iL :
/ / / bs!d38 ..:
...: i N T e N TioN :
It wasnt until I was slapped around by the Plague boys that I realised that
I had subconciously, without-knowing ripped Aneurysm style! Only some bits
I sat down again and figured that it just wasnt good enough, so after 2 days
of being flayed and all of Asms style had gone from my mind i did another
- / bs!
i N T e N T i o N
Well, I think that proves that if you dont follow anyones style you shall pull
out the phattest ascii around my crib. Sho nuff said..,
More perverts - whoa
ym yyyyym yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy yyyyy yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy my
m yyyyy myyyyy
ymmmmmmmmmm m y y m yyyyy myyyyy mmmmmmmm
mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm m m mmmmmmmmmmm mmmy
mmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmm mmm
ummm, this says leiche... use it on yoor bbs, i know you want to :
and dont complain u cant read this stuff... too bad!
okey so ask me to draw stuff! i need more stuff to drauw!
e-mail me on the agency with whut you want...
or call my bbs misanthropy on 4105862. if yer lucky, yell get on...
mmmmm m m m m m mmmm
I love myself
I did a stank lines thing last month so this month Im doing some of my favourite lines this month! woo woo
1. Im not saying Im number one, oh Im sorry I lie,
Im number one, two, three - four and five!
KRS1 - I Gots Next
2. I send this shit out to all them niggas from that group,
With the ninety minute demos sounding just like Snoop.
You better rizhide your ass up out my ryhme zone,
Fore I leave you on the ground broke up like pine cones.
The Alkaholiks - Coast To Coast
3. We hit makers, n acres, roll shakers,
Make vegas, you cant break us.
The Notorius BIG - Life After Death
4. Shit is copper, it aint worth the mic stands,
Used by backup singers in Atlantic City bands.
Wu-Tang Clan - Wu-Tang Forever
5. I always roam through the forest just like a Brontosaurus,
Born in the month of May so my sign is Taurus,
Kick you in your face like my fuckin name was Chuck Norris!
Busta Ryhmes - The Coming
6. ...Cept I cannut unleash my new auto-sig design yet... so eye cant change it
oOze - On the subject of his dead group affils
7. Its time for that raw shit, not that on-tour shit,
That outlaw shit, that real hardcore shit.
8. Lets get real raw, bust my style is hardcore,
Im Craig Mack, coming and at your back door.
My ryhmes kick hard, no games like ping-pong,
Im strong like who Craig? Kong!
Craig Mack - Project: Funk Da World
9. Is that a mirror in your back pocket?
Girl: no.
Hmmm, weird, coz I could see myself in your pants.
Boddah - Trying To Pick Up Women
Last wordzzzzs
Ill admit it, Ive done fuck all work this pack... but nonetheless we managed
to pull out a double disk rox0rj00rbottomer so nyah.
Whoah, Myth did heaps of work, props out to him Everyone now!
Suddenly, everyone has decided to take up HIREZ artwork so nuff respect to them as well.. Specially Crucifer coz he did me a cool AGENCY logo even though he
messed up the area code 644/649 and Im shutting it down for k-SAD sometime
We also have a guest apperance from Aneurysm, one of NZs premium oldschool
ascii artists from that group Plague so phear
Anyways, Enjoy the pack ya miserable sods.
Oh pack was late coz I was watching The Usual Suspects again
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
Argh, too ... much... IRCing...
pretty piss poor month really...
blah... i have nothing to say to you people this month...
Who joined who left:
7ranziie - he brings some phat amiga stylee askii for yo ass
watch out for him coz hell be killung yo PCs at a theatre near
yUU soon...
Noone left or got the bOot! wow...
actually i do have some stuff to say....
Brane fuck fuel dont like you i think,, :
well.. this sorta disturbed me although i dont know why...
ive seen the D38RIPTK.ZIP or whatever it was in fuel something or rather
concerning a joint i did with dystro where i only did the background mind now, Ive discussed this all up with the knight he knows that i had nothing to do with the rip unless he agreed to get rid of me?
i dont expect a public apologie from the knight or anything that drastic
but i do expect some people in particlular to get the facts before
badmouthing my ass...
Ripper yeh well, it took me an hour and 40 minutes to coma
thought id just stick that in coz rippers a real hardmang :
SORRY ascension, i couldnt find the last colly you did us.. some bastard
thiefed it from my computer probably beastome
shit nearly forgot to say that weve got that phat guy rzareCtor guesting
in this pack from basic!ascii and force so killah props out to him for
giving us some real logos :
----------------------------- iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
Fuck ya i can reuse NFOs iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
--------------------------- iamaspacefilleriamaspacefiller
What happened to all of our exulted members?
Madcap was arrested for hurling little . .
women around Yyvannes at the Wolf359 Hewewe!. .
gathering... His bail was set at 25 .
but no d38 members could come up with .
that sort of cash in 3 weeks. . . .
PoOr Madcap.... . .
Ascension thought it would be funny to run through Northcoat naked with a gat in his hand. Police authorities didnt see the humourous side of it unfortunatly... Northcoa
tMyth took crack and broke the world is l33trecord of visting the most p0rno sites and hasin 1 hour with an astonishing 469! ph34rsom
e on his dx/33 may I add scenaryAfter his wrist had stopped smoking he
did us a tonne of art.
Crucifer downloaded some porno games was wondering why the Japanise have a bs! weird facination with poo and enemas?
Ascension scares old women with his
The rest of us got arrested at the air- freakish sized penis.
port after our holiday in Cuba
Is there a drug in Aneurysms ascii??? ?
I was given 5 to bang out an original ascii for this guys board called
eViL iNTeNTioN and this is what I ended up with after 2 hours...
:.. // e V iL :
/ / / bs!d38 ..:
...: i N T e N TioN :
It wasnt until I was slapped around by the Plague boys that I realised that
I had subconciously, without-knowing ripped Aneurysm style! Only some bits
I sat down again and figured that it just wasnt good enough, so after 2 days
of being flayed and all of Asms style had gone from my mind i did another
- / bs!
i N T e N T i o N
Well, I think that proves that if you dont follow anyones style you shall pull
out the phattest ascii around my crib. Sho nuff said..,
More perverts - whoa
ym yyyyym yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy yyyyy yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy yyyyymmmmmmmmmyyyyy my
m yyyyy myyyyy
ymmmmmmmmmm m y y m yyyyy myyyyy mmmmmmmm
mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm m m mmmmmmmmmmm mmmy
mmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmm mm mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmm mmm
ummm, this says leiche... use it on yoor bbs, i know you want to :
and dont complain u cant read this stuff... too bad!
okey so ask me to draw stuff! i need more stuff to drauw!
e-mail me on the agency with whut you want...
or call my bbs misanthropy on 4105862. if yer lucky, yell get on...
mmmmm m m m m m mmmm
I love myself
I did a stank lines thing last month so this month Im doing some of my favourite lines this month! woo woo
1. Im not saying Im number one, oh Im sorry I lie,
Im number one, two, three - four and five!
KRS1 - I Gots Next
2. I send this shit out to all them niggas from that group,
With the ninety minute demos sounding just like Snoop.
You better rizhide your ass up out my ryhme zone,
Fore I leave you on the ground broke up like pine cones.
The Alkaholiks - Coast To Coast
3. We hit makers, n acres, roll shakers,
Make vegas, you cant break us.
The Notorius BIG - Life After Death
4. Shit is copper, it aint worth the mic stands,
Used by backup singers in Atlantic City bands.
Wu-Tang Clan - Wu-Tang Forever
5. I always roam through the forest just like a Brontosaurus,
Born in the month of May so my sign is Taurus,
Kick you in your face like my fuckin name was Chuck Norris!
Busta Ryhmes - The Coming
6. ...Cept I cannut unleash my new auto-sig design yet... so eye cant change it
oOze - On the subject of his dead group affils
7. Its time for that raw shit, not that on-tour shit,
That outlaw shit, that real hardcore shit.
8. Lets get real raw, bust my style is hardcore,
Im Craig Mack, coming and at your back door.
My ryhmes kick hard, no games like ping-pong,
Im strong like who Craig? Kong!
Craig Mack - Project: Funk Da World
9. Is that a mirror in your back pocket?
Girl: no.
Hmmm, weird, coz I could see myself in your pants.
Boddah - Trying To Pick Up Women
Last wordzzzzs
Ill admit it, Ive done fuck all work this pack... but nonetheless we managed
to pull out a double disk rox0rj00rbottomer so nyah.
Whoah, Myth did heaps of work, props out to him Everyone now!
Suddenly, everyone has decided to take up HIREZ artwork so nuff respect to them as well.. Specially Crucifer coz he did me a cool AGENCY logo even though he
messed up the area code 644/649 and Im shutting it down for k-SAD sometime
We also have a guest apperance from Aneurysm, one of NZs premium oldschool
ascii artists from that group Plague so phear
Anyways, Enjoy the pack ya miserable sods.
Oh pack was late coz I was watching The Usual Suspects again
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