this image contains text
B e t t e r t h a n l a x a t i v e s .
c Copyright 1997 by Ascension and Department38 D38
Printed in Hong Kong.
This work is copyright. Except for the purposes of fa-
ir reviewing, no part can be reproduced or changed
without typed permission from the author Ascension
or a current Department38 member. Infringers of Copy-
right render themselves liable for prosecution.
Tee hee hee :, forget all that shit. Use the asciis if you
want, dont take the ones that say their for someone else.
Dont rip the tags and youll be sweet! Stop reading this
crap why did you read it anyway? and get into the ascii.
Theres no intro in this pack because i didnt feel like it, now fuck off.
P o r n , b e t t e r t h a n l a x a t i v e s .
More reasons why porn is really good : it rythms with korn, its healthy for
the human mind, releives sexual frustration, heats the blood, exercises some
muscles, its cheapnnasty, good family reading, doesnt give you the shits,
tastes better, comes in a handy disposible bags, better for the environment,
doesnt spread aids, pollution free, doesnt use cheap asian labour, smells
nice, reusable, can be used in a group, educational, learn how the human body
moves, can be used while listening to spicegirls/cannibalcorpse, it was one
of elviss hobbies, your mum and dad already have a collection, instant hunger
releif, easy to conceal, P.Anderson endorses porn, fashionable, cheaper than
a hooker, and finally, it makes you popular with girls when you say :
why dont you have big tits like this?.
Now back the the rude and crude ascii work by ascension.
/ / / / /asc
op Neo!Phyte xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx /
+---- - - 6oo Megs of the Ultimate Hpavcd Experience - -- ----+
-- oh fuck! i spelt it wrong peemo instead of preemo sorry neopyhte next
pack it will be fixed. tee hee hee.
-------------/ - / asc ------ :/---- --- :/------
-- cromm for cromm
/asc / / /
-- boddah. who the hell is he?
argyouliv/ewithapesman /tishardtobeclean/
the /weakonesaretheretoj/ ustifyt/hestrong
-- marylyn manson.
// asc // // / //
-- anti christ super star
asc------/ ----- -------/ ----
-- last, as in last something. dunno i just did it.
SsosS .asc.
6464646 .sS S Ss. 4646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464
-- nintendo 64. the gaming experience to sell your soul for like i did, but
im going to hell anyway.
/ l l l .::::: :::::. .. .... : ....
: asc :...:.......... : . . . . :... .. : :
-- continuity error bbs. i never opened it because i got sick of it.
-- One Of Aks Finest Ansi Creators / / /
-- oh well too late i suppose.
healthier than a peice of loaf -/- poaf.
-- hmmmph. poaf. weird name. i prefere the word crapola or cranola more. :
asc / /-- / ---- ---- /
// l l
-- new group - timewalk, greetings to you. i forget the other members so
i never added their names.
....... / 101000110100110100100101010101000 y
a 001010001000010101110101011010011 d
r -01001010100101010000100ASC0010101-a
e 000100001101001001000101000111110 e
: 100100101010101101010010100000101 r
: 101010011010100101010110000011101 :
: / 001010101011111101111100111111011 :
y / 000001110010000000010100100100000 :
o / 100001001001000001000100000010001 u
u 100101001100011101010100010010010 o
: --101010100101010000011111100011001-y
: 100011010100100010010100001101001 :
: 101010010001101000100101000110100 :
r 101011110011010011001011001001001 :
e / / 010010001111010101010100001110001 e
a / / 110100011111100010110001110011001 r
d / 101010001011001110100011001001010 a
y --------------------- --
-- whats this shit?.
----- n.e.w u.s.e.r p.a.s.s.w.o.r.d : xxxxxxxxxxx ---- - -
// the new user password is required to verify you as a
worthy user. .
asc :
-- nup - a newuserpassword screen. where the xs are thats where the
password is entered.
Who likes death? Everybody does, we feed off the dead.
The only death worth living for is ....
/ asc /
Hale Bop!!!.. In Rememberance to the Wackos in Americana
-- you must know what this is for eh : - those weirdos in america that
went to hell because of the halebop comet.
asc : / / / /
U -- r -- e -- a -- 5 -- 1
- --- Welcome to the Scene Urea51! Your New Blood Means New Talent ---.
.-- - Havent Seen Any Of Your Work Yet. By The Way -/- What Does --
-- -- Urea Mean in Urea 51? Later -/- Ascension - ---- -.
--- asc ------------------------------ ------- --- -- - - -- ------ -
-- use for whatever you like.
: n.e.w. -----. /--. /---. /--. .:
: -----asc------ -------- ------ ------ :
::: Rules......1. .No smoking :
.: 2. .No leeching :
: 3. .No pornography :
:.............. ...... .. . 4. .No out. ... . .. . . .... ..:
-- newusers rules logon thingy. shows the rules of the bbs.
--- asdf issue number one . dd.mm.yy ---
all the fileid.diz shit etc.
-- saw the asdf ezine mag thingy-ma-jig so i did a fileid.diz for them.
hope i spelt it right. this is for blindsniper/warchild and the others
involved - good luck.
l l l-- l-- l ---.
i know ya love this ascii
d38clan - blindsniper.ooze.sunder.highvoltage.madcap.synth.thenuguy.
boddah.myth.and that chilla man : calvin klein
kirra - abbadon.warpig
plague - phoenix.aneurysm.shite/wise-k.
all - chainsaw.spectre.maudibnel..acidt.komac.k.daemon.frognel..
everyone that has made a request.stealth.aliennel..satan.
merlin.jarlaxlienel.and female blondes with big tits.
sunder - sad to see ya go. i know youll be back - ive got some n64
stuff for you.
thanx goto aneurysm and shite for giving ascii a great flavour. and
blindsniper for not saying my ascii was fuct when i applied :
and mr k.flint for being one ugly mfer whos haircut i worship.
music listened to - muthasdayout.pantera.metallica.marilynmanson.korn.
food consumed - coldcoke.flatcoke.fanta.bhgold.death.rumcoke.
-- ps. the doctor says my low ascii-count is due to -/-
1. bhgold twenties.
2. my bitch family.
3. i got an addiction, the n64 sunder made me buy.
its a combination of all. sorry about not many if any requests
have been done. ive probably forgotten about them.
- s - - ee - - eee -
- --- ---- --- - u // --- - - --- -- - -
--thats---------------- -- - - - - ---- ----- -- all folks
l i n e x x x
B e t t e r t h a n l a x a t i v e s .
c Copyright 1997 by Ascension and Department38 D38
Printed in Hong Kong.
This work is copyright. Except for the purposes of fa-
ir reviewing, no part can be reproduced or changed
without typed permission from the author Ascension
or a current Department38 member. Infringers of Copy-
right render themselves liable for prosecution.
Tee hee hee :, forget all that shit. Use the asciis if you
want, dont take the ones that say their for someone else.
Dont rip the tags and youll be sweet! Stop reading this
crap why did you read it anyway? and get into the ascii.
Theres no intro in this pack because i didnt feel like it, now fuck off.
P o r n , b e t t e r t h a n l a x a t i v e s .
More reasons why porn is really good : it rythms with korn, its healthy for
the human mind, releives sexual frustration, heats the blood, exercises some
muscles, its cheapnnasty, good family reading, doesnt give you the shits,
tastes better, comes in a handy disposible bags, better for the environment,
doesnt spread aids, pollution free, doesnt use cheap asian labour, smells
nice, reusable, can be used in a group, educational, learn how the human body
moves, can be used while listening to spicegirls/cannibalcorpse, it was one
of elviss hobbies, your mum and dad already have a collection, instant hunger
releif, easy to conceal, P.Anderson endorses porn, fashionable, cheaper than
a hooker, and finally, it makes you popular with girls when you say :
why dont you have big tits like this?.
Now back the the rude and crude ascii work by ascension.
/ / / / /asc
op Neo!Phyte xxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx /
+---- - - 6oo Megs of the Ultimate Hpavcd Experience - -- ----+
-- oh fuck! i spelt it wrong peemo instead of preemo sorry neopyhte next
pack it will be fixed. tee hee hee.
-------------/ - / asc ------ :/---- --- :/------
-- cromm for cromm
/asc / / /
-- boddah. who the hell is he?
argyouliv/ewithapesman /tishardtobeclean/
the /weakonesaretheretoj/ ustifyt/hestrong
-- marylyn manson.
// asc // // / //
-- anti christ super star
asc------/ ----- -------/ ----
-- last, as in last something. dunno i just did it.
SsosS .asc.
6464646 .sS S Ss. 4646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464646464
-- nintendo 64. the gaming experience to sell your soul for like i did, but
im going to hell anyway.
/ l l l .::::: :::::. .. .... : ....
: asc :...:.......... : . . . . :... .. : :
-- continuity error bbs. i never opened it because i got sick of it.
-- One Of Aks Finest Ansi Creators / / /
-- oh well too late i suppose.
healthier than a peice of loaf -/- poaf.
-- hmmmph. poaf. weird name. i prefere the word crapola or cranola more. :
asc / /-- / ---- ---- /
// l l
-- new group - timewalk, greetings to you. i forget the other members so
i never added their names.
....... / 101000110100110100100101010101000 y
a 001010001000010101110101011010011 d
r -01001010100101010000100ASC0010101-a
e 000100001101001001000101000111110 e
: 100100101010101101010010100000101 r
: 101010011010100101010110000011101 :
: / 001010101011111101111100111111011 :
y / 000001110010000000010100100100000 :
o / 100001001001000001000100000010001 u
u 100101001100011101010100010010010 o
: --101010100101010000011111100011001-y
: 100011010100100010010100001101001 :
: 101010010001101000100101000110100 :
r 101011110011010011001011001001001 :
e / / 010010001111010101010100001110001 e
a / / 110100011111100010110001110011001 r
d / 101010001011001110100011001001010 a
y --------------------- --
-- whats this shit?.
----- n.e.w u.s.e.r p.a.s.s.w.o.r.d : xxxxxxxxxxx ---- - -
// the new user password is required to verify you as a
worthy user. .
asc :
-- nup - a newuserpassword screen. where the xs are thats where the
password is entered.
Who likes death? Everybody does, we feed off the dead.
The only death worth living for is ....
/ asc /
Hale Bop!!!.. In Rememberance to the Wackos in Americana
-- you must know what this is for eh : - those weirdos in america that
went to hell because of the halebop comet.
asc : / / / /
U -- r -- e -- a -- 5 -- 1
- --- Welcome to the Scene Urea51! Your New Blood Means New Talent ---.
.-- - Havent Seen Any Of Your Work Yet. By The Way -/- What Does --
-- -- Urea Mean in Urea 51? Later -/- Ascension - ---- -.
--- asc ------------------------------ ------- --- -- - - -- ------ -
-- use for whatever you like.
: n.e.w. -----. /--. /---. /--. .:
: -----asc------ -------- ------ ------ :
::: Rules......1. .No smoking :
.: 2. .No leeching :
: 3. .No pornography :
:.............. ...... .. . 4. .No out. ... . .. . . .... ..:
-- newusers rules logon thingy. shows the rules of the bbs.
--- asdf issue number one . dd.mm.yy ---
all the fileid.diz shit etc.
-- saw the asdf ezine mag thingy-ma-jig so i did a fileid.diz for them.
hope i spelt it right. this is for blindsniper/warchild and the others
involved - good luck.
l l l-- l-- l ---.
i know ya love this ascii
d38clan - blindsniper.ooze.sunder.highvoltage.madcap.synth.thenuguy.
boddah.myth.and that chilla man : calvin klein
kirra - abbadon.warpig
plague - phoenix.aneurysm.shite/wise-k.
all - chainsaw.spectre.maudibnel..acidt.komac.k.daemon.frognel..
everyone that has made a request.stealth.aliennel..satan.
merlin.jarlaxlienel.and female blondes with big tits.
sunder - sad to see ya go. i know youll be back - ive got some n64
stuff for you.
thanx goto aneurysm and shite for giving ascii a great flavour. and
blindsniper for not saying my ascii was fuct when i applied :
and mr k.flint for being one ugly mfer whos haircut i worship.
music listened to - muthasdayout.pantera.metallica.marilynmanson.korn.
food consumed - coldcoke.flatcoke.fanta.bhgold.death.rumcoke.
-- ps. the doctor says my low ascii-count is due to -/-
1. bhgold twenties.
2. my bitch family.
3. i got an addiction, the n64 sunder made me buy.
its a combination of all. sorry about not many if any requests
have been done. ive probably forgotten about them.
- s - - ee - - eee -
- --- ---- --- - u // --- - - --- -- - -
--thats---------------- -- - - - - ---- ----- -- all folks
l i n e x x x
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