this image contains text
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
Yepp Wu-News is Audi like cars... Get it?
There you go... None of you other lazy buggers did anything
so Ive named this section da SHIT In case j00 cant read l3333333370 ansis like mine.
Hmmm... I wonder if this brint green pisses anyone off? Yepp, so its called da SHIT mainly coz thats what we are...
well, also coz I talk shit as well, but thats besides the
Lets start off with the usual suspects:
dark element - This dude joined shortly after the last pack, coz he realised that we were more pimped out than the group that he was about to
join.. Besides that he does some pretty good piccis...
brane - A new guy to the scene, but hopefully hell be kicking ass for
many years to come... he does some oldschool, some newschool, and some ansi, naturally we ph34r him too
incarnate - Say hello to this dude H E L L O
Coz to get in d38 he had to kick his grandma outa his house so
we could all move into his lounge.
d38 gives you nuff respect
Lets not forget those people who got killed in drive-by shootings:
sunder - Poor guy got smoked while leaving his moms house!x3
Lets all bow our heads in silence for him.. Okays, now lets
get back to me, because I yam the most awesomest person here
Im serious too see? mad frown
Heres something to think about for the month,..
Why are is d38 your borrowed tennis ball?
Well answer that next month :
Phear my Deadly M?lkShake For it SHALLengulf you whole
. oOze speaks... might as well skip it
my tOrk for this package
1 phe4r lead pipes.
2 d38 rocks the party that rocks the body
donut you just hate that song :-
MC! -- Blind Sniper bought MC Lytes album teehee
3 dont eat goldfish
d38 for the month...
What happened to all of our exulted members?
Myth didnt get his usual quota of ansi
in this month due to the fact he got
arrested for smoking some Philly Blunts
in McDonalds
oOze got lost searching for Spock in
Rotorua or some wop wops place, and
misplaced his doodle-pencil tm!@ toke.
Please send all contributions to toke
1-800-00Z3-1S-4-11AMA ... .
Please ask for Martha...
bODDAH got pimp-napped for his ascii
styles when some grubby old man tried
to intice him into his group with a
lollypop and some turky jerky.
Luckily, hes been taking steroids and
he says hes man enough for two
Madcap got stopped at Mexican borders
whilst trying to smuggle contraband
in his underwear. After a struggle and two boxes of latex gloves later, he bs!
managed to get us some hard out art
4 Some reason he says that he ph345rs
alt.horror.cthulhu Myth tokes up while standing on Ronald McDonalds red ass wig.
Everyone else whir boring bastards and
sat at home doin us mad art
On another tip...
I just wanna dispense some myths about us,...
Firstly you donut have to be a humaphrodite to join us, that was just a rumour
started by some boys at Timewalk A local group of Argentinians weve been
competing with.
Secondly despite popular belief, d38!shit is not a division of ACiDtm.
Thirdly d38 DOES NOT,I repeat DOES NOT condone the illegal selling of ferrets
Quatroly d38 is not an organisation Not a legal one anyways, nor does it
pretend to be a way of life. Were just a band of amigos doing art.
We encourage all of our members to go out and smoke some drugs or get laid.
Sometimes we do both for that matter... at the same time!... wow...
I hope that has put to rest some of the shit being spread around your moms
stanky toilet.
Classified adds for perverts!.. whoa
Howdy Folks, me names CRUCiFER, and since
Im kinda new in D38, I thought Id better
introduce myself.
I am a 20 yearold music student, living at
home Yeah! The place to BE! in Porirua,
I have played guitar for 8-9 years now, and
my goal is to make it my profession, not
just a hobby.
In this pack, Ive put a stash of my old
stuff, piccies I have done over the last
year, plus some more recent ones.
I am fully old school and dont give a
flying what anyone else says..:
Anyway, thats about it from me, Ciao.
Its also rumoured that he enjoys taking showers with his four brothers
but thats just something that I made up now... whisk whisk
And now for something completly different...
Thought youd all be interested to know that
If anyones actually got this far
I thought Id do a listing of people that owe me money...
Local - STiMPY 10
- The Slave 10
Yepp thats right, I figured id degrade them in my pack for slim chances of
getting some long green.
While Im listing... Im gonna list some of the stankest ryhmes Ive heard lately
1. 9 outa 10 bitchs want to sit,
On the snake of Blake Camerons tip.
But I need much more to get raw,
Hardcore - Dick to jaw, dick to jaw.
Lil Kim - Hardcore
2. Pockets got thinner,
Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner.
The Notorious BIG - Ready To Die
3. ... If your pussies dry - spit on muh dick and put it in,
My dicks the bomb baby!
Ghost Face Killer - Iron Man
4. Got a felony turned to a mistemeanor,
Got a court supienor, need to get muh act cleaner.
Fuck dat, still walked out holding my strap,
Nuhh, grabbing my wiener!
Redman - Muddy Waters
5. Well open up the door then,
Before I start unloading on your pussy - from here! and leave it swollen.
Redman - Muddy Waters
6. ...Cept I cannut unleash my new auto-sig design yet... so eye cant change it
oOze - On the subject of his dead group affils g
More shall be added when I hear some more stank lines and rhymes...
Oooh, I was just talking too oOze... even he thinks I suck. It must be official
then... I shouldve guessed it when someone put an add in the paper :/
Boddah thought that we should put out an ego pack sometime as a joke...
But then he remembered that all of our packs are fullon ego. Boah! Silly egg
Last wordzzzzs
Enjoy the pack and all that bullshit. Ph333334r.
Oh yeah - Myth, i stuck one of your oldie ansis in here because I love it
if it wasnt for that you wouldnt have anything in the pack :
Sorry if your requests aint in here, nothing personal,.. the name probably just
sucked or i couldnt be bothered...
da SHIT bs!
word nigr0e! haha
Yepp Wu-News is Audi like cars... Get it?
There you go... None of you other lazy buggers did anything
so Ive named this section da SHIT In case j00 cant read l3333333370 ansis like mine.
Hmmm... I wonder if this brint green pisses anyone off? Yepp, so its called da SHIT mainly coz thats what we are...
well, also coz I talk shit as well, but thats besides the
Lets start off with the usual suspects:
dark element - This dude joined shortly after the last pack, coz he realised that we were more pimped out than the group that he was about to
join.. Besides that he does some pretty good piccis...
brane - A new guy to the scene, but hopefully hell be kicking ass for
many years to come... he does some oldschool, some newschool, and some ansi, naturally we ph34r him too
incarnate - Say hello to this dude H E L L O
Coz to get in d38 he had to kick his grandma outa his house so
we could all move into his lounge.
d38 gives you nuff respect
Lets not forget those people who got killed in drive-by shootings:
sunder - Poor guy got smoked while leaving his moms house!x3
Lets all bow our heads in silence for him.. Okays, now lets
get back to me, because I yam the most awesomest person here
Im serious too see? mad frown
Heres something to think about for the month,..
Why are is d38 your borrowed tennis ball?
Well answer that next month :
Phear my Deadly M?lkShake For it SHALLengulf you whole
. oOze speaks... might as well skip it
my tOrk for this package
1 phe4r lead pipes.
2 d38 rocks the party that rocks the body
donut you just hate that song :-
MC! -- Blind Sniper bought MC Lytes album teehee
3 dont eat goldfish
d38 for the month...
What happened to all of our exulted members?
Myth didnt get his usual quota of ansi
in this month due to the fact he got
arrested for smoking some Philly Blunts
in McDonalds
oOze got lost searching for Spock in
Rotorua or some wop wops place, and
misplaced his doodle-pencil tm!@ toke.
Please send all contributions to toke
1-800-00Z3-1S-4-11AMA ... .
Please ask for Martha...
bODDAH got pimp-napped for his ascii
styles when some grubby old man tried
to intice him into his group with a
lollypop and some turky jerky.
Luckily, hes been taking steroids and
he says hes man enough for two
Madcap got stopped at Mexican borders
whilst trying to smuggle contraband
in his underwear. After a struggle and two boxes of latex gloves later, he bs!
managed to get us some hard out art
4 Some reason he says that he ph345rs
alt.horror.cthulhu Myth tokes up while standing on Ronald McDonalds red ass wig.
Everyone else whir boring bastards and
sat at home doin us mad art
On another tip...
I just wanna dispense some myths about us,...
Firstly you donut have to be a humaphrodite to join us, that was just a rumour
started by some boys at Timewalk A local group of Argentinians weve been
competing with.
Secondly despite popular belief, d38!shit is not a division of ACiDtm.
Thirdly d38 DOES NOT,I repeat DOES NOT condone the illegal selling of ferrets
Quatroly d38 is not an organisation Not a legal one anyways, nor does it
pretend to be a way of life. Were just a band of amigos doing art.
We encourage all of our members to go out and smoke some drugs or get laid.
Sometimes we do both for that matter... at the same time!... wow...
I hope that has put to rest some of the shit being spread around your moms
stanky toilet.
Classified adds for perverts!.. whoa
Howdy Folks, me names CRUCiFER, and since
Im kinda new in D38, I thought Id better
introduce myself.
I am a 20 yearold music student, living at
home Yeah! The place to BE! in Porirua,
I have played guitar for 8-9 years now, and
my goal is to make it my profession, not
just a hobby.
In this pack, Ive put a stash of my old
stuff, piccies I have done over the last
year, plus some more recent ones.
I am fully old school and dont give a
flying what anyone else says..:
Anyway, thats about it from me, Ciao.
Its also rumoured that he enjoys taking showers with his four brothers
but thats just something that I made up now... whisk whisk
And now for something completly different...
Thought youd all be interested to know that
If anyones actually got this far
I thought Id do a listing of people that owe me money...
Local - STiMPY 10
- The Slave 10
Yepp thats right, I figured id degrade them in my pack for slim chances of
getting some long green.
While Im listing... Im gonna list some of the stankest ryhmes Ive heard lately
1. 9 outa 10 bitchs want to sit,
On the snake of Blake Camerons tip.
But I need much more to get raw,
Hardcore - Dick to jaw, dick to jaw.
Lil Kim - Hardcore
2. Pockets got thinner,
Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner.
The Notorious BIG - Ready To Die
3. ... If your pussies dry - spit on muh dick and put it in,
My dicks the bomb baby!
Ghost Face Killer - Iron Man
4. Got a felony turned to a mistemeanor,
Got a court supienor, need to get muh act cleaner.
Fuck dat, still walked out holding my strap,
Nuhh, grabbing my wiener!
Redman - Muddy Waters
5. Well open up the door then,
Before I start unloading on your pussy - from here! and leave it swollen.
Redman - Muddy Waters
6. ...Cept I cannut unleash my new auto-sig design yet... so eye cant change it
oOze - On the subject of his dead group affils g
More shall be added when I hear some more stank lines and rhymes...
Oooh, I was just talking too oOze... even he thinks I suck. It must be official
then... I shouldve guessed it when someone put an add in the paper :/
Boddah thought that we should put out an ego pack sometime as a joke...
But then he remembered that all of our packs are fullon ego. Boah! Silly egg
Last wordzzzzs
Enjoy the pack and all that bullshit. Ph333334r.
Oh yeah - Myth, i stuck one of your oldie ansis in here because I love it
if it wasnt for that you wouldnt have anything in the pack :
Sorry if your requests aint in here, nothing personal,.. the name probably just
sucked or i couldnt be bothered...
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