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you know.. there are certain people
Ilike.. me liking people.. really
- liking.. is actually rare.. but those
. . . who Ido like.. if I had to..
. . Id kill for.... even die
-. ., .. for.. if need be.. cos
. . . .. how well could I
- - live.. if they died?
. .. not just me.. but
. . .- - . those around them.. you
MC! . . think this is sad?
D38 . why do you think Ilike
. . people?. admire
people?.. cos they
. are dead? cos
- . they look nice?
/ no.. cos they
. . are alive!
. Feel free to
, use this ansi
S .just keep my
tag on it..ok?
Ilike.. me liking people.. really
- liking.. is actually rare.. but those
. . . who Ido like.. if I had to..
. . Id kill for.... even die
-. ., .. for.. if need be.. cos
. . . .. how well could I
- - live.. if they died?
. .. not just me.. but
. . .- - . those around them.. you
MC! . . think this is sad?
D38 . why do you think Ilike
. . people?. admire
people?.. cos they
. are dead? cos
- . they look nice?
/ no.. cos they
. . are alive!
. Feel free to
, use this ansi
S .just keep my
tag on it..ok?
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