this image contains text
Painting Of The Holdens Lair IV The Awakening, by Blind L Sniper Of d38
BBulletins............... SScripts..................
CComment To Sysop........ GLogoff...................
: DOpen A Door............. HHelp.....................
:: OPage Sysop.............. NSystem News..............
:o,..,sS,, cOMMAND: CMD ,,Ss,. .,o/
/Cut Here F0o!-----------------------------------------------------------------
Okays, heres the sucessful steps to getting a menu request from me.
1. Call up tHE AGENCY 649-410-6940, or e-mail rsmith@ihug.co.nz
2. Ask politely for a menu request.
3. Attach a txt with various information about your board sysops, number so I
can get on, Also info on what youd like the menu to look like Colours, maybe
a theme and dont expect me to exactly how you asked :
4. Bugger off and wait for me to reply
5. If I like the name or want something from you Goto 7 else
6. Sod Off and Cry
7. I tell you when Ive done it and am satisfyed with it
8. You go to your friendly bank establishment
9. Send 10 NZ to me
10. Loop Until End
Hehehehe, I am serious about this... I really do hate doing menus...
Painting Of The Holdens Lair IV The Awakening, by Blind L Sniper Of d38
BBulletins............... SScripts..................
CComment To Sysop........ GLogoff...................
: DOpen A Door............. HHelp.....................
:: OPage Sysop.............. NSystem News..............
:o,..,sS,, cOMMAND: CMD ,,Ss,. .,o/
/Cut Here F0o!-----------------------------------------------------------------
Okays, heres the sucessful steps to getting a menu request from me.
1. Call up tHE AGENCY 649-410-6940, or e-mail rsmith@ihug.co.nz
2. Ask politely for a menu request.
3. Attach a txt with various information about your board sysops, number so I
can get on, Also info on what youd like the menu to look like Colours, maybe
a theme and dont expect me to exactly how you asked :
4. Bugger off and wait for me to reply
5. If I like the name or want something from you Goto 7 else
6. Sod Off and Cry
7. I tell you when Ive done it and am satisfyed with it
8. You go to your friendly bank establishment
9. Send 10 NZ to me
10. Loop Until End
Hehehehe, I am serious about this... I really do hate doing menus...
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