this image contains text
dOpe nfo file.
dOpe has expanded this month, we gained many new members, and hqs. a few new
distros on the way, and a net. dOpe!net is probably the coolest thing dOpe
has done so far, we dont have alot of boards on it yet, but we hope to soon.
just take a look at dOpe!net.zip. also, in this release we have a hirez vga
artist syd waters from australia. he is very talented and we hope to see
more of his work in the future. we also got an ex-avenge member kargus this
month, but due to the lateness of his joining, he was unable to summit any art
. but from the looks of his old art, we are VERY pleased to have him a board.
we also got a new ascii artist that has good talent lightning knight.
thats it for the news this month, on with the info file.
i really am now at a loss for what i am suppose to include in the this info
file. we already had our debut nfo file with the way we work and such, so
theres really no reason for this file anymore is there? .. oh well,
check out dOpe0597.mem for a list of member boards and distros. dOpe!net.zip
has the dOpe!net app and nodelist, and to apply just run dOpeapp.exe, and
send the created dOpe.app to d0pe@juno.com.
97 dOpe productions.
dOpe has expanded this month, we gained many new members, and hqs. a few new
distros on the way, and a net. dOpe!net is probably the coolest thing dOpe
has done so far, we dont have alot of boards on it yet, but we hope to soon.
just take a look at dOpe!net.zip. also, in this release we have a hirez vga
artist syd waters from australia. he is very talented and we hope to see
more of his work in the future. we also got an ex-avenge member kargus this
month, but due to the lateness of his joining, he was unable to summit any art
. but from the looks of his old art, we are VERY pleased to have him a board.
we also got a new ascii artist that has good talent lightning knight.
thats it for the news this month, on with the info file.
i really am now at a loss for what i am suppose to include in the this info
file. we already had our debut nfo file with the way we work and such, so
theres really no reason for this file anymore is there? .. oh well,
check out dOpe0597.mem for a list of member boards and distros. dOpe!net.zip
has the dOpe!net app and nodelist, and to apply just run dOpeapp.exe, and
send the created dOpe.app to d0pe@juno.com.
97 dOpe productions.
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