this image contains text
- --- you cant save yourself, you cant save yourself, you cant save ...
/- dOpe?!.. -ansee by dOpe fiend-- -- ---
..n e w z ?!..
well, i suppose despite all our other beta packs this is indeed our debut
pack.. we arent g0d at ansi maybe in york area, but we arent to bad if i do say so myself.. the pack april i997 isnt large mainly due to the fact we are in short of members. the york area is lacking in good art talent. lacaid and
i are probably one of the few that can do art, along with raekwon, and maniac.
that would also probably cover the listing of cool users in york pa. mainly thereason i created this group with lacaid was to fill my freetime considering i
dont go to school, and the only thing i do is my girlfriend litterally ..
which by no means is bad at all. but scene related, i needed something, we all needed something to at least try and salvage the scene in are area with, thus
dOpe! was born. originally started as a courier/coding group under the acroymn dOpe - demons of pirating enterprises, we have decided to leave it as just
dOpe with no acroymn what so ever.. and changed the group to a art/coding group that does bbs warez couriering and not much else. and.. holy fuck, this was
just suppose to be the news, oh well on with the information file..
..rel e a s es..
this would be our first release.. this is sorta a duo pack that lacaid and i
put together, but we have a few contributions from other members.. this release contains mainly art, a few renegade mods, some niffy programs, and loaders ..
we didnt jam this pack full of stuff just to make it big, we just took what we thought was quality work and put it in the pack .. there wasnt a need for size,just quality..
..m e m b e rs..
this is our wonderful member list, its very short, and if you want to apply
please by all means fill out the application.
member listing as of 03/27/97..
dOpe fiend ............................ prez/founder, ansi, ascii, programming lacaid ....................................... coprez/cofounder, ansi, modding bleach .................................................. ansi, ascii, courier raekwon ....................................................... ascii, courier maniac ................................................................. ascii
we hope to increase our member size soon with quality artists, and coders.
..c o n t a ct..
if you must get ahold of use for some reason, there are a few places you can
d0pe@juno.com - general dOpe member email address
lacaid@juno.com - lacaids personal email address
lVlaniac@juno.com - maniacs personal email address
dOpe fiend@666:777/0 - dOpe!net
gastric fluids - 717-428-3254 all members are there
that about covers all the common places you can reach us.. i have 5 million
other email addresses that i never use, but i have listed just the main ones..
..m i s c j u n k..
in the conclusion of this info file i just want to say a few words, we are not one of those eleeter than thou groups, and we dont think of ourselves as da shit at everything.. we have are talents, and we have our weeknesses, we just
want to be a quality group, that just releases packs, emags, and programs..
dOpe fiend..
/- dOpe?!.. -ansee by dOpe fiend-- -- ---
..n e w z ?!..
well, i suppose despite all our other beta packs this is indeed our debut
pack.. we arent g0d at ansi maybe in york area, but we arent to bad if i do say so myself.. the pack april i997 isnt large mainly due to the fact we are in short of members. the york area is lacking in good art talent. lacaid and
i are probably one of the few that can do art, along with raekwon, and maniac.
that would also probably cover the listing of cool users in york pa. mainly thereason i created this group with lacaid was to fill my freetime considering i
dont go to school, and the only thing i do is my girlfriend litterally ..
which by no means is bad at all. but scene related, i needed something, we all needed something to at least try and salvage the scene in are area with, thus
dOpe! was born. originally started as a courier/coding group under the acroymn dOpe - demons of pirating enterprises, we have decided to leave it as just
dOpe with no acroymn what so ever.. and changed the group to a art/coding group that does bbs warez couriering and not much else. and.. holy fuck, this was
just suppose to be the news, oh well on with the information file..
..rel e a s es..
this would be our first release.. this is sorta a duo pack that lacaid and i
put together, but we have a few contributions from other members.. this release contains mainly art, a few renegade mods, some niffy programs, and loaders ..
we didnt jam this pack full of stuff just to make it big, we just took what we thought was quality work and put it in the pack .. there wasnt a need for size,just quality..
..m e m b e rs..
this is our wonderful member list, its very short, and if you want to apply
please by all means fill out the application.
member listing as of 03/27/97..
dOpe fiend ............................ prez/founder, ansi, ascii, programming lacaid ....................................... coprez/cofounder, ansi, modding bleach .................................................. ansi, ascii, courier raekwon ....................................................... ascii, courier maniac ................................................................. ascii
we hope to increase our member size soon with quality artists, and coders.
..c o n t a ct..
if you must get ahold of use for some reason, there are a few places you can
d0pe@juno.com - general dOpe member email address
lacaid@juno.com - lacaids personal email address
lVlaniac@juno.com - maniacs personal email address
dOpe fiend@666:777/0 - dOpe!net
gastric fluids - 717-428-3254 all members are there
that about covers all the common places you can reach us.. i have 5 million
other email addresses that i never use, but i have listed just the main ones..
..m i s c j u n k..
in the conclusion of this info file i just want to say a few words, we are not one of those eleeter than thou groups, and we dont think of ourselves as da shit at everything.. we have are talents, and we have our weeknesses, we just
want to be a quality group, that just releases packs, emags, and programs..
dOpe fiend..
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