this image contains text
window maker, venom, silver rat, shadowdancer, blood priest, galahad,
the Guardian, flarg, error 200, sids, betrayer, ackman, lord x,
chaos, Damn i know too many people, hammer, osceola, rot,
flood, lord valgamon, hollow point, djinn, and scythe.
my sig sucks - me on various occasions.
sc has promised to change it as soon as he gets some F*i@ free time
if you want an ansi from me, the vor pack has a request generator in it,
or,if your lazy, you can send requests directly to me on the internet at
Pswanson@netcom.com ... include all the shit you want on the ansi in the
mail. i do take sugestions on the subject matter of the pic, but you
should know beforehand that i really hate that :. laterz...
btw. i charge nothing, but i work slow. G
The following is... hmm... id say about 98.972 original.
MY GOD! SC has done an original ansi that doesnt suck donky dick!
hehe... but as was the case last pack, this was rushed majorly, but
this time it was my fault... OOPS! hehe GAH! gotta run, vor pack
deadline is in like 2 min! again! laterz...
PS. i dunno what it is.. maybe a werewolf with magic powers... you
tell me... the person who gives me the best exlpanition as to
just what the hell the following is gets a free ansi!! G
but all my ansis are free so it doesnt matter!!! heheh
Harvest moon
Too many damn affils to mention...
Well, except that it is a VOR site,
and that makes any other affils pale
in comparison. call dammit.
whole cheap ass ansi, including puke-inducing font by: Skarecrow VOR
window maker, venom, silver rat, shadowdancer, blood priest, galahad,
the Guardian, flarg, error 200, sids, betrayer, ackman, lord x,
chaos, Damn i know too many people, hammer, osceola, rot,
flood, lord valgamon, hollow point, djinn, and scythe.
my sig sucks - me on various occasions.
sc has promised to change it as soon as he gets some F*i@ free time
if you want an ansi from me, the vor pack has a request generator in it,
or,if your lazy, you can send requests directly to me on the internet at
Pswanson@netcom.com ... include all the shit you want on the ansi in the
mail. i do take sugestions on the subject matter of the pic, but you
should know beforehand that i really hate that :. laterz...
btw. i charge nothing, but i work slow. G
The following is... hmm... id say about 98.972 original.
MY GOD! SC has done an original ansi that doesnt suck donky dick!
hehe... but as was the case last pack, this was rushed majorly, but
this time it was my fault... OOPS! hehe GAH! gotta run, vor pack
deadline is in like 2 min! again! laterz...
PS. i dunno what it is.. maybe a werewolf with magic powers... you
tell me... the person who gives me the best exlpanition as to
just what the hell the following is gets a free ansi!! G
but all my ansis are free so it doesnt matter!!! heheh
Harvest moon
Too many damn affils to mention...
Well, except that it is a VOR site,
and that makes any other affils pale
in comparison. call dammit.
whole cheap ass ansi, including puke-inducing font by: Skarecrow VOR
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