this image contains text
my sig sucks - me on various occasions.
if you want an ansi from me, the vor pack has a request generator in it,
or,if your lazy, you can send requests directly to me on the internet at
Pswanson@netcom.com ... include all the shit you want on the ansi in the
mail. i do take sugestions on the subject matter of the pic, but you
should know beforehand that i really hate that :. laterz...
btw. i charge nothing, but i work slow. G
The following is... hmm... id say about 32.374 original.
horrible font
horrible font
for those unable to read the above aka, any normal human being:
Seeds of Destruction
Phaser X Justice
Cardiac Arrest iCE
NukeNet, NokNet
Shiver, Justice, Nok,
Rucus, TiC, High
Rezolution, CRiME,
some more px forgets...
Ansi by: Skarecrow of VOR
DUH! didnt you see the
big SC at the top!?!
Qwick greetz: phaser x, widow maker, shadowdancer, rotshv G, toon goon,
hell spawn, cavalier, ddream, osceola, venom, sids, henchman,
hammer, perciles sp?, hollow point, and silver rat.
everyone else: i either forgot youoops! , or you forgot to
greet ME... coughcoughTheGuardiancoughcough... hehe
my sig sucks - me on various occasions.
if you want an ansi from me, the vor pack has a request generator in it,
or,if your lazy, you can send requests directly to me on the internet at
Pswanson@netcom.com ... include all the shit you want on the ansi in the
mail. i do take sugestions on the subject matter of the pic, but you
should know beforehand that i really hate that :. laterz...
btw. i charge nothing, but i work slow. G
The following is... hmm... id say about 32.374 original.
horrible font
horrible font
for those unable to read the above aka, any normal human being:
Seeds of Destruction
Phaser X Justice
Cardiac Arrest iCE
NukeNet, NokNet
Shiver, Justice, Nok,
Rucus, TiC, High
Rezolution, CRiME,
some more px forgets...
Ansi by: Skarecrow of VOR
DUH! didnt you see the
big SC at the top!?!
Qwick greetz: phaser x, widow maker, shadowdancer, rotshv G, toon goon,
hell spawn, cavalier, ddream, osceola, venom, sids, henchman,
hammer, perciles sp?, hollow point, and silver rat.
everyone else: i either forgot youoops! , or you forgot to
greet ME... coughcoughTheGuardiancoughcough... hehe
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