this image contains text
- - -- ---PCK---- -- - - -
This is CSFs first Art pack, it contains 20 ansis and 2
jpegs made and selected by the group. For more info on Csfs
releases read the CSF.NFO file that comes in the pack or
execute the CSF.EXE file included in the pack too...
- - -- ---PPLY---- -- - - -
If you want to apply on CSF as a coder, musician, Ansi or
Ascii artists, GFX maker aka Vga Artist or whatever you do
good just execute CSF.EXE file and choose APPLY CSF on the
lightbar, a *.APP file is created with your handle, send it
to one of the csf members on the csf channel on irc.bt.net.
- - -- ---Ri02004---- -- - - -
Hey dude, support the Rio 2004 campaign, spread AD-2004.CSF
and if you have on put it in your board somewhere, Rio is a
cool place and it would be real nice to have the olympic
games here...
- - -- ---RTiSTS---- -- - - -
Well, who worked on this ansis? T he ansi prefix is the name
of the creator, for example, ad-2004.csf was created by AD
AD: Arcanjo Daemon
BU: Buttman
YK: Yakuza
MR: Minotaur
This files text and ascii was created by Electric-Bern.
The fileid was created by Wintamute and Buttman.
- - -- ---NXTPCK---- -- - - -
CSF will release other packs regularly on every 1st day of
each month and the packs will be called CSF-MONTHYEAR, for
example this first one CSF-0197...
All the packs will be avaiable for download at the CSF Home
page as soon as they are released.
- - -- ---0THR RLSS---- -- - - -
You can get every CSF release on the CSF home page.
CSF makes Doors for Remote Access and Pcboard, Ansis, Asciis
Mods/S3ms, Dos utils, Game cheats and saves, and etc...
- - -- ---CSF H0M PG---- -- - - -
At this moment you might be asking,What the fuck is the CSF
home pages address?.
Go there and leech everything, its all freeware!
- - -- ---PCK---- -- - - -
This is CSFs first Art pack, it contains 20 ansis and 2
jpegs made and selected by the group. For more info on Csfs
releases read the CSF.NFO file that comes in the pack or
execute the CSF.EXE file included in the pack too...
- - -- ---PPLY---- -- - - -
If you want to apply on CSF as a coder, musician, Ansi or
Ascii artists, GFX maker aka Vga Artist or whatever you do
good just execute CSF.EXE file and choose APPLY CSF on the
lightbar, a *.APP file is created with your handle, send it
to one of the csf members on the csf channel on irc.bt.net.
- - -- ---Ri02004---- -- - - -
Hey dude, support the Rio 2004 campaign, spread AD-2004.CSF
and if you have on put it in your board somewhere, Rio is a
cool place and it would be real nice to have the olympic
games here...
- - -- ---RTiSTS---- -- - - -
Well, who worked on this ansis? T he ansi prefix is the name
of the creator, for example, ad-2004.csf was created by AD
AD: Arcanjo Daemon
BU: Buttman
YK: Yakuza
MR: Minotaur
This files text and ascii was created by Electric-Bern.
The fileid was created by Wintamute and Buttman.
- - -- ---NXTPCK---- -- - - -
CSF will release other packs regularly on every 1st day of
each month and the packs will be called CSF-MONTHYEAR, for
example this first one CSF-0197...
All the packs will be avaiable for download at the CSF Home
page as soon as they are released.
- - -- ---0THR RLSS---- -- - - -
You can get every CSF release on the CSF home page.
CSF makes Doors for Remote Access and Pcboard, Ansis, Asciis
Mods/S3ms, Dos utils, Game cheats and saves, and etc...
- - -- ---CSF H0M PG---- -- - - -
At this moment you might be asking,What the fuck is the CSF
home pages address?.
Go there and leech everything, its all freeware!
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