this image contains text
N E W S L E T T E R 2 -- Co
RPSE August 1994 Pak --
Well, another
month come and gone, and another CoRPSE pak released.
Once again we had some setbacks, but again
things have picked up. We welcome Th
e Coliseum as a new site, and new couriers in Revise,
Undecided, And Disorder.
The Magazine wasnt put out again this month, due to
Lack of participation amongst the
writers. But, Sole Assassin, has Be
en put in charge of the Magazine. So the magazines first releas
e Will be out next month. So will t
he viewer. The Viewer will have SAU
CE. Well we had some complications on the app generator so
It wont be out till next month either. An
yways CoRPSE has now Released 2 pak
s and has been doing pretty good from what I have heard.
But anyways, enough of this shit. Check o
ut the pak! C-YA!
Greets Go Out To: FLC,PiL,ACiD,CaNCe
sonal Greets: Doom: Thanks for all the help bro
, gonna come over soon: Dr. J
ekyll:CaNCeR pak was good bro, keep it up!
Lord Jazz:Best damn artist in the world:
Expatriate: 50 meg u/ls:
RPSE August 1994 Pak --
Well, another
month come and gone, and another CoRPSE pak released.
Once again we had some setbacks, but again
things have picked up. We welcome Th
e Coliseum as a new site, and new couriers in Revise,
Undecided, And Disorder.
The Magazine wasnt put out again this month, due to
Lack of participation amongst the
writers. But, Sole Assassin, has Be
en put in charge of the Magazine. So the magazines first releas
e Will be out next month. So will t
he viewer. The Viewer will have SAU
CE. Well we had some complications on the app generator so
It wont be out till next month either. An
yways CoRPSE has now Released 2 pak
s and has been doing pretty good from what I have heard.
But anyways, enough of this shit. Check o
ut the pak! C-YA!
Greets Go Out To: FLC,PiL,ACiD,CaNCe
sonal Greets: Doom: Thanks for all the help bro
, gonna come over soon: Dr. J
ekyll:CaNCeR pak was good bro, keep it up!
Lord Jazz:Best damn artist in the world:
Expatriate: 50 meg u/ls:
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