this image contains text
.. . .DiGiTAL.FACTORY. . ..
Winamp v.3.0 c Nullsoft
Cracker........: N0-Body Release Name...: dF-WA223.zip
Supplier.......: N0-Body Release Date...: 06/09/1999
Packager.......: N0-Body Release Type...: MP3 Player
OS.............: Win9xNT Disks..........: 1x1.44mb
Crack Type.....: KeyGen Rating.........: You Decide!
Winamp is a high-quality MPEG audio player that plays MPEG
Layer 2 MP2 and Layer 3 MP3 audio streams, and combines
extensive functionality with an intuitive interface. Winamp has
a full-featured playlist editor and a 10-band graphic equalizer
with user-definable presets that can automatically load for
specific files. Winamp now features Windows Media Technology 4.0
input/output support, the industry standard Fraunhofer MP3
decoder, and much more.
After installing the program, choose Shareware from the
settings tab and use dF-WA223.exe to generate your own code.
Founders.......: SeNaToR, TeChNiCh
Seniors........: Granix, Sphinxy
Crackers.......: N0-Body, Adam555, Rep, Fireworx, Mothawolf
Traders........: Slick, Boring
Botmaster......: mega
Artists........: RiZzA, WuSing, dennison
Other Members..: pascha777, redtea
Needs To Be Filled.......................................WHQ
Special thanks go out to RiZzA and WuSinG for their great job
on the graphics.
We also greet everonyone in the scene that helps to keep the
scene alive!
We are currently looking for skilled suppliers, crackers and
coders. If you arent any of the above but still think you are
useful to us, feel free to contact us!
iRC EFNet....................................digital.factory
World Wide Web....................................Coming Soon
E-Mail............................................Coming Soon
dIGITAL fACTORY - Fighting The Shareware Bug
Header/Layout: dennison of cHEMiCAL rEACTiON
Last Updated : 0606 by SeNaToR
.. . .DiGiTAL.FACTORY. . ..
Winamp v.3.0 c Nullsoft
Cracker........: N0-Body Release Name...: dF-WA223.zip
Supplier.......: N0-Body Release Date...: 06/09/1999
Packager.......: N0-Body Release Type...: MP3 Player
OS.............: Win9xNT Disks..........: 1x1.44mb
Crack Type.....: KeyGen Rating.........: You Decide!
Winamp is a high-quality MPEG audio player that plays MPEG
Layer 2 MP2 and Layer 3 MP3 audio streams, and combines
extensive functionality with an intuitive interface. Winamp has
a full-featured playlist editor and a 10-band graphic equalizer
with user-definable presets that can automatically load for
specific files. Winamp now features Windows Media Technology 4.0
input/output support, the industry standard Fraunhofer MP3
decoder, and much more.
After installing the program, choose Shareware from the
settings tab and use dF-WA223.exe to generate your own code.
Founders.......: SeNaToR, TeChNiCh
Seniors........: Granix, Sphinxy
Crackers.......: N0-Body, Adam555, Rep, Fireworx, Mothawolf
Traders........: Slick, Boring
Botmaster......: mega
Artists........: RiZzA, WuSing, dennison
Other Members..: pascha777, redtea
Needs To Be Filled.......................................WHQ
Special thanks go out to RiZzA and WuSinG for their great job
on the graphics.
We also greet everonyone in the scene that helps to keep the
scene alive!
We are currently looking for skilled suppliers, crackers and
coders. If you arent any of the above but still think you are
useful to us, feel free to contact us!
iRC EFNet....................................digital.factory
World Wide Web....................................Coming Soon
E-Mail............................................Coming Soon
dIGITAL fACTORY - Fighting The Shareware Bug
Header/Layout: dennison of cHEMiCAL rEACTiON
Last Updated : 0606 by SeNaToR
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