this image contains text
,ssQ Qss,
Q , Q
, !,Q ,,,,,, Q,! ,
s,:, Q, ,, ,Q ,:,s
Qs, ,sQ
QQ Sss,,,,ssS QQ
Q S , SSS,S,,S,SSS , S Q
Q ,S ss,, ,,ss S, Q
:Q , , Ss, . ,sS , , Q:
QSQ, s, SSSS ,s ,QSQ
QQs ,,ssSQSSSSQSss,, sQQ
s,Qs,sS! !Ss,sQ,s
*QS, S SS,S*,,*S,SS S ,SQ*
,, Q SSSS Q ,,
Q :: QS**SQ :: Q
Y QSs ,S , S, sSQ Y
Q Q QsQ: QQ ,,, QQ :QsQ Q Q
Q, Q, ,S ,*S, S, ,Q ,Q
, QSQSS ,sss, SSQSQ ,
!:QSS ::, ,,, ,:: SSQ:!
QSQSQSSssss, ,, ,ssssSSQSQSQ
,,ssssSQQ ,s, QQSssss,,
! , :. . cHEMICAL rEACTION : .: , !
:!s, , . SUMMERPACK 2k5 . , ,s!:
, s y :::::: :: , :::::::::: :: :::::: y s ,
,d , , ,d , yy , , ,d t
,d b, ,d b, ,d b, ,d, ,b,
,d , * ,d SsS ,,d,b, ,
,d ? b, d ? , b, ,d
,d , ,
*? P 7 ? P ,P
sP , ? 7 *?P ,s
b , db ,d
, d , ,
l ,
, P P ?
C R O - e s t. 1 9 9 8
y, ,y
CRO - Efnet
PACKAGER: drunken m0 MP3 XCODE
. ,sd
r e l e a s e ,,,,sssS
y ,,,,sssS
ii y
y7 yyy : yyy ,yli i: :
yy :l:: :i y yyy m-
l: 7l 7 ? :
ymy iSi :l:i :lil y,7 :l :l
:l l:i l:i y ,,,l, ,7
l l 777 777 b
: :i ilb ,,,,sssS yyyyyyyy
*y* yyy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, n 0 t e s yyy
, ,sS n
CRO strikes back with the new
Preferably enjoyed it with some cool
Cocktails at the beach.
Some words on the new viewer: Since we had a
shitload of complains about the old viewer
which we were using, weve now come up with a
new viewer, which should work better than the
old one. The handling of the viewer is quite
easy, just point and click. use the up/down
arrors on the right or your mousewheel to
scroll. browse the files by help of the small
filebrowser on the upper right, if the lights
on the bottom of the filebrowser are
glowing, theres more files in there and you
can scroll down on them. To exit the viewer
simply hit alt+f4 or click the bunny on the
lower left. aylien made the gfx for the
viewer, i think it really does rock. we kept
on busting his balls until everything was
looking perfect - sorry for that mate, but it
was worth it. Its looking sexy.
An extra thank-you is flying out to Nostek for
coding the viewer. It was a shitload of work.
. ,sd
c h e m i c a l ,,,,sssS
y ,,,,sssS
i: yyyyyyyy yy m-
y7 yyy i :i ,yli i: :
yy :i : i: y yyy m-
7 ji y, :i ? :
ymy iSi :l:i7 :: i i: l
:l l:i bili :i ,l, i,7
l l 777 7777b
: :i ilb ,,,,sssS m myyyyyy
*y* yyy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, n e w s yyy
, ,sS n
amgits LEADER
Hi, this is amgits with the famous boring
words for our new Summerpack. First of all I
want to announce some group changes that
occurred in the last month. Please welcome
back our beloved askay artist Olli to our
team. As usual we also got some new faces and
some persons leaving. Once again, but now
forever we say goodby to Shane54.
Our new entrants are Zlorfik and cubon in
the ascii division and Nostek as coder very
special thanx for the new diskmag engine!!!.
Secondly I want to thank all of our artists
for their great supply to this new artpack,
once again we showed us and the rest of the
world that CRO still has some of the strongest
artists around in the scene. Keep on
supporting us and we will keep on supporting
At last some personal words which might
interest you. After leading CRO for some years
without even being able to start Aciddraw or
Protracker I think its time to give up the
pole position to someone else. Actually I
dont feel like spending enough time and
energy on CRO, there are other younger guys
that have more motivation, will, skill and
time than I do. This doesnt mean I am gonna
leave CRO, I will always be there for the
team, supporting them with server, bot, bnc or
whatsoever stuff. My time as leader is over,
i dont want to make any decisions about CRO
anymore. The last decision I did was to choose
a new leader: m0lo-
Even if he didnt always agree with my ideas
and the other way around - I hope you get
accepted by the rest of the crew and you keep
CRO rolling and ruling until the next
fellow comrades, here we go again with one of
our beloved, semiannual, bigassed artpacks
bringing you the very best in tracking, hires
and, concerning my responsibility, the most
important category: ascii. weve got two new
members, one not-so-new one, as you mightve
seen some of his art in the past, but hes
taken quite a long break from drawing and is
now back with vengeance and supporting us with
a total of 34 ascii and ansi pieces in this
pack. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
olli! were glad to have you back. the second
guy id like to introduce to you, is zlorfik.
hes a rather new artist, but his pieces are
kicking ass nevertheless. good, new artists
are hard to find these days so im really
happy that weve managed to acquire one,
welcome aboard buddy! Another new artist id
like to introduce to you is cubon with his rad
oldschool-asciis. He joined just before the
pack was compiled so youll have to wait some
longer to see him releasing his asciis with
one of our packs! : Our strong asciisection
is proud to present one of the best packs,
concerning the ascii-division, ever since in
the history of chemical reaction. im proud of
every each one of you, shall communism arise
and humanity prevail. please rise from your
chairs, were now singing the internationale.
Hi, this is bzl on the keyboard now. This
actually used to be dtrax job, but he is
momentarily checking out his real life for
making an uberaverage elite degree shouts
btw. Well ok, actually we used to plan a
musicdisk to be released this year, but due to
the lack of tunes and artists we wouldnt have
had enough tracks to be able to please you
with our magic skillz while watching this
artpack here. So just check out the chips we
present you with this diskmag, especially the
ones by our new swedish superpornstartracker
ogge. Welcome in cro btw man! Sinny drops
another decent tune here aswell, so u got
plenty of tunes to enjoy the next days. Btw,
Targon and me are making love big time, but
you shouldnt actually know that and that
were just shittin m0 was that right eh?.
Alright, thats it, hf.
Hello there, aylien speaking. Im the new hires
leader in cro and just thought I should say a
few words. The hires section havent been all
that good for some time now but well try to
change that. So if you got some skill and want
to join our crew dont hesitate to message me.
c h e m i c a l ,,,,sssS
7 ,,,,sssS 7Mmmmmmmy
ji 7 m yyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
l: yyy :i l l ::
: :il: :i li::: i il
m yy j 7l 7 ji :i i ::
ll y,7 7: i:i: ii
i i y ly i :yi :l:
j: i:777 lli:
777 ,,,,sssS myyyyyy m
yyyssSSSSSSSSSsss,, m e m b e r s
, adamo. amgits. aylien. bzl. cpn. creepah.
cubon. dualtrax. dusodril. minnox. m0lo-.
myssy. nostek. olli. ogge. scorpi. sinny.
targon. tritron. zloRfik.
l a s t ,,,,sssS
il i ,, m yyyyyyyyy ji
j: :i ,yli i: l:
yi: y l:
j 7y ji :i ?y j y
l y, 7: i: ll y,
y ji ly i :,l, i i y
: : i 7j: i
y 777,,,,sssS
yy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, w o r d s
o we have open positions for:
x coders who have a fair understanding of
what the hell they are doing
x hirez and ascii artists, preferred with
previous scene and team experience.
x trackers and musicians with longer previous
In this cold scene-world of today
fluffy, warm greetings fly out to
CRO also greets the following individuals
neoman, radiators, barnie, cubon, dipswitch,
vouck, davez, special-k , dualtrax, zabutom,
zinger, seffren, zalza, edzes, seablue, xzip
malmed, thec, maktone, jaevlaboeg, bate, moh
shane54, idiana, crome
!ascii by basic olli!
,- ,s s, 2 0 0 5 ,s s, -,
Q , Q
, !,Q ,,,,,, Q,! ,
s,:, Q, ,, ,Q ,:,s
Qs, ,sQ
QQ Sss,,,,ssS QQ
Q S , SSS,S,,S,SSS , S Q
Q ,S ss,, ,,ss S, Q
:Q , , Ss, . ,sS , , Q:
QSQ, s, SSSS ,s ,QSQ
QQs ,,ssSQSSSSQSss,, sQQ
s,Qs,sS! !Ss,sQ,s
*QS, S SS,S*,,*S,SS S ,SQ*
,, Q SSSS Q ,,
Q :: QS**SQ :: Q
Y QSs ,S , S, sSQ Y
Q Q QsQ: QQ ,,, QQ :QsQ Q Q
Q, Q, ,S ,*S, S, ,Q ,Q
, QSQSS ,sss, SSQSQ ,
!:QSS ::, ,,, ,:: SSQ:!
QSQSQSSssss, ,, ,ssssSSQSQSQ
,,ssssSQQ ,s, QQSssss,,
! , :. . cHEMICAL rEACTION : .: , !
:!s, , . SUMMERPACK 2k5 . , ,s!:
, s y :::::: :: , :::::::::: :: :::::: y s ,
,d , , ,d , yy , , ,d t
,d b, ,d b, ,d b, ,d, ,b,
,d , * ,d SsS ,,d,b, ,
,d ? b, d ? , b, ,d
,d , ,
*? P 7 ? P ,P
sP , ? 7 *?P ,s
b , db ,d
, d , ,
l ,
, P P ?
C R O - e s t. 1 9 9 8
y, ,y
CRO - Efnet
PACKAGER: drunken m0 MP3 XCODE
. ,sd
r e l e a s e ,,,,sssS
y ,,,,sssS
ii y
y7 yyy : yyy ,yli i: :
yy :l:: :i y yyy m-
l: 7l 7 ? :
ymy iSi :l:i :lil y,7 :l :l
:l l:i l:i y ,,,l, ,7
l l 777 777 b
: :i ilb ,,,,sssS yyyyyyyy
*y* yyy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, n 0 t e s yyy
, ,sS n
CRO strikes back with the new
Preferably enjoyed it with some cool
Cocktails at the beach.
Some words on the new viewer: Since we had a
shitload of complains about the old viewer
which we were using, weve now come up with a
new viewer, which should work better than the
old one. The handling of the viewer is quite
easy, just point and click. use the up/down
arrors on the right or your mousewheel to
scroll. browse the files by help of the small
filebrowser on the upper right, if the lights
on the bottom of the filebrowser are
glowing, theres more files in there and you
can scroll down on them. To exit the viewer
simply hit alt+f4 or click the bunny on the
lower left. aylien made the gfx for the
viewer, i think it really does rock. we kept
on busting his balls until everything was
looking perfect - sorry for that mate, but it
was worth it. Its looking sexy.
An extra thank-you is flying out to Nostek for
coding the viewer. It was a shitload of work.
. ,sd
c h e m i c a l ,,,,sssS
y ,,,,sssS
i: yyyyyyyy yy m-
y7 yyy i :i ,yli i: :
yy :i : i: y yyy m-
7 ji y, :i ? :
ymy iSi :l:i7 :: i i: l
:l l:i bili :i ,l, i,7
l l 777 7777b
: :i ilb ,,,,sssS m myyyyyy
*y* yyy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, n e w s yyy
, ,sS n
amgits LEADER
Hi, this is amgits with the famous boring
words for our new Summerpack. First of all I
want to announce some group changes that
occurred in the last month. Please welcome
back our beloved askay artist Olli to our
team. As usual we also got some new faces and
some persons leaving. Once again, but now
forever we say goodby to Shane54.
Our new entrants are Zlorfik and cubon in
the ascii division and Nostek as coder very
special thanx for the new diskmag engine!!!.
Secondly I want to thank all of our artists
for their great supply to this new artpack,
once again we showed us and the rest of the
world that CRO still has some of the strongest
artists around in the scene. Keep on
supporting us and we will keep on supporting
At last some personal words which might
interest you. After leading CRO for some years
without even being able to start Aciddraw or
Protracker I think its time to give up the
pole position to someone else. Actually I
dont feel like spending enough time and
energy on CRO, there are other younger guys
that have more motivation, will, skill and
time than I do. This doesnt mean I am gonna
leave CRO, I will always be there for the
team, supporting them with server, bot, bnc or
whatsoever stuff. My time as leader is over,
i dont want to make any decisions about CRO
anymore. The last decision I did was to choose
a new leader: m0lo-
Even if he didnt always agree with my ideas
and the other way around - I hope you get
accepted by the rest of the crew and you keep
CRO rolling and ruling until the next
fellow comrades, here we go again with one of
our beloved, semiannual, bigassed artpacks
bringing you the very best in tracking, hires
and, concerning my responsibility, the most
important category: ascii. weve got two new
members, one not-so-new one, as you mightve
seen some of his art in the past, but hes
taken quite a long break from drawing and is
now back with vengeance and supporting us with
a total of 34 ascii and ansi pieces in this
pack. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
olli! were glad to have you back. the second
guy id like to introduce to you, is zlorfik.
hes a rather new artist, but his pieces are
kicking ass nevertheless. good, new artists
are hard to find these days so im really
happy that weve managed to acquire one,
welcome aboard buddy! Another new artist id
like to introduce to you is cubon with his rad
oldschool-asciis. He joined just before the
pack was compiled so youll have to wait some
longer to see him releasing his asciis with
one of our packs! : Our strong asciisection
is proud to present one of the best packs,
concerning the ascii-division, ever since in
the history of chemical reaction. im proud of
every each one of you, shall communism arise
and humanity prevail. please rise from your
chairs, were now singing the internationale.
Hi, this is bzl on the keyboard now. This
actually used to be dtrax job, but he is
momentarily checking out his real life for
making an uberaverage elite degree shouts
btw. Well ok, actually we used to plan a
musicdisk to be released this year, but due to
the lack of tunes and artists we wouldnt have
had enough tracks to be able to please you
with our magic skillz while watching this
artpack here. So just check out the chips we
present you with this diskmag, especially the
ones by our new swedish superpornstartracker
ogge. Welcome in cro btw man! Sinny drops
another decent tune here aswell, so u got
plenty of tunes to enjoy the next days. Btw,
Targon and me are making love big time, but
you shouldnt actually know that and that
were just shittin m0 was that right eh?.
Alright, thats it, hf.
Hello there, aylien speaking. Im the new hires
leader in cro and just thought I should say a
few words. The hires section havent been all
that good for some time now but well try to
change that. So if you got some skill and want
to join our crew dont hesitate to message me.
c h e m i c a l ,,,,sssS
7 ,,,,sssS 7Mmmmmmmy
ji 7 m yyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyyy
l: yyy :i l l ::
: :il: :i li::: i il
m yy j 7l 7 ji :i i ::
ll y,7 7: i:i: ii
i i y ly i :yi :l:
j: i:777 lli:
777 ,,,,sssS myyyyyy m
yyyssSSSSSSSSSsss,, m e m b e r s
, adamo. amgits. aylien. bzl. cpn. creepah.
cubon. dualtrax. dusodril. minnox. m0lo-.
myssy. nostek. olli. ogge. scorpi. sinny.
targon. tritron. zloRfik.
l a s t ,,,,sssS
il i ,, m yyyyyyyyy ji
j: :i ,yli i: l:
yi: y l:
j 7y ji :i ?y j y
l y, 7: i: ll y,
y ji ly i :,l, i i y
: : i 7j: i
y 777,,,,sssS
yy,ssSSSSSSSSSsss,, w o r d s
o we have open positions for:
x coders who have a fair understanding of
what the hell they are doing
x hirez and ascii artists, preferred with
previous scene and team experience.
x trackers and musicians with longer previous
In this cold scene-world of today
fluffy, warm greetings fly out to
CRO also greets the following individuals
neoman, radiators, barnie, cubon, dipswitch,
vouck, davez, special-k , dualtrax, zabutom,
zinger, seffren, zalza, edzes, seablue, xzip
malmed, thec, maktone, jaevlaboeg, bate, moh
shane54, idiana, crome
!ascii by basic olli!
,- ,s s, 2 0 0 5 ,s s, -,
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