this image contains text
well here it is. our third pak and we are still growing. more members
are becoming active and we are making some nice mods. there has been alot of
talk about cream over the past month as more and more boards are using and
signing up for cream. joining us as a guest and making a hella sweet askii is
Mojo from eden. the staff this month has taken a new turn as nirvana has given
the senior staff position to doomsday and warden to help keep the group going
strong as it rapidly grows. due to nirvana leaving doomsday will now be writing
the info files and running the whq. new sites have been acquired by Ogre this
month to help spread the word that cream is here and it is gonna stay no matta
what. leaving cream this month is osiris mainly cause of lack of time due to theinternet. joining this month are the following: vendetta, nosferatu, sirstupid,
and dogge. if you are a new member and you are not mentioned it is due to the
fact that you have yet to release or call and be noticed by the senior staff to
the date of 04-30-95. if you are interested in joining cream or becoming a site
of any type contact doomsday at doomsday@atlasbbs.com or call the world hq
iMMORTAL tHOUGHTS and up a letter or a demo of your work using the CREAM accountpassword CREAM95 do this until vendetta finishes coding the appgen.
thanks for checking out this pak. greetz go out to:
firm.illness.mor.tricyeah yer new but you had some good ideas.mojonice askiijamminthanx for the bot in CREAM.madmannirvana says join!.doggeeven thoughyou would not release it under the cream label, thanks for the acid quality ansifor the world hq.lincoln f sternwhat can i say man.nirvanafor making such a
killer mod group.drhatejust for being you on irc.rekfor showing us what a
lamer is and getting us all to get up and actually do something creative so we
are not like you!.ay.bleach.king cottfuck you!.to all the big ass art groups
cause there are too many of ya to name.to all the hq thanks for your support andbelief that cream is gonna be here for a while.
cream senior staff
well here it is. our third pak and we are still growing. more members
are becoming active and we are making some nice mods. there has been alot of
talk about cream over the past month as more and more boards are using and
signing up for cream. joining us as a guest and making a hella sweet askii is
Mojo from eden. the staff this month has taken a new turn as nirvana has given
the senior staff position to doomsday and warden to help keep the group going
strong as it rapidly grows. due to nirvana leaving doomsday will now be writing
the info files and running the whq. new sites have been acquired by Ogre this
month to help spread the word that cream is here and it is gonna stay no matta
what. leaving cream this month is osiris mainly cause of lack of time due to theinternet. joining this month are the following: vendetta, nosferatu, sirstupid,
and dogge. if you are a new member and you are not mentioned it is due to the
fact that you have yet to release or call and be noticed by the senior staff to
the date of 04-30-95. if you are interested in joining cream or becoming a site
of any type contact doomsday at doomsday@atlasbbs.com or call the world hq
iMMORTAL tHOUGHTS and up a letter or a demo of your work using the CREAM accountpassword CREAM95 do this until vendetta finishes coding the appgen.
thanks for checking out this pak. greetz go out to:
firm.illness.mor.tricyeah yer new but you had some good ideas.mojonice askiijamminthanx for the bot in CREAM.madmannirvana says join!.doggeeven thoughyou would not release it under the cream label, thanks for the acid quality ansifor the world hq.lincoln f sternwhat can i say man.nirvanafor making such a
killer mod group.drhatejust for being you on irc.rekfor showing us what a
lamer is and getting us all to get up and actually do something creative so we
are not like you!.ay.bleach.king cottfuck you!.to all the big ass art groups
cause there are too many of ya to name.to all the hq thanks for your support andbelief that cream is gonna be here for a while.
cream senior staff
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