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CoolPHat Since Year 2000 The Art is our therapy and joy! Try or Die!
Release Name.: CoolPHat ArtPack 26 - Trust in God
Release Date.: 02-September-2012
Release Notes:
This ArtPack is a late CPH Birthday 12th gift. CPHs Birthday date is 08-08-2000.
Greetings fly to the friends we have out there. To cphs ex members and the ones whom are still
you should know this: CPH is a art team/group. The members do arts in their free time. Not all are
designers,graphicians, etc.
Contact Ways.: Efnet CPH , http://coolphat.box23.org/
on art sites!
CoolPHat Since Year 2000 The Art is our therapy and joy! Try or Die!
Release Name.: CoolPHat ArtPack 26 - Trust in God
Release Date.: 02-September-2012
Release Notes:
This ArtPack is a late CPH Birthday 12th gift. CPHs Birthday date is 08-08-2000.
Greetings fly to the friends we have out there. To cphs ex members and the ones whom are still
you should know this: CPH is a art team/group. The members do arts in their free time. Not all are
designers,graphicians, etc.
Contact Ways.: Efnet CPH , http://coolphat.box23.org/
on art sites!
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