this image contains text
comic!ascii / /
/ / / / s1
a / / / / /
s1 ----- / /
: : be smart. trust no1.
/ / / / s1
index - -------
--- - number --- ascii name - ------- - for - --------------
01 forbidden realms enslaver
02 ninja/voff!ascii fonzie/comic
03 kwest!ascii cain/kwest
04 ultrasonic crash
05 thin air rusted/lazarus
06 zoom subsonic/comic
07 stonehenge aqua/comic
08 jedi arts wise kid/jedi arts
09 positive pain positive pain/tdn
10 plasticity brab/razor1911
11 plasticity 2 brab/razor1911
12 mjay mjay/fuckyou!ascii
13 skills megga hertz/remorse
14 distant sanity psykoholik/blade
15 too oblivious sagittarius
16 remorse necromancer/remorse
17 brain damage warhawk/comic
18 mater pound mater/dream
19 odelay prodigy/odelay
20 greets subsonic/comic
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
01 / ascii name: forbidden realms
----------------- - / - --------- made for: enslaver
@ - ---welcome-to--- - @
s1 .
--forbidden-realms-- /-
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
02 / ascii name: ninja/voff!ascii
----------------- - / - --------- made for: fonzie/comic
s1 . . .
/ : hMM, mAYBE :
: : vOFF!aSCII? : :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
03 / ascii name: kwest!ascii
----------------- - / - --------- made for: cain/kwest
subsonic : :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
04 / ascii name: ultrasonic
----------------- - / - --------- made for: crash
/ @
subsonic @@ +o cRASH
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
05 / ascii name: thin air
----------------- - / - --------- made for: rusted/lazarus
: thin air - :
.--./ / / / / s1
: +o rusted :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
06 / ascii name: zoom
----------------- - / - --------- made for: subsonic/comic
: +o subsonic : s1
: +385 - 1 - XXXX - XXX :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
07 / ascii name: stonehenge
----------------- - / - --------- made for: aqua/comic
/ / / s1
aquas stonehenge
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
08 / ascii name: jedi arts
----------------- - / - --------- made for: wise kid/jedi arts
. - --@- jA -@-- - :
s1 / .---./
// - -- jEDI aRTS. -- -
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
09 / ascii name: positive pain
----------------- - / - --------- made for: positive pain/tdn
s1 . /
/ positive pain.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
10 / ascii name: plasticity
----------------- - / - --------- made for: brab/razor1911
: plasticity. :
: site op: BrAb :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
11 / ascii name: plasticity 2
----------------- - / - --------- made for: brab/razor1911
/------ s1
: BrAbs : .
: - -- plasticity -- - :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
12 / ascii name: mjay
----------------- - / - --------- made for: mjay/fuckyou!ascii
midnight / judge mjay
/--------- s1 --------
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
13 / ascii name: skills
----------------- - / - --------- made for: megga hertz/remorse
/ / . ---- s1
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
14 / ascii name: distant sanity
----------------- - / - --------- made for: psykoholik/blade
s1 : / .
: : distant
@ @ / sanity.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
15 / ascii name: too oblivious
----------------- - / - --------- made for: sagittarius
- -- too 2 .
- --------------------------------------- -- - too oblivious - --- -
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
16 / ascii name: remorse
----------------- - / - --------- made for: necromancer/remorse
/ / / / s1
: / - rEMORSE1981 - : / .
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
17 / ascii name: brain damage
----------------- - / - --------- made for: warhawk/comic
/ / brain damage
/ ------- ------- +o warhawk
s1 : : /
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
18 / ascii name: mater pound
----------------- - / - --------- made for: mater/dream
s1 : ------- .
:.. : . mater pound
i : . : +o mater
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
19 / ascii name: odelay
----------------- - / - --------- made for: prodigy/odelay
s1 odelay.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
20 / ascii name: greets
----------------- - / - --------- made for: subsonic/comic
: / : / : / : s1
: / greets / /
* mess - for being a great friend and mate.
* prodigy - for becoming a newschool king in my eyes.
* mjay - for being always such a great inspiration and good mate.
* d2macroman - for your time and inspiration.
* absent spinsister - good luck in future.
squish, martz, fonzie, drax, cannabis, serial toon, sargon, meatpod, compuman,
black jack, psykoholik, discyple, tzeentch, arlequin, tim drake, stalker, mso,
aqua, universe, omicron, cybergod, tinyz, speed freak, super88, massacre,
kresile, metal militia, piko, biogenesis, cain, volatile, warhawk, stridh.
* please dont be mad at me if i forgot you.
* for requests mail me at subsonic@enslaver.com
comic!ascii presents:
: ascii colly /-------- :
liars promise
/ by subsonic
/ / / / s1
a / / / / /
s1 ----- / /
: : be smart. trust no1.
/ / / / s1
index - -------
--- - number --- ascii name - ------- - for - --------------
01 forbidden realms enslaver
02 ninja/voff!ascii fonzie/comic
03 kwest!ascii cain/kwest
04 ultrasonic crash
05 thin air rusted/lazarus
06 zoom subsonic/comic
07 stonehenge aqua/comic
08 jedi arts wise kid/jedi arts
09 positive pain positive pain/tdn
10 plasticity brab/razor1911
11 plasticity 2 brab/razor1911
12 mjay mjay/fuckyou!ascii
13 skills megga hertz/remorse
14 distant sanity psykoholik/blade
15 too oblivious sagittarius
16 remorse necromancer/remorse
17 brain damage warhawk/comic
18 mater pound mater/dream
19 odelay prodigy/odelay
20 greets subsonic/comic
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
01 / ascii name: forbidden realms
----------------- - / - --------- made for: enslaver
@ - ---welcome-to--- - @
s1 .
--forbidden-realms-- /-
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
02 / ascii name: ninja/voff!ascii
----------------- - / - --------- made for: fonzie/comic
s1 . . .
/ : hMM, mAYBE :
: : vOFF!aSCII? : :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
03 / ascii name: kwest!ascii
----------------- - / - --------- made for: cain/kwest
subsonic : :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
04 / ascii name: ultrasonic
----------------- - / - --------- made for: crash
/ @
subsonic @@ +o cRASH
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
05 / ascii name: thin air
----------------- - / - --------- made for: rusted/lazarus
: thin air - :
.--./ / / / / s1
: +o rusted :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
06 / ascii name: zoom
----------------- - / - --------- made for: subsonic/comic
: +o subsonic : s1
: +385 - 1 - XXXX - XXX :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
07 / ascii name: stonehenge
----------------- - / - --------- made for: aqua/comic
/ / / s1
aquas stonehenge
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
08 / ascii name: jedi arts
----------------- - / - --------- made for: wise kid/jedi arts
. - --@- jA -@-- - :
s1 / .---./
// - -- jEDI aRTS. -- -
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
09 / ascii name: positive pain
----------------- - / - --------- made for: positive pain/tdn
s1 . /
/ positive pain.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
10 / ascii name: plasticity
----------------- - / - --------- made for: brab/razor1911
: plasticity. :
: site op: BrAb :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
11 / ascii name: plasticity 2
----------------- - / - --------- made for: brab/razor1911
/------ s1
: BrAbs : .
: - -- plasticity -- - :
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
12 / ascii name: mjay
----------------- - / - --------- made for: mjay/fuckyou!ascii
midnight / judge mjay
/--------- s1 --------
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
13 / ascii name: skills
----------------- - / - --------- made for: megga hertz/remorse
/ / . ---- s1
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
14 / ascii name: distant sanity
----------------- - / - --------- made for: psykoholik/blade
s1 : / .
: : distant
@ @ / sanity.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
15 / ascii name: too oblivious
----------------- - / - --------- made for: sagittarius
- -- too 2 .
- --------------------------------------- -- - too oblivious - --- -
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
menu command menu command menu command
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
16 / ascii name: remorse
----------------- - / - --------- made for: necromancer/remorse
/ / / / s1
: / - rEMORSE1981 - : / .
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
17 / ascii name: brain damage
----------------- - / - --------- made for: warhawk/comic
/ / brain damage
/ ------- ------- +o warhawk
s1 : : /
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
18 / ascii name: mater pound
----------------- - / - --------- made for: mater/dream
s1 : ------- .
:.. : . mater pound
i : . : +o mater
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
19 / ascii name: odelay
----------------- - / - --------- made for: prodigy/odelay
s1 odelay.
s1 ------ LIARS PROMISE.
20 / ascii name: greets
----------------- - / - --------- made for: subsonic/comic
: / : / : / : s1
: / greets / /
* mess - for being a great friend and mate.
* prodigy - for becoming a newschool king in my eyes.
* mjay - for being always such a great inspiration and good mate.
* d2macroman - for your time and inspiration.
* absent spinsister - good luck in future.
squish, martz, fonzie, drax, cannabis, serial toon, sargon, meatpod, compuman,
black jack, psykoholik, discyple, tzeentch, arlequin, tim drake, stalker, mso,
aqua, universe, omicron, cybergod, tinyz, speed freak, super88, massacre,
kresile, metal militia, piko, biogenesis, cain, volatile, warhawk, stridh.
* please dont be mad at me if i forgot you.
* for requests mail me at subsonic@enslaver.com
comic!ascii presents:
: ascii colly /-------- :
liars promise
/ by subsonic
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