this image contains text
: :: -+ sacredgrounds +- :: ..: :/2n.---- --- - :::...........::............::..:. .//- /--.: : a.uto message l.ast vistors w.hos online :: b.bs listing m.essages x.multinode :: c.onfig n.feedback y.information :: d.oors menu o.neliners *.sysop menu ::.: e.mail menu p.age sop .nuv :.. f.ile menu q.wk mailer ..:. g.oodbye s.autosig .:. i.nfoforms u.ser listing :. .::........ .................. ........: ...:...... .............:: 4o mins left ::...:...
:::.........................:: command ?/help :: :::
-- -- blah!@
well here you go speed freak .. i finally decided to use sG as the shortform .. well here is a menu .. hope you can use it for something
serial toon
:::.........................:: command ?/help :: :::
-- -- blah!@
well here you go speed freak .. i finally decided to use sG as the shortform .. well here is a menu .. hope you can use it for something
serial toon
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