this image contains text
start fileid.diz
------------------- : personal greets :
::+:::::::::+: - and - :.......................
+- /---+ ... group greets : .. blackjack/sargon/ :
:: /:::: : :....................: mjay/firestorm/mso/ :
:::: / ::::: :discyple/massmurder/mhz/discofunk/wator/ ..: ....
:: /:::: :spinn/mess/pcarcass/ack/empty/hajii/pariah/: ::::
::/ :::::::: :purify/d2mac/kelthar/milkman/psy/zerohour.:....::::...+-----/-------+ :groups :: echo/dark/serial/comic/awe/fire/others ...:::::+flip/flop colly+:: : ........... ........
.--+ serial toon +---. :.........: :did i do all this ?: :......-------------------- :.....................:
@end fileid.diz
old school ascii colly / / /
done by : serial toon / / /
:. email requests/trades/pay!? 2 serial2n@geocities.com /
/ -+ information and other usual stuff. i think +- /.----------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello people. this is serial toon. darkchylde .. this is my first real colly for any group. i hope you enjoy this colly. if you want something from me, the email addie is up above me and i might repeat it at the bottom or something. so there. blah! .. have fun. ohh yah, please view in 80x50 mode. thank you once again for downloading this colly. bye .. / / // /
/ -+ index of asciis in colly +- /.----------------------------------------------------------------------------. num :: ascii work title ascii is for .... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 :: exclusive productions creator company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 002 :: serial!ascii header sargon company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 003 :: the lethal aspect xypher matryx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 004 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 005 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 006 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 007 :: afro turf mirroman cool-t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 008 :: distortion biogenesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 009 :: fullblown magazine whore-id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 010 :: singe unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 011 :: creed script black jack me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 012 :: hysteria icepick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / / // /
:num : 001 :.........
name :: exclusive productions / / /
for :: creator / / /
/ / / / / / / /st
------------------------------------------------------------------------ : .xxx. exclusive productions. elite .xxx. :
:num : 002 :.........
name :: serial!ascii header / / /
for :: sargon / / /
.----------/:run by: sargon:---------- / .---- / + ---+sERIAL..
/bRAND../ / / / ------------/aSCII.../ / / / /+serial-toon- --/---------------------//-----//-----/-----------/----------------/--
:num : 003 :.........
name :: the lethal aspect / / /
for :: xypher matryx / / /
tLA.tLA!? / / / / tLA!.---- / / / / / / /.---tLA!? / / / st / / / / / / ---//------.//.------------// tLA!?tLAtLA!?tLA!?tL/ tLA!?tLA /tLA!?tLA!?tL--------------/ / / /------------------ / / //
:num : 004 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
st/ / / ,,
.-//-----/ / -:moslem:--.
/opd: mjay/ // / / / / ......
:num : 005 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
.------------+ .. moslem :: connect at 33.6 bitchez .. +--------.+-------.:: : : .. /://.---- -- / / / :.. :/:://: / / / / :::::..+------.::: / / // ::::::------+//:: :::::::: ../ /..:...:--st-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:num : 006 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
/ st
moslem bbs
put some information in here.. about like bbs adveristment
or something .. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
:num : 007 :.........
name :: afro turb / / /
for :: mirroman cool-t / / /
.--------------------------------------.:::/ / / ** afro turf bulletin system ** ::::/ / / / +------------------------------------+:::/ : :/: / /: node 1 :: xXx-xXx-xXxX 33.6 bps / :/ node 2 :: xXx-xXx-xXxX isdn bps //----------------//----------------------------------------------/:::::::: ::::::: +o +-+ mirroman affils here ::: / : /::::: +co +-+ cool t affils here :: / : / /:::::+-----------------------------------+::::/: :/ :::::::: whq for this group and some hq for :::: /:::::::: //:::::::::::: another. we got art and other shit ---------/----------------------------------------------------------------
:num : 008 :.........
name :: distortion / / /
for :: biogeneis / / /
username :: biogenesis
affilations :: distortion +o
: password :: :
:num : 009 :.........
name :: fullblown / / /
for :: whore-id / / /
/ /./- -/. / / / / / / / - + /......: st:------------/------------------------------------------------------/--------- --- ---- - /- ---*--* fullblown magazine *--*-- --- -- -- -/ -- -- --
:num : 010 :.........
name :: singe / / /
for :: unknown / / /
------------- / / /------------- : / : : / / /s2n :
----+ the singe!? bbs or stuff +----
:num : 011 :.........
name :: creed script / / /
for :: black jack me / / /
.-------/-: mIRC v4.72 :------- / .-------- / + ----+cREED sCRIPTEST -----+-------------+vERSION o.9 ../ /. / / / -------------------/bY .. sERIAL2N/ / / / / / lOADING sCRIPT ./aND bLACK jACK/ ::/s2n:/./://:://--/-------------------//---:--------/------------/---------------/----
:num : 012 :.........
name :: hysteria / / /
for :: icepick / / /
::::: / / / / :::::::::/ / / // / :::::::::::/ / / / / / / :::s2n ---/ /--/--/---/---//---/ /
files who on ??? others ??? others mooooooo :
download bbs list ??? others ??? others mooooooo
upload sig sig ??? others ??? others mooooooo
vstats ??? others ??? others ??? others mooooooo
::::::------------------------------------------------------------------:::::::::::: time left :: 3323789123 mins left .... access level :: 696969 :::::::::::: command and shit goes here :: .... play with myself :::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------ : :
------------------- : personal greets :
::+:::::::::+: - and - :.......................
+- /---+ ... group greets : .. blackjack/sargon/ :
:: /:::: : :....................: mjay/firestorm/mso/ :
:::: / ::::: :discyple/massmurder/mhz/discofunk/wator/ ..: ....
:: /:::: :spinn/mess/pcarcass/ack/empty/hajii/pariah/: ::::
::/ :::::::: :purify/d2mac/kelthar/milkman/psy/zerohour.:....::::...+-----/-------+ :groups :: echo/dark/serial/comic/awe/fire/others ...:::::+flip/flop colly+:: : ........... ........
.--+ serial toon +---. :.........: :did i do all this ?: :......-------------------- :.....................:
@end fileid.diz
old school ascii colly / / /
done by : serial toon / / /
:. email requests/trades/pay!? 2 serial2n@geocities.com /
/ -+ information and other usual stuff. i think +- /.----------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello people. this is serial toon. darkchylde .. this is my first real colly for any group. i hope you enjoy this colly. if you want something from me, the email addie is up above me and i might repeat it at the bottom or something. so there. blah! .. have fun. ohh yah, please view in 80x50 mode. thank you once again for downloading this colly. bye .. / / // /
/ -+ index of asciis in colly +- /.----------------------------------------------------------------------------. num :: ascii work title ascii is for .... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 :: exclusive productions creator company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 002 :: serial!ascii header sargon company ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 003 :: the lethal aspect xypher matryx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 004 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 005 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 006 :: moslem mjay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 007 :: afro turf mirroman cool-t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 008 :: distortion biogenesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 009 :: fullblown magazine whore-id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 010 :: singe unknown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 011 :: creed script black jack me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ 012 :: hysteria icepick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / / // /
:num : 001 :.........
name :: exclusive productions / / /
for :: creator / / /
/ / / / / / / /st
------------------------------------------------------------------------ : .xxx. exclusive productions. elite .xxx. :
:num : 002 :.........
name :: serial!ascii header / / /
for :: sargon / / /
.----------/:run by: sargon:---------- / .---- / + ---+sERIAL..
/bRAND../ / / / ------------/aSCII.../ / / / /+serial-toon- --/---------------------//-----//-----/-----------/----------------/--
:num : 003 :.........
name :: the lethal aspect / / /
for :: xypher matryx / / /
tLA.tLA!? / / / / tLA!.---- / / / / / / /.---tLA!? / / / st / / / / / / ---//------.//.------------// tLA!?tLAtLA!?tLA!?tL/ tLA!?tLA /tLA!?tLA!?tL--------------/ / / /------------------ / / //
:num : 004 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
st/ / / ,,
.-//-----/ / -:moslem:--.
/opd: mjay/ // / / / / ......
:num : 005 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
.------------+ .. moslem :: connect at 33.6 bitchez .. +--------.+-------.:: : : .. /://.---- -- / / / :.. :/:://: / / / / :::::..+------.::: / / // ::::::------+//:: :::::::: ../ /..:...:--st-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:num : 006 :.........
name :: moslem / / /
for :: mjay / / /
/ st
moslem bbs
put some information in here.. about like bbs adveristment
or something .. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
:num : 007 :.........
name :: afro turb / / /
for :: mirroman cool-t / / /
.--------------------------------------.:::/ / / ** afro turf bulletin system ** ::::/ / / / +------------------------------------+:::/ : :/: / /: node 1 :: xXx-xXx-xXxX 33.6 bps / :/ node 2 :: xXx-xXx-xXxX isdn bps //----------------//----------------------------------------------/:::::::: ::::::: +o +-+ mirroman affils here ::: / : /::::: +co +-+ cool t affils here :: / : / /:::::+-----------------------------------+::::/: :/ :::::::: whq for this group and some hq for :::: /:::::::: //:::::::::::: another. we got art and other shit ---------/----------------------------------------------------------------
:num : 008 :.........
name :: distortion / / /
for :: biogeneis / / /
username :: biogenesis
affilations :: distortion +o
: password :: :
:num : 009 :.........
name :: fullblown / / /
for :: whore-id / / /
/ /./- -/. / / / / / / / - + /......: st:------------/------------------------------------------------------/--------- --- ---- - /- ---*--* fullblown magazine *--*-- --- -- -- -/ -- -- --
:num : 010 :.........
name :: singe / / /
for :: unknown / / /
------------- / / /------------- : / : : / / /s2n :
----+ the singe!? bbs or stuff +----
:num : 011 :.........
name :: creed script / / /
for :: black jack me / / /
.-------/-: mIRC v4.72 :------- / .-------- / + ----+cREED sCRIPTEST -----+-------------+vERSION o.9 ../ /. / / / -------------------/bY .. sERIAL2N/ / / / / / lOADING sCRIPT ./aND bLACK jACK/ ::/s2n:/./://:://--/-------------------//---:--------/------------/---------------/----
:num : 012 :.........
name :: hysteria / / /
for :: icepick / / /
::::: / / / / :::::::::/ / / // / :::::::::::/ / / / / / / :::s2n ---/ /--/--/---/---//---/ /
files who on ??? others ??? others mooooooo :
download bbs list ??? others ??? others mooooooo
upload sig sig ??? others ??? others mooooooo
vstats ??? others ??? others ??? others mooooooo
::::::------------------------------------------------------------------:::::::::::: time left :: 3323789123 mins left .... access level :: 696969 :::::::::::: command and shit goes here :: .... play with myself :::::: ------------------------------------------------------------------ : :
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