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comic developers stores... ...comic!ascii packet 01
:: you grabbed first comic issue. ::
founders: mess .................................... mess@cryogen.com
spinn ................................. spinn@bitsmart.com
seniors: black jack ....................... blkjack@deathsdoor.com
oldschool: mess .................................... mess@cryogen.com
serial toon ........................... focus@hotmail.com
spinn ................................. spinn@bitsmart.com
newschool: brand x .................................. brandx@usa.net
fonzie .................................... kchriste@sn.no
the dreamer ............................. gemork@online.no
our guests: kel7har .......................... kelthar@hem.passagen.se
mjay .......................................... mj@ftn.net
volatile ............. peleg@beet.democratic.hadera.k12.il
--comic stores------,,---------,,--------
beyond insanity ..... +385-1-326-357 ..... mess .............. world
spoof ............... +1-416-4992319 ..... serial toon ....... canada
mater pound ......... +385-1-215-132 ..... mater ............. croatia
mystic .............. +49-69-514-523 ..... universe .......... germany
speedloader ......... +972-4-8447538 ..... phonyeye .......... israel
death row ........... +47-38-090-510 ..... fonzie ............ norway
icebreaker .......... +46-8-7326-143 ..... catharsis ......... sweden
--we pay our respect to the--------,,-----,,----
serial . aphro . remorse . phat . odelay . oops . fuel . dream . cia
:: you grabbed first comic issue. ::
founders: mess .................................... mess@cryogen.com
spinn ................................. spinn@bitsmart.com
seniors: black jack ....................... blkjack@deathsdoor.com
oldschool: mess .................................... mess@cryogen.com
serial toon ........................... focus@hotmail.com
spinn ................................. spinn@bitsmart.com
newschool: brand x .................................. brandx@usa.net
fonzie .................................... kchriste@sn.no
the dreamer ............................. gemork@online.no
our guests: kel7har .......................... kelthar@hem.passagen.se
mjay .......................................... mj@ftn.net
volatile ............. peleg@beet.democratic.hadera.k12.il
--comic stores------,,---------,,--------
beyond insanity ..... +385-1-326-357 ..... mess .............. world
spoof ............... +1-416-4992319 ..... serial toon ....... canada
mater pound ......... +385-1-215-132 ..... mater ............. croatia
mystic .............. +49-69-514-523 ..... universe .......... germany
speedloader ......... +972-4-8447538 ..... phonyeye .......... israel
death row ........... +47-38-090-510 ..... fonzie ............ norway
icebreaker .......... +46-8-7326-143 ..... catharsis ......... sweden
--we pay our respect to the--------,,-----,,----
serial . aphro . remorse . phat . odelay . oops . fuel . dream . cia
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