this image contains text
--------------------------------------------------------------------------hey.. i dont have a k-rad sig ansi yet, so just deal with this text until i getaround to drawing something better.. this colly was made in around 3 days, off
and on.. i had to rush with alot of it, but i like how most of it turned out..
anyways, if you want to request an ansi, or want to send me warez, or pr0n, or
whatever the fuck, e-me at grymmy@alliance.net. yee-haw.. buckle up hoss, cuz
yer in fer some turbulance..
--- division 23 for my blud phlux --------------------------------------
centers of attention
coa - pimpin all the hoz
--- coa logo numero uno. -----------------------------------------------
--- quickie 5 minute logo for muh nigga b1tz ---------------------------
- -- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------- --- -- - gj!
--- ftp menuheader for the king of juarez mc lives ---------------------
- -- --- --------------l--a--s--t-----l--e--e--c--h--e--s-------------- --- -- -
--- lastcallers header for mc lives ------------------------------------
--- telnet header for mc livesagain ----------------------------------
gay stats logo for mc lives again, hey man.. when your colly is small, you need
every possible ansi youve drawn..
--- stupd stats thing for mc lives. ------------------------------------
welp, thats it.. i know, i know, its small, it sucks, yeah well,.. fuck off..
i was doing alot of music and shit.. anyways, it will be better next month..
and on.. i had to rush with alot of it, but i like how most of it turned out..
anyways, if you want to request an ansi, or want to send me warez, or pr0n, or
whatever the fuck, e-me at grymmy@alliance.net. yee-haw.. buckle up hoss, cuz
yer in fer some turbulance..
--- division 23 for my blud phlux --------------------------------------
centers of attention
coa - pimpin all the hoz
--- coa logo numero uno. -----------------------------------------------
--- quickie 5 minute logo for muh nigga b1tz ---------------------------
- -- --- ------------------------- ---------------------------- --- -- - gj!
--- ftp menuheader for the king of juarez mc lives ---------------------
- -- --- --------------l--a--s--t-----l--e--e--c--h--e--s-------------- --- -- -
--- lastcallers header for mc lives ------------------------------------
--- telnet header for mc livesagain ----------------------------------
gay stats logo for mc lives again, hey man.. when your colly is small, you need
every possible ansi youve drawn..
--- stupd stats thing for mc lives. ------------------------------------
welp, thats it.. i know, i know, its small, it sucks, yeah well,.. fuck off..
i was doing alot of music and shit.. anyways, it will be better next month..
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