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Ear Spills his Guts:
Welcome to the June Release of the CaNCeR pak. I know we had to skip
our May pak, but as most of you already know, we had major problems in the
group. Now we have reorginized and are back, better then ever, and are
ready to make our move on the ANSi scene. This is our last pak of the skool
year, so the rest of our paks will be the best ever becuase everyone will have
time and NO! School!. Well Enjoy, and FINALLY, a CaNCeR Viewer. It
only supports ANSi, but its not bad for 3 days. Just use other programs
to view the RiPS and the Gifs. Plus there is one PCX, but *Most* gif viewers
will display those. Thanx, and enjoy.
S: Castle Of Darkness +1714282-7644 CaNCeR WHQ II
Please logon using Handle CaNCeR, password CaNCeR, to upload your app.
Welcome to the June Release of the CaNCeR pak. I know we had to skip
our May pak, but as most of you already know, we had major problems in the
group. Now we have reorginized and are back, better then ever, and are
ready to make our move on the ANSi scene. This is our last pak of the skool
year, so the rest of our paks will be the best ever becuase everyone will have
time and NO! School!. Well Enjoy, and FINALLY, a CaNCeR Viewer. It
only supports ANSi, but its not bad for 3 days. Just use other programs
to view the RiPS and the Gifs. Plus there is one PCX, but *Most* gif viewers
will display those. Thanx, and enjoy.
S: Castle Of Darkness +1714282-7644 CaNCeR WHQ II
Please logon using Handle CaNCeR, password CaNCeR, to upload your app.
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