this image contains text
Canteen Boycnc
Cancer Information A
pril 1995
Ear opened his big mou
1. Well once again, Cancer is back releasing its third
ansi package since
comeback. Always improving, always gaining strength. But always su
We had our problems and our high points this month, but nonetheless
we released
We hope you enjoy Cancers April 1995 Pack 4.
2. Well, this month we didnt do to well in the gainin
g artist category, but
im sure someone joined that I forgot about G. If this happened c
ontact me.
If not, join :. We are always looking for talented ansi/rip
/vga artists
to join our expanding network of members but what we dont need are
FONT artists. We are now only accepting ascii artists who use pictu
res in
there asciis. Please dont bother applying unless your an ascii ar
tist, not
an ascii fontist. We did obtain The Warden this month who is helpin
g us in
the telecom/senior position. He is helping run cancer on IRC and o
ur ftp/
telnet sites and our bot. FTP/TELNET: usworst.seanet.com. We also
a vmb box, and the number can be obtained from cncbot or cnc95. Als
o, a
talented young coder joined us named vile. He will be providing us
with vga
loaders and whatnot. We are glad to have him aboard.
3. This month we had a few losses. First, Canteen Boy
. A wonderful coder
who was with us from the start but got sick of the scene which he a
lways has
been and expressed freely : and quit. Not only did he quit, but h
e took
his board down. We are sorry for this loss but we have to move on.
Second, we
lost futurist. Futurist will release with us now and then but reque
sted that
we take his name of the member list because he wants to use h
is artwork for
other means. We are truly sorry for this loss and wish futurist the
best of
luck wherever he may go. Third, is one loss that Im happy about.
Brownstone. As of now we are not on the best of terms, but I figure
I might
as well express my opinions on him here. Mr. Brownstone was recruit
ed to cance
by Nevarre Demonian who rudely quit because the group wasnt some pe
god like figure. Taking with her some talented artists, Mr. Brownst
one stayed
because he couldnt tell me he quit. He was nice at first bu
t, thats where I
made a mistake. I was bored one night and started fooling around in
teen and
I did something that he didnt like. What I did, he never to
ld me so I dont
know. Whatever it was it wasnt that bad. He got pissed off
and not only
quit he seeked revenge. He started out by threating to ban me from
channel he could. Not much of a threat but nonetheless still a thre
at. Then
he threatened to setup a daemon to lock me off IRC. This irratated
me. The
thing that pissed me off the most was his attitude. He is arrogant,
egotistical and rude. To take his revenge on the group for somethin
g I did
without knowing he stole control of cancer. And made it so no memb
er, or
someone wanting info could enter it. He woudlnt give it over for an
y reason
and just kept it invite only with no one invited so that cancer me
could not use it. I started telling people in ansi about him, and
he says im spreading rumors. I may be spreading rumors, but there
100 true.
All that I have to say now is that the loss of Brownstone is
good for cancer
and all I can say is that he is probably the worst member any group
obtain. Dont step on his toes, cuz hell kill you for making 1 mis
4. Distribution sites have grown rampant so I only add
ed ones I saw fit. If
you were mistakenly left out, mail me. If you do not poll cancer-ne
a requirment for being a cancer dist within the month before the ma
y release
you will be removed from your position. Contact me for infor
mation on cancer
net and get it setup asap. We are pleased with the support of the g
roup but
feel you must support the group with our support network to fully su
pport our
5. Cancer-Net boards: Start polling, or lose your dis
tro and cncnet. Also,
as cancer grows in size and distance, we have been using the interne
as a communications method. We feel it is very affective wether it
e-mail, ftp, telnet, or even irc. If you want cancer information we
be reached at the following places: FTP/TELNET - usworst.seanet.com,
irc in
channel cancer and our bots are cncbot and cnc95, e-mail ear@deltan
for cancer info, and hopefully next month we will have a compilation
of all
the members internet addresses so they may be reached faster and wit
h ease.
Our CNCVMB which is still in the construction stages but does work i
1.800.241.7337 BOX 4451381. Thank you for your support.
6. A final note: Next month, were going to be adding a
newsletter thingy
to the Cancer Packs. Its A Thingy because were not quite sure what i
t is.
All we know for sure is that it will include bios and interviews of
and other neato information. We are looking for a coder to code an
for it, so it can be a executable mag. We arent gonna rate, just s
info and interviews and bios. Well thats about it..Oh yeah, were a
going to compile each members who have them internet addresses int
o a file
so people can mail them with opinions, comments, suggestions, reques
ts if
they are accepting them. We feel this will come in handy, so were
going to
attempt to compile it as accurately as possible. If you want any in
fo on
Cancer join cancer on irc, look for earcnc on irc or mail me at:
Ear closed his big mou
Cancer Information A
pril 1995
Ear opened his big mou
1. Well once again, Cancer is back releasing its third
ansi package since
comeback. Always improving, always gaining strength. But always su
We had our problems and our high points this month, but nonetheless
we released
We hope you enjoy Cancers April 1995 Pack 4.
2. Well, this month we didnt do to well in the gainin
g artist category, but
im sure someone joined that I forgot about G. If this happened c
ontact me.
If not, join :. We are always looking for talented ansi/rip
/vga artists
to join our expanding network of members but what we dont need are
FONT artists. We are now only accepting ascii artists who use pictu
res in
there asciis. Please dont bother applying unless your an ascii ar
tist, not
an ascii fontist. We did obtain The Warden this month who is helpin
g us in
the telecom/senior position. He is helping run cancer on IRC and o
ur ftp/
telnet sites and our bot. FTP/TELNET: usworst.seanet.com. We also
a vmb box, and the number can be obtained from cncbot or cnc95. Als
o, a
talented young coder joined us named vile. He will be providing us
with vga
loaders and whatnot. We are glad to have him aboard.
3. This month we had a few losses. First, Canteen Boy
. A wonderful coder
who was with us from the start but got sick of the scene which he a
lways has
been and expressed freely : and quit. Not only did he quit, but h
e took
his board down. We are sorry for this loss but we have to move on.
Second, we
lost futurist. Futurist will release with us now and then but reque
sted that
we take his name of the member list because he wants to use h
is artwork for
other means. We are truly sorry for this loss and wish futurist the
best of
luck wherever he may go. Third, is one loss that Im happy about.
Brownstone. As of now we are not on the best of terms, but I figure
I might
as well express my opinions on him here. Mr. Brownstone was recruit
ed to cance
by Nevarre Demonian who rudely quit because the group wasnt some pe
god like figure. Taking with her some talented artists, Mr. Brownst
one stayed
because he couldnt tell me he quit. He was nice at first bu
t, thats where I
made a mistake. I was bored one night and started fooling around in
teen and
I did something that he didnt like. What I did, he never to
ld me so I dont
know. Whatever it was it wasnt that bad. He got pissed off
and not only
quit he seeked revenge. He started out by threating to ban me from
channel he could. Not much of a threat but nonetheless still a thre
at. Then
he threatened to setup a daemon to lock me off IRC. This irratated
me. The
thing that pissed me off the most was his attitude. He is arrogant,
egotistical and rude. To take his revenge on the group for somethin
g I did
without knowing he stole control of cancer. And made it so no memb
er, or
someone wanting info could enter it. He woudlnt give it over for an
y reason
and just kept it invite only with no one invited so that cancer me
could not use it. I started telling people in ansi about him, and
he says im spreading rumors. I may be spreading rumors, but there
100 true.
All that I have to say now is that the loss of Brownstone is
good for cancer
and all I can say is that he is probably the worst member any group
obtain. Dont step on his toes, cuz hell kill you for making 1 mis
4. Distribution sites have grown rampant so I only add
ed ones I saw fit. If
you were mistakenly left out, mail me. If you do not poll cancer-ne
a requirment for being a cancer dist within the month before the ma
y release
you will be removed from your position. Contact me for infor
mation on cancer
net and get it setup asap. We are pleased with the support of the g
roup but
feel you must support the group with our support network to fully su
pport our
5. Cancer-Net boards: Start polling, or lose your dis
tro and cncnet. Also,
as cancer grows in size and distance, we have been using the interne
as a communications method. We feel it is very affective wether it
e-mail, ftp, telnet, or even irc. If you want cancer information we
be reached at the following places: FTP/TELNET - usworst.seanet.com,
irc in
channel cancer and our bots are cncbot and cnc95, e-mail ear@deltan
for cancer info, and hopefully next month we will have a compilation
of all
the members internet addresses so they may be reached faster and wit
h ease.
Our CNCVMB which is still in the construction stages but does work i
1.800.241.7337 BOX 4451381. Thank you for your support.
6. A final note: Next month, were going to be adding a
newsletter thingy
to the Cancer Packs. Its A Thingy because were not quite sure what i
t is.
All we know for sure is that it will include bios and interviews of
and other neato information. We are looking for a coder to code an
for it, so it can be a executable mag. We arent gonna rate, just s
info and interviews and bios. Well thats about it..Oh yeah, were a
going to compile each members who have them internet addresses int
o a file
so people can mail them with opinions, comments, suggestions, reques
ts if
they are accepting them. We feel this will come in handy, so were
going to
attempt to compile it as accurately as possible. If you want any in
fo on
Cancer join cancer on irc, look for earcnc on irc or mail me at:
Ear closed his big mou
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