this image contains text
ncer March 1995
Greets go out to all of you ansi artists out
there! Never let
ansi die.
And to the L.A.
County library system for not
having a single pic of a w
And finally all of the ego-maniacs of the
world. A big F-you to
all of ya.
C A S T L E O f D A R K N E S S
. Node 1 714 282-7644
. Node 2 714 PRI-VATE .
. 1.2 Gigs online + 600 megs of H/P/A/C/V + 60
0 More megs coming soon .
. 1 Blazing USR V.34 28.8 Modem
. Running RG 10-05 Modded to Hel
l .
. SysOp: Ear .
. Affils .
. CaNCeR World HeadQuarters
. LeTHAL-NeT Western HeadQuarter
. EViL Western HeadQuarters
. iDP Distribution Site .
. JoLT Distribution Site .
. Supporting LeTHAL-NeT and Insanity-N
et .
. Creators-Net coming soon
ncer March 1995
Greets go out to all of you ansi artists out
there! Never let
ansi die.
And to the L.A.
County library system for not
having a single pic of a w
And finally all of the ego-maniacs of the
world. A big F-you to
all of ya.
C A S T L E O f D A R K N E S S
. Node 1 714 282-7644
. Node 2 714 PRI-VATE .
. 1.2 Gigs online + 600 megs of H/P/A/C/V + 60
0 More megs coming soon .
. 1 Blazing USR V.34 28.8 Modem
. Running RG 10-05 Modded to Hel
l .
. SysOp: Ear .
. Affils .
. CaNCeR World HeadQuarters
. LeTHAL-NeT Western HeadQuarter
. EViL Western HeadQuarters
. iDP Distribution Site .
. JoLT Distribution Site .
. Supporting LeTHAL-NeT and Insanity-N
et .
. Creators-Net coming soon
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