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Canteen Boycnc
Cancer Information F
ebruary 1995
Ear opened his big mou
Well it seems CNC has come a long way since we decided to revive in
We already have exceeded our goals and are longing to excel. The gr
popularity has sky rocketed and quality has increased. As it is kno
Cancer breeds stars. Lord Jazz for one, started with CNC and his su
is known nation wide. CNC as a group does not want to be 1, or 2
or even
3. We draw art for fun. Simple as that. If its not fun why bothe
r? Unless
of course if your making money, but most of our ansi work is
Unlike the other groups like ACiD or UNiON who strive to be 1, we j
ust want
to be around, have fun, and let everyone see our work. We know were
and thats all that matters. We just want everyone to see our work a
appreciate the time and effort that went into it. CNC plans to stic
k around
for awhile this time, and within the first 2 months, we have a damn
good net,
some good distro sites, great artists, and on top of it all, an over
all fun
and interesting group of people. Many of the artists joined CNC bec
of what we stand for. We are hoping many others take pride in this
CNC as well. We have a new APP and were basically ready to enjoy ou
I myself would like to thank everyone who helped or is helping make
CNC what it
is today. Without them, this .nfo file would not be here. This whol
e pack may
not even exist. But with all of your hard work and dedicatio
n you made us what
we are today.
I would also like to put in some personal greets:
PJP - Your incredible. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work.
RW - We had a little misunderstanding, but thats so much for your he
DJ - I know what your thinking. But look DJ, im doing better then
you thought
And to the rest of the CNC members. Good work guys and I hope to se
e more
next month, and for a long time after that. CNC would also like to
Also, I want to say good luck to Lord Jazz and Stormfront with there
group Bleach. Also, a good luck to RW and CB for TACK what the hel
l does
that stand for anyways?
Until Next month.
Ear closed his big mou
Cancer Information F
ebruary 1995
Ear opened his big mou
Well it seems CNC has come a long way since we decided to revive in
We already have exceeded our goals and are longing to excel. The gr
popularity has sky rocketed and quality has increased. As it is kno
Cancer breeds stars. Lord Jazz for one, started with CNC and his su
is known nation wide. CNC as a group does not want to be 1, or 2
or even
3. We draw art for fun. Simple as that. If its not fun why bothe
r? Unless
of course if your making money, but most of our ansi work is
Unlike the other groups like ACiD or UNiON who strive to be 1, we j
ust want
to be around, have fun, and let everyone see our work. We know were
and thats all that matters. We just want everyone to see our work a
appreciate the time and effort that went into it. CNC plans to stic
k around
for awhile this time, and within the first 2 months, we have a damn
good net,
some good distro sites, great artists, and on top of it all, an over
all fun
and interesting group of people. Many of the artists joined CNC bec
of what we stand for. We are hoping many others take pride in this
CNC as well. We have a new APP and were basically ready to enjoy ou
I myself would like to thank everyone who helped or is helping make
CNC what it
is today. Without them, this .nfo file would not be here. This whol
e pack may
not even exist. But with all of your hard work and dedicatio
n you made us what
we are today.
I would also like to put in some personal greets:
PJP - Your incredible. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work.
RW - We had a little misunderstanding, but thats so much for your he
DJ - I know what your thinking. But look DJ, im doing better then
you thought
And to the rest of the CNC members. Good work guys and I hope to se
e more
next month, and for a long time after that. CNC would also like to
Also, I want to say good luck to Lord Jazz and Stormfront with there
group Bleach. Also, a good luck to RW and CB for TACK what the hel
l does
that stand for anyways?
Until Next month.
Ear closed his big mou
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