this image contains text
insert typical cia phont here
hey, its nappy head here, for some hidden text fun!
..stop, collaborate and listen.. blurr is back with a
brand new edition of Conspiracy Info.. sorry about the lateness
of the pack, but the delay was worth it.. our most notable change
this month is the merging of two groups into CiA.. wed all like to
welcome the fine kids from VOR and BROkEN to the CiA team.. with the
acquisition of these two groups, weve also accomodated our administra-
tion to handle the large amount of members.. named to the newly formed
Senior Council from the origional CiA are Blurr, Mr. Muff, and The Wiz-
ard Venom and Widow Maker from VOR, and Grey Hawk from BROkEN.. also
this month, each division will have a specific head.. so, if you plan
on applying to CiA, please seek out the respective head.. id like to
personally thank grey hawk, venom, the wizard, grey hawk, tron, frosty,
mr. muff, edicius, and all those who bashed their heads together to get
the merger to exist.. id like to also point out that a large member
purge has been set in motion.. each department head will decide who
will retain positions in CiA.. its just a form of quality control that
should have taken place a long time ago.. if you are rejected from CiA,
please dont think youre a retard or something, its just that we
dont have room for ya.. overall, the 20th CiA conspiracy looks to be
perhaps our best pack yet..
..in headquarter news, Brave New World underwent complete and utter
destruction, leaving the 5-node ringdown board Illegal Embassy as CiAs
new World Headquarters.. as the VOR and BROkEN teams hop on board, so
do some of their systems.. North Star is named Eastern Headquarters and
Seminole Wind as named as Member/Application Headquarters.. System One
has also been named European Headquarters this month.. It is also imp-
ortant to note that Unforseen Danger has been marked as Courier HQ..
The Grey Matter has also been reserved as Backup Courier HQ.. both
boards are currently toll free and should save wear and tear on our
couriering teams.. Apocalypse has taken Central Headquarters and The
Stellar Nights has been named U.S. Headquarters.. finally, as the need!
for international support comes around, weve named Atari Blues as the
Israeli Headquarters..
..well, now its time to introduce the krad kidz who jumped aboard
the CiA ship this month.. new co-ordinators and senior council members
top this paragraph.. ansi and ascii guy Grey Hawk from BROkEN becomes
BROkENs representative to the senior council, he will also be head
of the ascii division.. vga wizards Venom and Widow Maker show up as
VORs representatives to the senior council, Venom will also be head
of our revived vga department.. Mr. Muff from iDENTiTY is welcomed to
CiA this month to take a space on the senior council.. id like to
personally thank him for all his help this month, especially through
the mergers.. Edicius who won the spam trivia session on our latest
CiA teleconference comes from BROkEN this month to co-coordinate the
literary division.. awesome musician Dark Wolf heads in from VOR to
co-coordinate the music division also.. alright, lets introduce all
of the members who jumped ship from BROkEN: Diehard, Cypher Creed,
Dreamcrusher, Nebula, Fenric, Mephitiopheles, Voiz, Psychosis, Cyber
Quail, Educated Guess, Terminal Velocity, Circuit Breaker, Doctor
Chug, Insanity Man, Blazing Shadow, Caught in a Mosh, Splat, Devest-
ator, Dreldragon, Pitt, Dr. Radiaki, Pip the Angry Youth, Fat Slayer,
and White Insanity will all make wonderful additions to the group..
as long as were still talking mergers, lets mention all the other
fine people who came over from VOR:Apocethary, Hollow Point, Night-
rain, thee 3rd, nartteik, typhus, cyberdemon, seagull, phantazma,
matrixx, raistlin majere, shaolin, falcon, and pizza dude.. if i for-
got anyone, i am EXTREMELY sorry, but with the short notice of the
mergers, it is nearly impossible to compile a 100 error-free list-
ing.. during the month we also acquired a number of people from
iDENTiTY: America, Living Death, Dragon, Lost One and Lynx.. though
we gained a large number of members from mergers this month, we
gained a large base of members from an assortment of groups and back-
grounds.. ladies first, CiA welcomes Dryad to the literary division..
how about some time to recognize the new members of the telecome div-
ision.. Rush 2 and Kaos join us from the east coast..theyve already
lended us their services when weve most desperately needed them..
thanks a lot guys.. also leaving UNiON this month is Dark Warrior,
joining our growing telecom division.. howabout the people behind
the art?.. the coders.. Zem formerly known as Techie rejoined CiA
this month and will be bringing the scene an assortment of goodies
hes cooking up.. look for them next month..Wizard of Id also joined
the month bringing along a new vga application generator..its look-
ing good and im sure it will rock in the months to come..vgas seem
to want to dominate the scene lately, but these artists dont think
so: Kerplunk formerly known is Zipperhead leaves RELiC and joins
CiAs rip and ansi divisions.. the wor d fontmaster comes to mind..
Sir Psycho Sexy comes over this month from the now defunct group
Justice.. Phaser-X and Scrappy also joined the ansi division this
month from the defunct group DOS.. Frank N Stein joins CiA this month
heading the bbs modding division dubbed Interpol.. Sticks, Crackbaby,
and Crazy Diamond jumped into lit positions this month.. Superfly
left iDENTiTY to pursue his career in the CiA vga department..Black
Francis, Suicidal Tendencies, and The Blunted One join the ascii
department this month..CiA also welcomes a host of new couriers:Dark
Apprentice, Double 0, Maligor, Unholy Spirit and Wolf Lord this month.
late additions to the member listing include Diabolos and anyone who
may have gotten mixed up with the merge..i again sincerely apologize
for any confusions, but ive done my best to try and keep everything
..now that ive gotten group news out of the way, i can summarize
the month of January..its been an extremely fucked up month for the
scene..new groups like integrity, unchained, bleach, paramount, and
whoever decide to revolutionize the scene..although in this writers
opinion, we dont need revolution.. just a good kick in the ass..
..then came the great scandals of the new year.. the ansi rip offs
of inner persecution.. rip offs in the rancid, roc, and wind packs..
when will this shit end..
..another popular trend in the scene is dual grouping and the loss of
loyalty..what kind of retard joins two groups for the same position?..
yeah.. it makes ya feel like big shit.. get over it.. its just a poor
excuse for an affil.. but no!.. i can submit quality work for both
groups! ..bullshit.. the crappier group gets the crappier work..
theres no loyalty in it, and it has to stop..
..then came the tGuradian imposter.. what kind of dumb fuck goes
around impersonating someone else.. dont you think you have too much
free fucking time?.. greets to tGuardian btw.. this is just total
lameness in purest form.. no wonder people are dropping out of the
scene like flies..
..thats all for me this month..its been great beginning of 1995,
and kudos to all who make the scene a better place.. RELiC, BLADE,
and all the groups without egos, thanks for being what you are..per-
sonal greets to those whove been with me through CiAs struggles thru
this month you know who you are..
blurr cia senior council
..woah, things look better and better as every month goes on!.. unfor-
tunately, i could only do my part in CiA half the month, due to my
computer being hit by a VERY nasty trojan!.. but now, since i have re-
full control of my computer, i am back into it.. as CiA pak 20 is re-
leased, i look at my history in CiA.. i have gone through 6 paks, and
think that this pak is one of our best.. quality gets better as we
progress, and quality is usually associated with experience, something
we only share with few other groups.. CiA is actually growing stronger
by the month.. which i feel is a great achievement by an ansi group up
as long as CiA.. over 1 year is a long time, and we are doing things
better than the beginning of the group.. i cant wait to look forward
to the months ahead, and watch this group i am proud to be a big part
of grow even more, and continue our philosophy of not leaving the ice
cube tray empty! :.. see you all next month, and get ready, cause from
CiA pak 20 and on, a new excellence is set in ansi standards!..
the wizard cia senior council
..okay, heres some more stuff.. first off, wed like to thank all of
the coders that worked so hard this month.. Crimson Overlord did our
kick-ass viewer, which up until now was non-existant.. our new bud from
iDENTiTY, Lynx, did a great job on the music player.. and another new
face, Wizard of Id gave us a shiny new application generator - in VGA!.
thanks guys.. if you find any problems in our coded stuff, call the vmb
next, id like to thanks our courier team.. weve had an overwhelming
response for our plea for couriers, and now i think we could rival a
small couriering group : on that note we do not have any more courier-
ing positions available.. sysops, again if you dont get the pack by at
least the 5th day of every month, call our vmb and leave your handle,
bbs name and number, and your voice number..
wed also like to announce that we are officially backing Infinity
Emag.. it should be kickin.. i dont want to say its our mag. because
its not.. just a lot of our guys are gonna contribute to it.. contact
Mr. Muff for more details..
also, id just like to send a big thanks out to Rush 2 and Kaos for
making our teleconference dreams come true again this month.. kick-ass
job, guys!..
..ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: we have several 800 bbs numbers in the group
now for your convenience.. if you would like a FREE place to call to
send your submissions, read our net, or download any of our past packs,
call the vmb with your handle, name and number which we should already
have anyway and well call you back to set up your account.. this app-
lies to MEMBERS only.. if youre not in the group, we wont return your
also, we get a hell of a lot of requests each month.. you guys all
know that we never reqire anyone to do anything.. but, it would be
really cool if i could talk you guys into doing at least ONE request
each month.. some will be paid for, but most are just requests from
other members.. please try to help out.. if you are interested, please
contact me tron..
..next month we will have a request generator and all requests will
actually be paid attention.. in the meantime, send all of your requests
to me through CiP net, or Illegal Embassy 513-923-4984 nup: holt
and finally, ATTENTION ALL CIA AFFILIATED SYSOPS: would you like to
have EVERY CiA released file on your board? every pack, music disk, or
demo? would you like to download them all at once? for FREE?? well,
just call our vmb and leave your handle, name, voice phone and bbs
phone and well call you back with all the appropriate info.. another
benefit of CiA..
oh! one more.. NOTE TO BLADE: White Power did not leave CiA, we just
stopped calling him becuase he never had anything for us.. and, that
was completely bogus of you guys to put that in your nfo..
later.. ..a big greet to all our new BROkENand VOR guys!..
tron courier co-ordinator
finish her off, nappy..
hey, its nappy head here, for some hidden text fun!
..stop, collaborate and listen.. blurr is back with a
brand new edition of Conspiracy Info.. sorry about the lateness
of the pack, but the delay was worth it.. our most notable change
this month is the merging of two groups into CiA.. wed all like to
welcome the fine kids from VOR and BROkEN to the CiA team.. with the
acquisition of these two groups, weve also accomodated our administra-
tion to handle the large amount of members.. named to the newly formed
Senior Council from the origional CiA are Blurr, Mr. Muff, and The Wiz-
ard Venom and Widow Maker from VOR, and Grey Hawk from BROkEN.. also
this month, each division will have a specific head.. so, if you plan
on applying to CiA, please seek out the respective head.. id like to
personally thank grey hawk, venom, the wizard, grey hawk, tron, frosty,
mr. muff, edicius, and all those who bashed their heads together to get
the merger to exist.. id like to also point out that a large member
purge has been set in motion.. each department head will decide who
will retain positions in CiA.. its just a form of quality control that
should have taken place a long time ago.. if you are rejected from CiA,
please dont think youre a retard or something, its just that we
dont have room for ya.. overall, the 20th CiA conspiracy looks to be
perhaps our best pack yet..
..in headquarter news, Brave New World underwent complete and utter
destruction, leaving the 5-node ringdown board Illegal Embassy as CiAs
new World Headquarters.. as the VOR and BROkEN teams hop on board, so
do some of their systems.. North Star is named Eastern Headquarters and
Seminole Wind as named as Member/Application Headquarters.. System One
has also been named European Headquarters this month.. It is also imp-
ortant to note that Unforseen Danger has been marked as Courier HQ..
The Grey Matter has also been reserved as Backup Courier HQ.. both
boards are currently toll free and should save wear and tear on our
couriering teams.. Apocalypse has taken Central Headquarters and The
Stellar Nights has been named U.S. Headquarters.. finally, as the need!
for international support comes around, weve named Atari Blues as the
Israeli Headquarters..
..well, now its time to introduce the krad kidz who jumped aboard
the CiA ship this month.. new co-ordinators and senior council members
top this paragraph.. ansi and ascii guy Grey Hawk from BROkEN becomes
BROkENs representative to the senior council, he will also be head
of the ascii division.. vga wizards Venom and Widow Maker show up as
VORs representatives to the senior council, Venom will also be head
of our revived vga department.. Mr. Muff from iDENTiTY is welcomed to
CiA this month to take a space on the senior council.. id like to
personally thank him for all his help this month, especially through
the mergers.. Edicius who won the spam trivia session on our latest
CiA teleconference comes from BROkEN this month to co-coordinate the
literary division.. awesome musician Dark Wolf heads in from VOR to
co-coordinate the music division also.. alright, lets introduce all
of the members who jumped ship from BROkEN: Diehard, Cypher Creed,
Dreamcrusher, Nebula, Fenric, Mephitiopheles, Voiz, Psychosis, Cyber
Quail, Educated Guess, Terminal Velocity, Circuit Breaker, Doctor
Chug, Insanity Man, Blazing Shadow, Caught in a Mosh, Splat, Devest-
ator, Dreldragon, Pitt, Dr. Radiaki, Pip the Angry Youth, Fat Slayer,
and White Insanity will all make wonderful additions to the group..
as long as were still talking mergers, lets mention all the other
fine people who came over from VOR:Apocethary, Hollow Point, Night-
rain, thee 3rd, nartteik, typhus, cyberdemon, seagull, phantazma,
matrixx, raistlin majere, shaolin, falcon, and pizza dude.. if i for-
got anyone, i am EXTREMELY sorry, but with the short notice of the
mergers, it is nearly impossible to compile a 100 error-free list-
ing.. during the month we also acquired a number of people from
iDENTiTY: America, Living Death, Dragon, Lost One and Lynx.. though
we gained a large number of members from mergers this month, we
gained a large base of members from an assortment of groups and back-
grounds.. ladies first, CiA welcomes Dryad to the literary division..
how about some time to recognize the new members of the telecome div-
ision.. Rush 2 and Kaos join us from the east coast..theyve already
lended us their services when weve most desperately needed them..
thanks a lot guys.. also leaving UNiON this month is Dark Warrior,
joining our growing telecom division.. howabout the people behind
the art?.. the coders.. Zem formerly known as Techie rejoined CiA
this month and will be bringing the scene an assortment of goodies
hes cooking up.. look for them next month..Wizard of Id also joined
the month bringing along a new vga application generator..its look-
ing good and im sure it will rock in the months to come..vgas seem
to want to dominate the scene lately, but these artists dont think
so: Kerplunk formerly known is Zipperhead leaves RELiC and joins
CiAs rip and ansi divisions.. the wor d fontmaster comes to mind..
Sir Psycho Sexy comes over this month from the now defunct group
Justice.. Phaser-X and Scrappy also joined the ansi division this
month from the defunct group DOS.. Frank N Stein joins CiA this month
heading the bbs modding division dubbed Interpol.. Sticks, Crackbaby,
and Crazy Diamond jumped into lit positions this month.. Superfly
left iDENTiTY to pursue his career in the CiA vga department..Black
Francis, Suicidal Tendencies, and The Blunted One join the ascii
department this month..CiA also welcomes a host of new couriers:Dark
Apprentice, Double 0, Maligor, Unholy Spirit and Wolf Lord this month.
late additions to the member listing include Diabolos and anyone who
may have gotten mixed up with the merge..i again sincerely apologize
for any confusions, but ive done my best to try and keep everything
..now that ive gotten group news out of the way, i can summarize
the month of January..its been an extremely fucked up month for the
scene..new groups like integrity, unchained, bleach, paramount, and
whoever decide to revolutionize the scene..although in this writers
opinion, we dont need revolution.. just a good kick in the ass..
..then came the great scandals of the new year.. the ansi rip offs
of inner persecution.. rip offs in the rancid, roc, and wind packs..
when will this shit end..
..another popular trend in the scene is dual grouping and the loss of
loyalty..what kind of retard joins two groups for the same position?..
yeah.. it makes ya feel like big shit.. get over it.. its just a poor
excuse for an affil.. but no!.. i can submit quality work for both
groups! ..bullshit.. the crappier group gets the crappier work..
theres no loyalty in it, and it has to stop..
..then came the tGuradian imposter.. what kind of dumb fuck goes
around impersonating someone else.. dont you think you have too much
free fucking time?.. greets to tGuardian btw.. this is just total
lameness in purest form.. no wonder people are dropping out of the
scene like flies..
..thats all for me this month..its been great beginning of 1995,
and kudos to all who make the scene a better place.. RELiC, BLADE,
and all the groups without egos, thanks for being what you are..per-
sonal greets to those whove been with me through CiAs struggles thru
this month you know who you are..
blurr cia senior council
..woah, things look better and better as every month goes on!.. unfor-
tunately, i could only do my part in CiA half the month, due to my
computer being hit by a VERY nasty trojan!.. but now, since i have re-
full control of my computer, i am back into it.. as CiA pak 20 is re-
leased, i look at my history in CiA.. i have gone through 6 paks, and
think that this pak is one of our best.. quality gets better as we
progress, and quality is usually associated with experience, something
we only share with few other groups.. CiA is actually growing stronger
by the month.. which i feel is a great achievement by an ansi group up
as long as CiA.. over 1 year is a long time, and we are doing things
better than the beginning of the group.. i cant wait to look forward
to the months ahead, and watch this group i am proud to be a big part
of grow even more, and continue our philosophy of not leaving the ice
cube tray empty! :.. see you all next month, and get ready, cause from
CiA pak 20 and on, a new excellence is set in ansi standards!..
the wizard cia senior council
..okay, heres some more stuff.. first off, wed like to thank all of
the coders that worked so hard this month.. Crimson Overlord did our
kick-ass viewer, which up until now was non-existant.. our new bud from
iDENTiTY, Lynx, did a great job on the music player.. and another new
face, Wizard of Id gave us a shiny new application generator - in VGA!.
thanks guys.. if you find any problems in our coded stuff, call the vmb
next, id like to thanks our courier team.. weve had an overwhelming
response for our plea for couriers, and now i think we could rival a
small couriering group : on that note we do not have any more courier-
ing positions available.. sysops, again if you dont get the pack by at
least the 5th day of every month, call our vmb and leave your handle,
bbs name and number, and your voice number..
wed also like to announce that we are officially backing Infinity
Emag.. it should be kickin.. i dont want to say its our mag. because
its not.. just a lot of our guys are gonna contribute to it.. contact
Mr. Muff for more details..
also, id just like to send a big thanks out to Rush 2 and Kaos for
making our teleconference dreams come true again this month.. kick-ass
job, guys!..
..ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: we have several 800 bbs numbers in the group
now for your convenience.. if you would like a FREE place to call to
send your submissions, read our net, or download any of our past packs,
call the vmb with your handle, name and number which we should already
have anyway and well call you back to set up your account.. this app-
lies to MEMBERS only.. if youre not in the group, we wont return your
also, we get a hell of a lot of requests each month.. you guys all
know that we never reqire anyone to do anything.. but, it would be
really cool if i could talk you guys into doing at least ONE request
each month.. some will be paid for, but most are just requests from
other members.. please try to help out.. if you are interested, please
contact me tron..
..next month we will have a request generator and all requests will
actually be paid attention.. in the meantime, send all of your requests
to me through CiP net, or Illegal Embassy 513-923-4984 nup: holt
and finally, ATTENTION ALL CIA AFFILIATED SYSOPS: would you like to
have EVERY CiA released file on your board? every pack, music disk, or
demo? would you like to download them all at once? for FREE?? well,
just call our vmb and leave your handle, name, voice phone and bbs
phone and well call you back with all the appropriate info.. another
benefit of CiA..
oh! one more.. NOTE TO BLADE: White Power did not leave CiA, we just
stopped calling him becuase he never had anything for us.. and, that
was completely bogus of you guys to put that in your nfo..
later.. ..a big greet to all our new BROkENand VOR guys!..
tron courier co-ordinator
finish her off, nappy..
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