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Words from the parents of the members of clitoris ascii:
Compumans mom:
Well, for some reason, Samuel has lots of bottles of cough syrup and
compressed oxygen laying around his room. His father left us when Sammy boy
urinated in his cowboy hat. That wasnt very fun. I guess the biggest secret
I have about Sam is that, well, hes a Hindu.
Discyples mom:
Scott is one ugly motherfucker. Jesus Christ hes ugly. I mean, man, he
could scare the balls off of a fat black porn star. Hes done it too. He once
gave a guy blueballs just by exposing his rubbery, tangled penis to him. The
guy couldnt masturbate or have sex for 2 years.
Meatpods mom:
Woah, dude. Im stoned. Jules, pass the syringe.
Tzeentchs mom:
Ive always known my son would amount to nothing. Im so ashamed, I cant
bear it. Its terrible. I cant have any pride in my son for one reason..
hes an oldschooler
Sargons mom:
Who is this megga hertz guy, and why is he constantly coming to our house
with condoms and vanilla-peppermint scented candles? I hope my son isnt gay,
because I dont like it when he follows in his fathers footsteps. Ever since
the accident, his father hasnt been the same. He now walks around with a hat
shaped like a penis on his head.
Compumans mom:
Well, for some reason, Samuel has lots of bottles of cough syrup and
compressed oxygen laying around his room. His father left us when Sammy boy
urinated in his cowboy hat. That wasnt very fun. I guess the biggest secret
I have about Sam is that, well, hes a Hindu.
Discyples mom:
Scott is one ugly motherfucker. Jesus Christ hes ugly. I mean, man, he
could scare the balls off of a fat black porn star. Hes done it too. He once
gave a guy blueballs just by exposing his rubbery, tangled penis to him. The
guy couldnt masturbate or have sex for 2 years.
Meatpods mom:
Woah, dude. Im stoned. Jules, pass the syringe.
Tzeentchs mom:
Ive always known my son would amount to nothing. Im so ashamed, I cant
bear it. Its terrible. I cant have any pride in my son for one reason..
hes an oldschooler
Sargons mom:
Who is this megga hertz guy, and why is he constantly coming to our house
with condoms and vanilla-peppermint scented candles? I hope my son isnt gay,
because I dont like it when he follows in his fathers footsteps. Ever since
the accident, his father hasnt been the same. He now walks around with a hat
shaped like a penis on his head.
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