this image contains text
Dd! .... Main options ....
/side general Display SIDE basic commands
/side oper Display channel operators commands
/side window Windows manager help
/side esc Display ESC commands list -X
/side ctrl Display CTRL commands list CTRL-X
/side texts Display SIDE texts toys
/side news Display news on this version of SIDE
/side attack Display attack commands
/side misc Display miscelaneus commands
/side mass Mass functions, like mass ban, mass op, etc.
/side setup Change SIDE options.finger,pingreplies,etc
/side creds Script credits, greets, flames, and summary
SIDE Script v3.0 Written By Storm Night storm@null.net
/side general Display SIDE basic commands
/side oper Display channel operators commands
/side window Windows manager help
/side esc Display ESC commands list -X
/side ctrl Display CTRL commands list CTRL-X
/side texts Display SIDE texts toys
/side news Display news on this version of SIDE
/side attack Display attack commands
/side misc Display miscelaneus commands
/side mass Mass functions, like mass ban, mass op, etc.
/side setup Change SIDE options.finger,pingreplies,etc
/side creds Script credits, greets, flames, and summary
SIDE Script v3.0 Written By Storm Night storm@null.net
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